A/N: This isn't a story, exactly - it a bunch of oneshots and spin-offs from my different works. Sometimes readers ask for them, other times I write them just for fun. Either way, they usually can't stand alone as stories (and I figure my different fandoms would get annoyed with me for posting little additions constantly), so I decided to give them a home here, in the Misc. X-overs section. And it does fit, technically, since my stories span different fandoms and universes. Kind of.
This first chapter is an index of what's where. I try to group similar things together, but it all moves around a lot, so reviews may not be attached to the chapter they were originally intended for. To start us off, at the bottom of this page is a stylistic snapshot of Lucy's POV during her confinement in TCotH. Enjoy.
2. TCotH Additional Dream Sequence - An extra dream of Lucy's, cut from The Call of the Horn.
3. LBG Chapter 2 Director's Cut: Fight! - An AU-storyline from Like Broken Glass, in which Edmund actually fights those guys.
4. Peter in LBG - Reader-requested appearance of Peter in Like Broken Glass, continued from the Director's Cut.
5. Forward (Long Version) - The original cut which contains a oneshot framing the seven scenes.
6. Aeons - An out-of-nowhere VotDT ficlet. Lucy and Caspian have a conversation about age.
7. Mind to Heart - Another Dawn Treader ficlet. Edmund and Lucy chat about monarchy and Caspian's marital status.
Overall Disclaimer: These stories are fan-made works based off The Chronicles of Narnia, by C. S. Lewis, and Gilmore Girls, created by Amy Sherman-Palladino; copyrights included but not limited to C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd, and The WB and CW networks. No infringement is intended.
. . . can't stay in here anymore, i can't, i can't. dark. . . cold. . . remember, remember the sky. the narnian sky, bluer than anything with clouds like cotton. like cream. like susan's puffy dresses. susan? susan, worried about susan, we're all worried about her. edmund and peter most of all, but they don't know, don't know what susan whispers sometimes in her sleep. horrible things, they don't like what she does now and where she goes and who she hangs round with. but she hasn't done anything like what i have. hugs, kisses, arms around me and skin is the only warm thing. skin. bare skin, caspian's skin, his skin my skin and it's wrong but i don't care. teeth and skin and lips on skin - his or mine? and when they said it was good and special they lied because it's so much more and i can't believe i lived my whole life both lives without knowing it was like this. but it was wrong, wrong, wrong, and i went against everything and i knew he was married, i did, because i remember how he looked at her and jill told me so anyway. aslan - aslan can't touch me anymore because i touched caspian and he held me and i tasted him, and that little girl is gone forever. forever, forever, goodbye. like a ship past the horizon. like water down the pipes. like a bird to the sky. the wide sky, the narnian sky, bluer than anything. . .