Hi hi,

Bet you missed me. What's that? You didn't? To be honest, I don't blame you. I was off getting started with my other fan fiction, "Guardian Ghosts", and I've JUST realised that things associated with the dead is becoming a theme for my titles. Weird, got to stop that. And it's the final day today, so YIPIEE!

So let's start with Snake of the Rose. Your welcome for everything you want to say thank you for. You make absolutely EXELENT points. Yes I DO know that Vixy is the official name, but I want to write my own history. The only other ACTUAL member of StarFox is Beltino, the others are members of another team. I'm SO glad you're impressed, and thank you for your support. I will (almost) always listen to everyone's advice. I WAS trying to get someone to shut up the "story so far", but as you like it, I think I might keep it.

Next, shakespeare's entourage. If you find my stories so hard to follow, READ A GOOD BOOK! Gasp! Did I say that? Sorrie... but I have a point. Thank you for the bit about the complement about the storyline.

And finally, to Pismire. I didn't mean to insult you, I just wanted to know if you thought I was deserving to be called an author in your eyes. I hope I lived up to your expectations. I'm proud of my storyline, and I'm glad it meets your approval. The 'Bainseye babe' is still being explained, but it was explained that Bainseye is Krystal's mother. Did you READ chapter 3?

OK, all my reviews have been answered/commented on, so:

The Story So Far: Fox has been having recurring nightmares and a few teases of love, then the dark furred, dark humoured Theya Monroe turns up and reveals she knew and worked with Krystal's mother, Bainseye, along with Team StarFox and Team SkyWolverines. Will Krystal believe? Who is the other 'Bainseye babe'? Will anyone be there for Krystal when these questions are answered? Find out this Chapter of: Spirits Arise!!

Chapter 4: The Disappearance.

Krystal broke down into tears. She had just heard how her mother had died. Why did I ever doubt her? Was one of her few coherent thoughts. No wonder she couldn't come back and take us with her! Why did I ever doubt her? It had been rather gruesome, but she had been self-less and surrounded by those she'd loved and worked with in the end. Krystal could almost see it.

There had been an attempt on Marie McCloud's life, just after the defeat of a half-spider-insectoid half-demon called Araknia. Bainseye had taken it very seriously, as Araknia had killed a helpless mother in front of her 3-month-old baby and Bainseye. Aparently, the final blow had been landed by the furious vixen. With her senses clouded by the vengance she'd received, Bainseye hadn't been able to sense the threat until it was almost too late. She only had 2 choices. She could yell out, so Marie could at least see who was shooting her, maybe even jump out of the way if her reactions were fast enough (they where, but only barely) or she could push Marie out of the way, taking the bullet/laser herself. Being of an extremely loyal nature, Bainseye chose the latter. She'd screamed "Marie, move! They're going to fire! They're going to fire now! MOVE, for your daughters sake!" Then she'd pushed.

The wound had been fatal. Straight through one elbow and straight through the stomach. She'd looked so shocked. The acid would have dissolved her vital organs, if it hadn't made her bleeding worse. In a way, it had been a blessing. She'd died in a relatively quick and less painful way, (AUTHOR'S INPUT: Alright, so bleeding to death isn't painless, by any means. But you think how much it hurts when you spill acid on your skin, then imagine it burning through a lung, or a kidney, or your liver, or your heart. Now, which do you think is less painful: bleeding to death, or getting an organ dissolved like an aspirin.) and the people she'd worked with had been there, including Theya, who'd promised to look after Bainseye's children if, or when, they turned up.

Theya had thought up the nickname "Bainseye Babe" for the kids, since they would be so scared, almost alone when they arrived in the Lylat system.

Fox felt his heart surge as he cradled the sobbing vixen in his arms. Krystal felt so helpless in his grasp, her head on his shoulder. He forced the feeling down, bottling it up with a thought of No! Not now! She's too young! Wait for a year or so, let her live her life and choose who she wants! It's her life. Let her live it. He still took pleasure in stroking her hair, though, and sniffing her lavender and rose scented shampoo she'd just used, and she'd obviously sensed his thoughts, and rubbed her cheek against his shoulder as she sobbed. Peppy and Theya knelt down near her, Theya drawing Krystal away from Fox, allowing her to cry on the shoulder of a mother who was used to shocked, scared and hurt children.

"Krystal, you do know," Peppy began, apologetically, "that if I had only KNOWN, if I had realised..."

"I know Peppy, I know. You would have told me. But you haven't seen my mother in years, and," Krystal giggled through her tears, "no offence, Peppy, but your not as young as Theya, and you wear glasses. You shouldn't have made the connection."

"Maybe you should go to your room, luv," Theya suggested, her dark mood dissipating like morning dew. "It's less embarrassing, and it helps ease the pain."

Krystal nodded and wiped tears from her eyes. "Yes, I suppose you're right." She turned to Fox. "Would you like to keep me company, Fox?"

Fox was taken by surprise by her sudden desire for his presence, but he decided, what the hell, maybe he could comfort her, make her feel secure, needed. "Of course, Krystal. Let's go." He linked arms with her and led her out of the room.

They walked in silence for a long time. Just as Fox was wondering what would be a suitable conversation starter for the present situation, when Krystal moved in front of him, turned so they were facing one another, and grasping his hands in her's. Fox suddenly realised that they were outside her room.

"Fox, what's bugging you?" Her question was direct and sudden, and COMPLETELY out of the blue. For the second time in 20 minutes, Fox was caught off guard by this Cerinian angle.

Suddenly, Fox found himself laughing gently at her. "Krystal, I'm fine. You just found out about something MAJOR to do with your mother. You should be more worried about YOURSELF," he tapped her nose gently, making her blink, "you should NOT be worrying about me."

But Krystal wasn't buying. "Fox, two things. Firstly, I'm a telepath. I can see your thoughts, so don't lie to me. Secondly, you aren't wearing your neckerchief. You're ALWAYS wearing that thing. Something's wrong."

Fox cringed deeply. He'd just realised about his neckerchief himself. He hardly ever went anywhere without it at least being in his pocket. Krystal smiled sweetly at him and squeezed the one hand she still held in her grasp. "Fox," she sighed, "you know where to find me, you know, if you want to talk about it. A lot of people say I'm a good listener. Especially my twin." She gave a cheeky wink and disappeared through her door.

Fox walked back to his room and collapsed on his bed. He just lay there on his back for a long time, just staring at the ceiling. The vulpine sighed, reached over to his bedside table for his neckerchief, found something hard and flat and picked it up.

The picture. The one of him and his father, James, on Fox's first day at the Cornerian Flight Academy. James had placed his sunglasses on Fox's head and put an arm round his son's shoulder, whilst Fox had beamed at the camera and put a hand on James' shoulder (which was quite a stretch at 15. James was tall.). His eyes stung ad he thought Why dad?Why didn't you just TELL me?

On a whim, he stood up, grabbed his neckerchief, tied it securely round his neck and headed for Krystal's room for the 3rd time that day.

He felt slightly foolish when he reached Krystal's room, but he had to get some stuff out of his head, and Krystal seemed like the only one who wouldn't make a joke of all of it. So he knocked and waited for an answer. None came. After about a minute, Fox knocked again and waited. Knock. Wait. Knock. Wait.

It went on like that for a good 5 minutes, Fox getting more and more anxious each time he knocked. In the end, the vulpine took the panel off the door controls and looked at the organised chaos of wires. He picked up a couple, fiddled with them, then spotted the ones he SHOULD have been fiddling with, tried again and the door opened itself.

"Hey, Krystal. Sorry about bursting in like this, but you had me waiting out there for like..." Fox started confidentially. And stopped. The room was missing one key thing. And that was Krystal.


What does everyone think? I'm kinda proud of the story, else I would change it. And do, at an alarming rate. Oh and "Cliffhanger, blah blah blah."

Please read my other fan fiction, "Guardian Ghosts", review and enter my contest, detailed at the end of chapter 3.

Well, that's it. Thanks for reading and I'll get the next chapter up soon.

Bye byes,

Timid Vulpine.