John Tracy sat in his room onboard Thunderbird 5. Sometimes he got a little lonely up there. The occasional call from one of his brothers made him realize how much he wanted to be with them on Earth. With the sun shining down on you, the birds chirping happily around you, and the ocean playfully hitting the shore, Tracy Island was the perfect place to be, which is why John missed it so much. Walking back into the main control room, he realized he had an incoming call from home. Probably his dad checking up on him. Sitting down, John saw that it was almost 2:00 on the island. He wondered who was calling him this late, or early, whichever way you wanna look at it. Hitting a button, he came face to face with his younger brother.

" Hey John! Why aren't you sleeping?" Gordon asked cheerfully. John had to chuckle. Leave it to Gordon to call him around this time in the morning.

" I guess I couldn't sleep, but I can ask you the same thing kiddo." John replied.

" Well, looks like we both couldn't sleep. I just thought I would call and check up on you. I get worried about you when you are up there."

" Yeah? Why would you be worried about your older brother?"

Gordon looked his brother over for a moment. There were definately bags under his eyes from not sleeping. John had lost some weight from the last time Gordon saw him. " Well, you're up there all alone for a month at a time. I know not seeing anyone or being down here is driving you crazy. We all miss you John. I kinda want you to come home already. It's about time Alan gets away from this island."

" I miss all of you guys too. I also agree with you on that. It is about time for Alan come up here and release me, but I still got another two weeks before that happens. I wanna be home so bad, but this is where I belong Gordy. I'm not as good on rescues as the rest of you. You know that, right?" John told his brother.

" It's not that you aren't as good John. It's just that you don't have as much experience as we do. You do fine on the rescues you go on. Yeah, there have been times when you have messed up, but that just makes you human. I can't even begin to count how many times I messed up on a rescue."

" Okay, okay. I get your point. I just know that up here, it's me who is the best." John said, chuckling.

" You got that right big brother. I don't know how you and Alan do it. I can't stand it up there. You should definately install an indoor swimming pool. That would make it much more enjoyable." Gordon watched John laugh at the thought. His brother was really the only one who could understand him. Alan was his partner in crime, but John truly understood him.

" Gordon, we aren't all half-fish like you."

" Tell me about it! But it's not only me who doesn't like it up there in that tin can."

" She is not a tin can!" John told his brother. When people made fun of his 'bird, that made him a little angry, but it was Gordon who was doing it, so it didn't upset him as much. " I wouldn't be talking. My 'bird does way more than yours."

" Whatever. Scott and Virgil don't like it up there either. I think I'm the one who truly, like, hates it up there."

" That you are, little brother, that you are." John smiled. Leave it yo Gordon to cheer him up and actually make him smile. The two brothers spent the next hour discussing the latest football scores, discoveries, and rescues. Gordon and John shared a special bond that could never be taken away from them. No matter what, they were brothers for life.