Questions and Diplomatic Answers:

"Edward, be careful around that girl," had been Jasper's instructions, "When Alice and I visited her; she seemed to exude an aura of innocent openness. It can be quiet disarming. It almost made me want to tell her everything that haunts me. My best suggestion, would be to re-think every little word your about to say; otherwise she might find a loop whole."

Edward had just scoffed then, "Jasper, I think I've been around her long enough to know just how to handle her."

Now that Edward was walking down the 'Fork General Hospital' corridor he wasn't so sure of this fact. After all he hadn't managed to restrain her from holding on to him. It was all he could do, to refrain himself from biting her. What if he was faced with a similar situation, today? There would only be only so many times that he could resist temptation and few times still were luck would save her.

He often wondered if it would have just been easier to let the pneumonia take her. It would certainly be easier than have her constantly dangled in front of him every minute of the day. Then sporadically taken away from him; just when he thought it was getting slightly easier to exist without her. It was almost like the universe was playing one life sized game of reverse psychology and the stakes had just become more far more destructive and cruel.

A nurse bustled worriedly in front of him. Then tripped a little and gasped when she caught the sight of his cursed handsome face. She turned slightly to catch another look at him; revealing a moderately attractive, young face – she couldn't have been more than twenty-three. Edward raised his eyebrows in a faux bemused expression. She stumbled backwards before returning to her hurried walk.

As soon as she was gone, Edward's expression became more serious. The nurse's thoughts were no laughing matter. They had read, "Angela Weber's gone. She's not in her room... I was supposed to keep an eye on her... Oh, I am in so much trouble..!"

So, his Songbird was gone. According to Carlisle Edward's Songbird was lucky if she could maintain a short conversation without struggling for breath. Which posed the question; how did she manage to walk out of her room without detection? Considering her current situation it probably wasn't worth dwelling on until she was safely back in her bed. Knowing the human race; Edward was sure they wouldn't find her until it was too late.

Edward heaved a sigh and set his instincts to finding his prodigal Songbird. It wasn't long before Edward could hear the distinct sound of a classic Guitar being plucked vibrating through the thin walls of the hospital. Edward followed the calming noise obediently. There was no singing to compliment the somewhat hindered plucking, only slight whisperings of the lyrics – she couldn't manage much more than that. He turned the corner, but still the music was somehow behind the walls. He turned another and the music and rasping whispering became more prominent; her weak heart beat was added to his Songbird's siren like music.

Finally Edward came to a door that read, "Fire Exit". As he stopped in front of the door, his Songbird's plucking faulted to produce an uncharacteristic twang. Edward wondered if it was really worth revealing himself to her. Nothing could be gained from this meeting. Nothing could ever be gained from their partnership; only pain. He contemplated on finding the worried young nurse he'd seen not too long ago and hinting at his Songbird's hiding place to her.

His Songbird's words suddenly become louder and more determined; as she could sense his indecision. Once again the hollowness Edward experience every minute of everyday; was immediately slipped away. Of course the usual feeling of longing to be with his Songbird appeared soon followed. It was torture. He knew he would have to resist this and walk away.

His Songbird's voice soon took on a forced clarity; as if she could sense his apprehension. It was almost as if she was purposely trying to draw him out of hiding. Even her words seemed to be indirectly challenging him to reveal himself. He could feel it in her voice as she tried to sing the line, "...And I'm a bad boy because I don't even miss her, I'm a bad boy for breaking her heart."

Edward's eye's narrowed as he heard the double meaning to the lyrics. She thought he didn't miss her one bit. This aggravated him. How could she think that? After all the times he'd tried to fix things; after he'd personal gone to her house, just to save her. She wouldn't be here or alive for that matter, if it wasn't for him.

He didn't quite know what motivated him to do this but he finally forced himself to turn the handle of the door and reveal himself. His Songbird was sitting on the first landing of the upper flight of stairs. Her light brown eyes had been fixed on the door as if she was expecting him. However her shocked facial expression suggested that it was quite the contrary. Yet there was passing thought that occurred simultaneously that contradicted everything else. Edward stared at her incredulously. What was the meaning of her thoughts? What exactly did was meant by 'it worked'?

Edward immediately placed his hands behind his back. She gripped her guitar tighter; as if she was caught between her instinct to run away from him and her wish to throw her, frail arms around him. She wore a pair of Ugg boots, track pants and the hospital gown for a shirt. She also wore a navy blue trench coat - she obviously had intended to go outside.

"Congratulations, you found Me." she stated mockingly - although there was a slight hint of awe masked in her voice - , "You win a prize."

Her word's had been so ironic that it made Edward laugh. "Is this what your little game of hide and seek is about?" questioned Edward.

There absence from each other hadn't created any distance in the least. If anything the absence had indirectly broken through their defences. Absence hadn't made their hearts grow fonder. It just made them less cautious.

His Songbird looked away, playing coy, "Well, I had to do something. I was going insane, with the monotony - they wouldn't let me play in my room."

Edward nodded nonchalantly as he stepped to the side. He did not taking his eyes off his Songbird. She returned his gaze. There was something about the way his Songbird returned his gaze that made him slightly uneasy.

"The acoustics in here are okay, too. Not as good as the bathroom though." His songbird stated in matter of fact sort of tone. Shortly after, she paused to unleash a violent, barking cough.

Edward raced up the stairs and quickly caught her before she could fall forward. He obviously moved to fast because her eye's widened in shock and her breathe was soon caught in her throat. Edward suddenly felt panic stricken and before he could stop himself he'd placed his hands on the tops of her shoulders. He then hastily ordered, "Breathe, force yourself to."

His Songbird exhaled and inhaled on command. After a few breaths her breathing became more rhythmic; but there was an uneven shaking to it that had nothing to do with the pneumonia. Edward released an apprehensive smile at how ridiculous he was behaving, "You scared me there, for a minute."

"Ditto," spluttered his Songbird, "how is it you can move so fast?"

Edward released his grip on his Songbird and looked away from her.

"I'm sorry," muttered his Songbird worriedly, "I guess if you told me, you'd probably have to kill me? Right?" She ended her sentence with an innocently mocking grin.

"Something like that," answered Edward seriously, still determined to look away from her.

"Well then in that case... we'll just say... it's in your genes." announced his Songbird anxiously. He could tell she was afraid he would leave her again.

He ignored her attempt, "You told Carlisle, that you had some questions for me. Well I'm here to answer them... within reason."

She took a few minutes of careful breathing to answer, "Once I'm finished asking... will you leave again?"

He looked at her seriously before answering, "I won't be leaving anything. Nothing can ever happen between us – I told you that last time. "

"Well in that case; I'll just have to keep coming up with questions; so you can't leave."

"It won't work like that. This world doesn't work on technicalities."

"Then we'll just have to make that world ourselves than," protested his Songbird before being consumed by another bout of violent bark of hers. She began to inch forwards, off her step.

Edward caught her again and forced her to look into his eyes, "That world does not and will not ever exist."

"It won't if you won't let it." His Songbird's spluttered, "Can't you; just for one day; pretend that your not who you think you are and I'll pretend I'm not who you think I should be. From now on I'm just as screwed up as you think you are and you're just as innocent as you think I am."

He turned away from her. Her eyes were beginning to make him believe that there could be such a place or time for them. It was a dangerous thought; to think that they might be able to find away to co-exist, "You're too young for that."

"And you're too guarded to notice a chance for redemption when it's sitting right in front of you."

He smirked cruelly, "Is that what you think you are?"

She leaned away from him, slightly intimidated, "If...if... that's what you want me to be." She bit her bottom lip apprehensively, "Please we have to do something. All that pain and sorrow you exude almost kills me. I'm worried if you don't let someone in its going to kill you. Please, I swear I won't think of you any differently."

Edward shook his head indifferently, "I came here to clear the air and that is all I will do today. So... you're questioning time starts now."

"Why did you give me that horrible letter, telling me to but out of your life; only too be the first to visit my house?"

"You were missing too much school. I wanted to check you weren't just trying to avoid me."

Edward's Songbird raised her eyebrows unconvinced.

"I was worried that you wouldn't get better."

"You don't really know what you want, do you?"

Edward scowled, but his Songbird only smiled warmly and said that she probably wouldn't be so determined to befriend him, if he did, "It's all about the chase with me."

"Next question, please."

"What did you say to my mum that made her let change her opinion of you?"

"I told her about my mum."

His Songbird frowned unexpectedly and mindlessly followed with, "What happened to her?"

"Next question," ordered Edward, changing the subject instinctively.

"I'm sorry. I guess that was a bit too personal."

"Next question..."

"Why do I get the feeling that I've stumbled into something big and dark every time I'm around you and your family?" questioned his Songbird seriously; it obvious that this was the biggest question that was plaguing her.

"Next question..."

Edward's Songbird's eyes narrowed irritated, "You're not being very cooperative."

"I said I would answer you're questions, within reason. The last two have not qualified as reasonable questions."

"That's not fair. You're answers have all been very vague."

"They have not been vague. They're diplomatic." Edward replied smiling impishly.

His Songbird returned the smile –his smile had caught her off guard. Soon she remembered that she was angry with him. Edward's Songbird slowly stood up from her step and picked up her guitar. "Fine," she replied, "two can pay at that game." With that she began her journey down the steps.

Edward stood up immediately and stuck his arm out and caught her, so he could help her down the steps. She stoped immediately and pushed weakly against his out stretched arm, "No, Edward, I can do it myself."

Regardless of whether she was capable of this or not; he left his arm there. She started pushing all of her body weight against him, "Damn it Edward. I'm making a point here."

"You making that point might resolve in a fall. There are two many steps. "

His Songbird didn't stop pushing against him, "Well let me fall. I'll never know my limits if you're always there to stop me short of them." The sudden activity and stress caused another deadly barking attack.

Edward's face fell and he quickly placed his hands on the sides of his Songbird's pale cheeks; before gently tilting her face so he could see her face. The attack didn't stop and her breathing was becoming more urgent and shallow at the same time. "Just keep breathing," He then carefully draped her arm around his neck and gathered the rest of her up in his arms once more. Leaving the guitar on the top step; he quickly made his way down the steps with her. It wasn't until he'd made it to the hospital corridor that he realized His Songbird had her grasped fistfuls of his jacket in attempt to hold on to him.

"IS THERE A NURSE OR A DOCTOR AROUND?" bellowed Edward, desperately listening for any sound of running feet. There was a pair coming from the corridor on the far left. Edward darted towards them and was met by the same nurse he'd seen earlier and middle aged resident.

"Oh, thank God! Where did you find her?" questioned the nurse with misplaced relief.

"Does it matter?" growled Edward, angrily.

The nurse looked taken aback; but finally her companion was far less emotional, "Come on this way."


She couldn't breathe. It was terrifying she was forcing herself to inhale; but the air would only stop short of her throat. What was worse was that despite all this; all she could think about was how this shock might make Edward run again. There were voices all around her urgently ordering each other around. None of them made any sense; for all she knew, she could be carried into a room fall of strangers.

Who had been carrying her? All she could remember was Edward's golden eyes boring into hers and then being tipped horizontally. She couldn't remember feeling Edward move, but before she new it; two other people had joined them. She wanted to cover her ears when Edward bellowed. It was too loud and too pained. What was worse was that she caused it. Why did she have to hurt him like that?

Suddenly her world tipped backwards and she was placed on a flat surface. Edward's hands released their grip on her and all she could think of how he was going to run again. She had worked too hard and been so close to getting him to open up; and now she was going to loose her chance, once again. Angela instinctively tightened her grasp on his jacket; but he gentle tugged her hands away with ease. She felt so weak.

Someone rolled her onto her side and he was gone. She couldn't see anything as her eyes had welled up with tears, with the effort it took her to breath. She was blind and alone in a room of strangers. It was terrifying. Whether she ever caught her breath again depended on strangers. Then as if some could hear her fears; two icy cold hands appeared out of nowhere and encased her left, "its okay... I'm here. Just keep breathing."

Her breathing calmed itself but remained shallow. Angela couldn't see him but she knew he was close. All that Angela could really see of him was this white blur that mixed with a bronze colour and two topaz jewels every time he moved.

Finally someone jabbed her with an Epipen. It acted almost immediately. It was almost instant relief as her air waves cleared to their normal size. She inhaled as deeply as she could; fixing her still vacant eyes in the direction Edward's voice had come from. She hadn't realized before but she had gripped Edward's hand so hard that her knuckles had become bleached white. Yet his hands stayed in place unflinchingly. His icy hands were starting to make her hand go numb. Regardless of this fact, she refused to let go of his hand. Afraid that if she did, he'd take that as a sign that he could run away again.

Somebody then rolled Angela onto her back and Edward released his grip. She wanted to protest, but she felt too weak to do so. Someone else then placed an oxygen mask over her mouth. The oxygen made her drowsy and she reluctantly slipped away in to blackness. With her last thought being, that thanks to her bad luck, she was going to loose him again.

Angela awoke sometime later in her original hospital room. She scanned her eyes over the room. Her guitar Jude had been reinstated on its guitar stand. She guessed Edward had brought it back, just before he'd left. She continued her survey; various school books had been placed on various flat surfaces. She had asked Jess to bring them here so she wouldn't get behind in her school work. It had been a ridiculous idea; she was no good at self-directed learning. Her eye's scanned the room disinterestedly. All that was left in the room were 'Get Well Soon' cards, flowers, chocolate –not that she ever felt like eating them -, sheets of tabulated music and Edward reading her poetry book.

Angela quickly looked away in shock, before looking back again to check she had just been imagining it. Though sure enough; there he was; sitting in the only other chair in the room, lazily flicking through the pages of her poetry book. He raised his eyes from the page to meet her gaze. She abruptly turned her head away; as if that in doing such an action would instantly cause Edward to disappear.

Her mum was going to kill her. Unless they were family; Angela hadn't been allowed to have a boy in her room since she was eleven.

Edward smirked impishly, "Gee. We just can't seem to get into sync with each other. First you didn't want to associate with me. Then I didn't want to be around you and now we've done a complete circle."

Angela unhooked the oxygen mask, keeping her eyes plastered on the wall opposite her, "You shouldn't be here."

"Sorry my mistake," he replied nonchalantly. He placed her book on the table bedside him before getting up to leave.

"Wait, just because you shouldn't doesn't mean you can't. Besides... you still haven't answered my questions," she stuttered lamely. She was really just looking for a diversion to prolong their meeting.

He crossed his arms pondering her words with mock seriousness, "Well we can't have unanswered questions now; can we? ... I guess I will have to come back tomorrow."

"And... you're answer's weren't very good today either." added Angela quickly catching on.

"Technically speaking, I already answered those questions."

"It's a good thing we don't live in a technicality oriented world then."

He laughed –it was such a shocking out burst for Angela- , "You've got me there." After a minute or so, his smile faded, "I should be leaving."

"Wait!" screamed Angela once again panicked, "What if I run out of questions?"

Edward's golden eye's narrowed curiously before he smoothly walked over to her pile of school books on a table, "I suppose with all the school you're missing; you'll be in need of a tutor."

Angela cocked her head to the side bemused. She finally realized what Edward was talking about. "Oh... yes... I'm going to need lots of help. Do you know of any who would help me?"

He smirked, "Yes, in fact I do."

Angela pretended to widen her eyes in awe, "Is the tutor incredibly intelligent?"

"Yes, I think he is."

"Does he still go to school?"

"Yes, he's in one of your classes actually."
"Really, do you think I'd find him attractive?"

Edward raised his eyebrows with bemused surprise; Angela maintained her determined mock expression. He then coolly said, "I've heard that most girls think he's very pleasing to the eye."

"Does he have fine eyes?" quizzed Angela sheepishly.

"Again, most of the ladies in our year think so."

"I know who it is," announced Angela with mock excitement, "it's... Eric Yorkie!"

Edward chuckled again and wore a look that seemed to suggest he was expecting her twist, "Well, I was going to recommend myself as a suitable tutor –"

"Well, someone has a high opinion of themselves," Angela sassed.

He ignored her "- but considering you have quite a different preference... I suppose I could ask him."

"OH, no I'm sure you would do just fine," she protested before breaking into a fit of coughing. The coughing soon died, "Even if you're not my first preference."

"Oh, but my dear; the heart wants what the heart wants." Edward informed knowingly with mock seriousness, "Who am I to stand in the way of true love? I wouldn't be able to live with myself; knowing I was the one thing keeping you two love birds apart."

"You'd be a great friend if you did. Teenage love is so time-consuming. How would I ever focus on my school work?"

"Well I suppose if your grades were at stake..."mused Edward thoughtfully.

"Oh they are."

"In that case, I will back tomorrow after school to answer your questions and then once that is finished... We will expand that great lump of Eric Yorkie filled grey matter of yours." With that he turned to leave for the third time.


Edward stopped once more, but did not turn around, "What is it now?"

"What made you change your mind; about us? I thought were determined to keep me at arms length?"

He walked back up to her bed. He crunched down beside the bed so that her eye met his. He caressed the side of her cheek. Angela flinched. She could feel that there was something wrong with his gesture and the look he gave her.

He sighed and stood up again, "Save it for tomorrow."