A/N: Here it is!! The sequel you've all been waiting for!! Thanks to my wonderful beta for squeezing this in before she left for europe. Review!

Chapter One

I yawned as I stared at my laptop; I was taking notes in class. I wasn't really into the whole business thing, writing was so much more my style, but it was the only way I had money for school. Double majoring was very stressful and I hadn't had much time with Edward, except for him sitting next to me while I did homework. He always wanted to help me but he really couldn't, as he didn't know anything about business.

"Ok, we're going to dismiss early today, don't forget your that paper is due Wednesday," Professor Gregory said, ending his lecture.

I gave a sigh of relief and saved my notes before getting all my stuff together and heading out. As I walked out of the classroom the phone in my pocket began vibrating. I pulled it out and put it up to my ear, "Hello? Edward?"

"I'm insulted, I'm so not my brother," Alice said, I heard stomping in the background.

"Alice! Sorry, I was expecting Edward, today is our five month anniversary," I said, grinning.

"Oh, no wonder he called earlier," she said, thoughtfully.

"What did he say?" I asked, instantly curious.

"Something about tonight was going to be special, whatever that means," Alice said. I had a sneaking suspicion she knew more than what she was saying.

"You want to have lunch with me?" I asked, making my way towards a nearby café.

"Sure, where?" she replied.

"Um…well I can see this place called Music Café down the street," I said.

"Ok, I'm near there," she said, her voice bubbly.

"All right, we'll meet there. What are you out doing?" I asked, shifting my bag on my shoulder while thinking – Why should I know this Café? However my head was full of school worries and Alice's rambling and I couldn't seem to place it.

"I'm out shopping for baby clothes," she said, and I could almost hear her bouncing.

"Already? Did you go to the doctor?" I asked, stepping inside the café.

"Yep, the other day, I'll tell you more when I see you," she said, squealing as she hung up.

I shook my head and waited to be seated.

"Hello, how many?" a man asked.

"Two, I'm waiting on a friend," I told him.

"Of course, I'll sit you near the piano," he said, nodding. He led me through the café, I could hear beautiful music playing, and whoever was playing was really good – the style sounded vaguely familiar but I couldn't place it.

"I'm insanely curious," the man began, glancing back at me.

"Yes?" I asked, instantly wary.

"Well, you remind me of one of my employee's girls, he talks about her all the time," he said, as we arrived at the table.

"Oh? Who is it?" I asked, as I thought of Edward, Could this be where he worked? He had told me before, but since the accident my memory refused to hold on to certain bits of information and I had been too embarrassed to ask him again the name of the café he played at.

"Edward Masen," he said, and I gasped.

"You know him?" he asked, a smile on his features.

"Yes, I'm his girlfriend," I said, smiling.

"Well, I'll give him an early lunch break then," he said, glancing at the piano.

"I'm meeting his sister here," I said, amused at the new development.

"Ah, well I'll give him a break, he never uses his," he said, walking off towards the piano.

I opened the menu and flipped through it, smiling slightly.

"Bella?" I looked up to see Edward standing in front of my table, his mouth in an "O" shape.

"Yes, it is a surprise isn't it?" I said, as he pulled out the chair next to me.

"A very good surprise," he said, pulling my face towards his. I smiled as he pressed his lips to mine, his kiss electric to my lips. My lips parted and he took the invitation, his tongue tasting mine.

"Whoa, what are you doing here?" Alice said, walking up on us. Edward groaned and pulled away from me. I took in a breath, the air barely making it to my lungs in time.

"I work here," he said.

"Oh, so this is where you work, you keep everything a secret these days," she said, glancing at the piano. Hm…maybe he hadn't told me where he worked…strange…

"I have my own life," he growled, angry. "I don't have to share everything with you, Alice."

"Sorry," she muttered.

"It's ok, I'm sorry, I'm just stressed out today," he said, sighing.

I frowned, stressed out? I eyed him carefully, wondering what was going on.

"I've got to get back to work," he said, as he turned back to me. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, " I love you," he murmured in my ear.

"I love you, too." I said, as he stood up. He smiled down at me before turning and walking back to the piano.

"Mondays are the worst," I said, rubbing my tired eyes.

"It didn't look like it," she teased.

I blushed and looked back down at the menu. I would just get a burger, I decided.

"So, tell me more about your baby," I said, after we had placed our orders.

"Well, it's a girl!" she squealed, loudly.

"Oh, yay!" I said, excitedly.

"Yes, Jasper seems a bit worried though," she said, her eyes changing to fear.

"Alice, don't you worry, he loves you, he just doubts himself I'm sure," I told her.

"I know he loves me but I'm so scared he'll run," she said, sighing.

"It will be fine," I said, giving her hand a squeeze.

"Well, have you talked to mom lately?" Alice asked.

"Yes, Esme called last night, she wants to have family dinners on Sundays," I said.

"Yes, I wonder how much drama there will be," she giggled.

"Tell me about it, she told me to make sure Emmett comes too," I said, shaking my head at the thought. Our food arrived and we ate quickly, so I would make it to my next class on time.

"Have fun with Edward tonight," she said, as we stood up from the table.

"Hey, you guys leaving?" I turned to see Edward standing, his phone in his hand.

"Yes, I've got to get to class," I said.

"I'll see you tonight then? At seven?" he asked, his hand reaching out to brush across my cheek.

"Sure," I said, taking a step closer to him.

"I love you," he said, pulling me into his arms. I rested my head against his chest; his fingers ran down my back. I lifted my head up and found his lips, hungry. It was the most passionate kiss I'd ever had, Edward seemed happier today than most Mondays, even if he was supposed to be stressed out. I pulled away and gave him a squeeze before stepping out of his arms.

"I've got to get to class," I said, waving and running out.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my body. I closed my eyes as I dried off, thinking of Edward. I got ready quickly, anxious for the night to begin. I made my way downstairs in Edward's favorite blue dress. My heart pendant on my neck along with a locket he gave me about a month ago.

My phone began ringing; it sat vibrating on my kitchen table. I ran to it and answered quickly.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Bella, dear?"

"Esme?" I asked, smiling.

"Yes, I was just calling to wish you a good night, Edward just left and I think he's up to something," she said, laughing.

"Oh, he seemed happy today," I said, my thoughts going back to lunch.

"Well have a lovely evening dear," she said, as she said her good-byes.

There was a knock and I practically ran to the door. I unlocked the door and pulled it open, smiling.

"Hello, my beautiful Bella," he greeted me.

"Hey," I said, leaning in to meet his lips. As we parted he laughed, and pulled out a handful of red roses from behind his back.

"Oh, Edward! They are beautiful," I said, as he handed them to me.

"Five beautiful roses for the beautiful girl I love, one for each month we've been together." he said, his eyes shining.

"Oh, Edward," I sighed, smiling.

"Let's put them in water," he said, walking towards the kitchen.

I followed, sniffing the roses as I walked. Edward pulled out my vase and filled it with water.

"Put some aspirin in it, it helps them last longer," I told him, coming to stand next to him.

"Ok, love," he said.

I smiled at that, he loved me, and sometimes it was hard to believe someone so wonderful could love me. Edward was the best thing that had ever happened to me. He took the flowers from my hand and I looked down at my left hand where my promise ring was.

"You ready to go?" he asked, as he finished.

"Yes, let me grab my purse," I said, turning and walking to the couch where my purse sat. I grabbed it and went to meet Edward at the door. We locked the door and he helped me into his car.

Edward's Pov

I nervously touched my pocket where the ring was. I glanced at Bella; she was eating her spaghetti, slowly and carefully.

"Bella?" I asked, taking a deep breath.

"Yes?" she said, looking into my eyes. I slipped out of my chair and kneeled down in front of her, taking her left hand in mine.

"Bella, I made a promise to always love you, be there for you, and that I would ask you to marry me. Bella Swan, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"