Chapter 3
"Oh my god. Shadow get Cream out of here." Sonic said. Shadow pushed Cream and Amy out of the kitchen.
"What's wrong Mr. Shadow?" Cream asked partly crying.
"Uh I have no idea rabbit." Shadow said looking back at Sonic.
Sonic sighed and his ears dropped. Poor little Cheese was there on the ground. Sonic picked up the tiny chao and felt for a tiny heart beat. Nothing.
"Oh man. Who would do such a thing?" Knuckles said.
"I don't know but how are we going to tell Cream?" Sonic asked.
"Tell me what Sonic?" Cream said.
"No!" Shadow said grabbing her hand.
"What are you……WARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!" Cream screamed. Sonic and the others gasped. Amy went to see and started to cry again. Shadow held Cream back from getting to Sonic. The small bunny put up a good fight in Shadow's point of view.
"CHEESE! WHAT HAPPENED!" Cream cried. Sonic sighed and handed the lifeless chao to it's owner. Cream hugged it and cried.
"I'm sorry Cream. He's gone." Sonic said looking at Cream. Shadow released her and Cream cried on Sonic. Sonic held her close to him and she continued to cry on the blue male.
"Poor kid." Rouge said. She looked at Knuckles. He had his head down.
"Sonic she can't keep that thing any longer. Please you need to take it from her." Shadow said trying but failing from keeping Amy to see the dead chao.
"Cream let me take him." Sonic sighed. Cream kissed the chao's head and gave it to Sonic. Cream went and hugged the nearest furry person there. To bad, it was Shadow. He sighed and patted her back for some comfort.
Sonic took the chao away. No one knew where he went but he came back with a tiny blanket and something in it. The small chao.
"Look we can't get out of here so we'll need to put him back where we found him." Sonic said looking away from the little body. Cream hid her face into Shadow's fur and Sonic put Cheese back into the basement entryway.
He closed the door and turned to the others. Blood was on his hands and chest. He grimaced and tried to ignore it.
"Now what do we do? If we can't get out and we can't…….SHADOW!" Amy screamed. Another friend was gone. This time it was Amy's boyfriend.
"Oh no!" Sonic yelled.
"First Tails and now Mr. Darkness!" Rouge said annoyed.
"Shadow!" Amy yelled. She turned and saw Shadow. He had a nasty gash on his side and was holding onto the railing of the stairs for support. Amy ran over to him.
"What happened!" Amy cried hugging him.
"I have no idea. One minute that bunny is wrapped around my waist and the next thing I knew it felt like someone came in when a knife and here I am." Shadow said wincing.
Sonic and the others came over and saw the ebony hedgehog.
"Oh man!" Sonic said. He placed his hand on Shadow's to help stop the bleeding. Amy found medical wrap from her first aid kit and wrapped it around Shadow. He needed stitches but they couldn't get out.
"Now we need to find………."
"SONIC!" Someone cried. Sonic's eyes widened. He heard that type of crying before. It was his brother.
"Oh Tails please be okay!" Sonic said standing from the floor. Amy had Shadow's arm over her shoulder and was supporting him. Though he objected she kept a tight grip over him.
"Look!" Cream cried. Outside the window was a nasty rainstorm. Then as lightning flashed, red eyes flashed as well. The group backed away and the red eyes followed their movements.
"Then lightning flashed again and the red eyes were own by a corpse! A human corpse! It was bleeding and boney all around. Cream his behind the teens. Amy held onto Shadow tight. The red eyes vanished when the lights of Amy's home flickered on and off.
"Hey this is just like……."
But before Rouge could finish an arm went around her neck.
"Rouge!" The group yelled. A zombie held her close to it's bloody face. It had parts of it's face missing and it's jaw was no where in sight. Then the lights flickered again and Tails appeared with another zombie but Rouge was gone!
"Tails! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM!" Sonic used spin dash and Tails was freed.
Tails went over to Sonic and was crying. Sonic hugged him and put Tails behind him. Cream went and hugged Tails full of fear. Tails was bruised up and had a few cuts.
"What happened buddy?" Sonic said patting his brother's head.
"So………so…..many…….de-dead……..humans…….and creatures………attacked." Tails stuttered.
Another bone chilling scream. Amy held onto Shadow tightly and Cream held onto Tails.
"What happened to Rouge?" Knuckles said full of worry.
"I don't know. But something started all of this and we need to stop it." Sonic said making a bloody fist. Shadow's blood and Cheese's blood were on him. Some of Shadow's blood was on his muzzle.
"But Sonic how are we………….."
The door of the upstairs bedroom began to violently shake and bang. It was Amy's room. The one she shared with Shadow.
A thought went into everyone's mind.
What would happen if they went upstairs?
Sonic stepped foot on the first step but was hesitant to go on.
"Help…………me." A weak and baby voice said. Sonic and everyone faced the stairs.
Should they check it out?
Wow another cliffhanger. Poor Cheeses and Shadow. Even Tails and Rouge. Well Review it you want more! Muhhahahahahah! Oh um alittle moment there Heheh. Scared yet?
Shadow: Nope
Sonic: Liar
Shadow: I'm never scared.
Sonic: Rolls eyes.
Meputs on scary mask and sneaks up on Sonic and Shadow) BOOOO!
Sonic: ARGGGGGGGHHHH!(runs like a baby)
Shadow: Hmp. You are going to have to do much better Drakness.
Me: Worth a shot. Heheh.(hugs Shadow)
Shadow: Ohhhh.