It was a rainy day. The clouds hid the sunlight, darkening each and every village of the Fire Country.

As thunder roared outside, people stood inside their comfortable and warm homes, enjoying the cold day with their families and friends. However, not everyone was this lucky. At that very moment, a certain blonde walked to the gates of Konoha, with only his memories and hopes to accompany him in his lone journey.

Yeah, Naruto was going after Sasuke, again. This time, he swore that he would not use violence. This was Sasuke's last chance of earning any forgiveness from the village.

'Well...we failed miserably in our last attempt to bring him back. I don't know why I am even willing to try again, but...' He sighed. Naruto obviously did not show it, but he was tired of searching for his former comrade.

As he approached the village's gates, he noticed that the two ninjas in guard duty that day were a very sleepy Shikamaru, and a rather annoyed Neji.

"Would you please stop complaining? You look like an old men saying how everything in your life is so troublesome!"

"Yeah, yeah, like I care. You are sooo troublesome."

Neji had a very angry face. His hands closed into fists and he aimed to the lazy ninja next to him, but Naruto interrupted the little outburst before the Hyuuga could send Shikamaru flying to the other side of the earth.

"Hey guys!" He waved with a happy smile. Fortunately, Neji seemed to forget his anger and Shikamaru awoke from his slumber and turned to talk to the blond.

"Naruto, going out on a mission?" He nodded. "You were unlucky to get one on this bed weather."

"Um...Actually, I was the one who requested the mission. I'm going after Sasuke."

"Oh...I see." Shikamaru looked down the street from left to right and otherwise. "Where are Sakura and Kakashi?"

"They aren't coming. I convinced baa-chan to let me go alone."

His expression changed to disbelief, and Neji's eyes winded.

"Are you crazy?" Naruto laughed. "What's so funny?"

"You just said exactly what baa-can said when I told her my request. But don't worry, I'll succeed this time."

Naruto turned and walked the way to the gates. As he passed through them, he could hear Neji's voice despite the distance.

"Good luck Naruto."


"Hey, Sakura!"

She turned. Ino ran towards her, waving slightly. When the blond caught up with the pink-haired girl, both friends continued walking through the street they were on.

"What're you doing out in such a day?" Ino asked.

"I was summoned by the Hokage. She said there was something important I needed to know." They took a few more steps in silence. "What are you up to today?" Sakura asked.

"Nothing very important. You see, Shikamaru is in guard duty with Neji, and Asuma-sensei is emptying his wallet in the barbeque stand with Chouji, because he lost some sort of bet. Therefore I have absolutely nothing to do for the day." She paused to catch her breath. "Can I accompany you? When you are finished with the Hokage we could walk around and find something to do."

"Sounds fine to me. It's been a while since the last time we did anything together." Sakura smiled, as they reached the Hokage tower.

Shizune woke Tsunade up from her usual nap (paperwork might be a good pillow), and Sakura entered the room.

"Good morning Tsunade-sama." Sitting on a chair in the middle of the office, the young kunoichi faced her mistress.

"Good morning." The Hokage landed he chin over her crossed fingers and yawned, but even trough the laziness, one could see the seriousness in her eyes. "Look, I called you here to say something; so I'll get straight to the point." The blonde sighed and looked out the window.

"What do you have to say shishou?" Sakura asked kindly.

"Yesterday night, Naruto came here to make a request. He asked me to put him in a mission to bring Sasuke back…alone."

"Is he crazy?" Her face sowed disbelief. "I-I mean…It's not like I don't trust him, but with the Akatsuki out there and Orochimaru…They could…He could…" Her voice lowered until it turned in a mere whisper.

"I know what could happen!" Said Tsunade, frustrated. She knew that sometime she would drown in regret for letting her little brother go on this journey. " It's just that…You should have seen his eyes! I couldn't hold him here anymore!" She said all in one breath, more to herself than to the worried Sakura in front of her. Although, none of them noticed the raven haired woman with a little pig in her arms staring caringly to the stressed Hokage. 'Naruto…If only you knew how much you change people just by looking at their eyes …'

Shizune was rapidly noticed by the two kunoichi in the room. She gasped under the two surprised looks she received. "Am…sorry for the interruption, It's just that Shikamaru is here. He wants to talk to the Hokage, and says that it's of great –" That was when the door shot open and the annoyed Chuunin burst into the office, frowning.