'I guess your R.S.V.P. didn't say plus one,' he walked over casually, slinging his tux jacket over his shoulder.

'Guess? Wasn't it you who helped look over the R.S.V.Ps?' Hermione raised an eyebrow.

'You always ruin the fun, Granger,' he grinned and took a seat beside her 'Now why's a pretty young lady like you not out on the dance floor?'

'Don't you know?' she laughed, all too aware of how bitter her words sounded 'all the good ones are taken and if they're not they're gay.' She glanced momentarily over to Ron then Harry who was dancing with his new husband.

'Not all the good ones,' he smiled at her winningly. She snorted.

'I hope you're not referring to yourself, Diggory.'

'No, of course not, I was talking about Finnegan,' he gestured towards Seamus who was standing by the buffet piling food onto his plate and the plates he was levitating behind him. Hermione pursed her lips and said nothing. 'So what do you say to a dance?'

'If I must,' she sighed exasperatedly, taking his proffered arm but Cedric didn't miss the smile tugging at the edge of her lips as she fought back a grin.

'Admit it, Granger, you're hopelessly in love with me,' he said as they made their way to the dance floor.

'Oh yeah, didn't you know,' she said mockingly. He just laughed in response.

They danced with a cautious space between them, the way acquaintances do, slightly uncomfortable but coping.

'Now I don't suppose you know anything about the new house elf fair pay decree,' after a rather awkward silence, Cedric spoke up.

'I passed that law, Diggory,' Hermione rolled her eyes.

'Aren't we lucky then,' Cedric smiled to himself.

'May I inquire as to why?'

'You know where I work don't you?' Cedric continued to smile maddeningly when she shook her head 'The department of magical law enforcement, wait it gets better,' he paused for effect 'I'm on the non-human laws committee.'

'I guess we'll be seeing quite a bit of each other then.'

'Interesting choice of words-' she cut him off with a slap on the arm.

'Do men always have to be so lewd,' Hermione rolled her eyes.

'Only when they're around you, Granger,' Cedric chuckled.

'I'm almost scared to ask why,' she looked away and rolled her eyes yet again.

'It's to see your face go beet red before you have a fit of anger,' he leaned forward and Hermione noticed the distance, or rather lack thereof, between them 'you look sexiest when you're angry.'

Not knowing what to say, Hermione pursed her lips and her face turned a shade of red that would put a Weasley to shame. It suddenly all made sense to her; why the whole male population lived to annoy her.

'I didn't ask,' she choked out. Cedric just laughed out loud and closed the distance between them, placing his lips on hers. A thousand moments, three catcalls and one shout of "Oi, get a room" they broke apart, Hermione blushing even more than before while Cedric just grinned.

'I guess I'll see you later then, Granger,' he winked and apparated away.

'I guess, we will,' Hermione smiled to herself.
