I do not own Dragon Ball Z Or Shaman King
The warrior turned with all his speed, blocking another fist! The metallic creature before him growled and struck back, it's tail striking the warrior a punishing blow to the face, he was sent flying sideways!
Another metal soldier was above him with fist! He hit the ground, hearing bones snap, pain coursed through him, his foe standing above his limp form.
The enemy raised a fist, and the warrior saw it transform, bulging as it turned from a hand to a gun, a weapon that focused Ki into a tight beam of death.
The green energy surged forth, the warrior closing his eyes, a golden beam tore his foe away!
He looked up and relaxed slightly, " Gohan!"
The Z fighter looked around, taking in the damaged buildings, falling around them, seeing the scattered bodies of the soldiers who had joined them, saw only a few fallen metal parts.
He cursed, something that the warrior would never have believed Gohan could do before this whole thing started.
Goku's son said " We've lost this place, let's get out of here before the next wave hits."
The warrior stood up, glancing around, he nodded and the group sped into the clouds as it started to rain fat drops, soaked up by the parched earth .
As they left, they heard laughter coming from the fallen city, the Metal Lord had won again.
The sun rose above the clouds in a bright day, it's warmth shining down upon the small town.
Green fields surrounded it along with rivers and only a few roads, in the town, a few cars drove through the streets and past the shops, this place truly looked like the town time forgot.
Until now, a dark figure touched down on one of the grassy fields, his hair spiking upwards in a typical Saiyan style, though it was black, it had a hint of blue. He looked to be in his early to mid twenties, he opened his closed eyes to revel a startling red colour, he wore a black fighting suit complete with a black cape, over his eye, a red scouter.
He tapped it for a few seconds, " The key is in this world? Pathetic, I'm not locating a single fighter with a power level higher then ten! This will be easy. I could wipe out this planet in a few hours."
Another figure touched down behind him, then another and a third, about ten more appeared, imposing robots of metal.
He turned to one and said " according to Cell's calculations, the key is in this town, kill everyone and bring it to me, don't let them call for help."
As one, the robots turned to the town, moving slowly.
The figure smirked, soon, I will have my revenge soon.
Screams came from the town as the robots battered their way through the outer edge, killing all in their path.
people screamed, running and being cut down in a splatter of blood and guts as Ki blasts ploughed them down.
She ducked under a wall, fingering her pendent as she heard the robots walk past, more screaming was quickly cut short.
She shivered, tears running from her eyes as she thought of her friends being cut down like this, why had they come? What were they after? What was the point in all this death?!
She almost cried, but chocked back the sobs, knowing that they would doom her if heard.
Suddenly, the wall was torn through and she found herself face to face with one of the robots!
She backed away, seeing her death reflected in the robot's cold eye, it raised it's hand, the fingers folding back as it turned into a gun, the green blast building within the gun, it shot out towards her, her eyes widening as she saw oncoming death.
A blow to the robot sent it reeling!
She turned and saw a new person, his hair spiked upwards but her eyes were drawn to " A tail?" She gasped.
He fell into a fighting pose and his aura exploded around him! White Ki tearing into the landscape, hurling stones and boulders into the air!
Far away, the dark Saiyan frowned and tapped his scouter, " Hmm, one power level is raising, 10, 20, 50, 100, 1,000, now it's over 9,000! 90,000!"
The scouter exploded!
He smirked, " Found him."
The figure leapt into the air, his hair turning gold and his aura flaring. From all over the town , robots took to the air, launching at him!
He threw down a barrage of Ki blasts, striking at the ground and exploding around the 'bots!
The girl was awestruck " This can't be happening... no way.."
The robots shot at him, he raised his guard and blocked a metal fist, the others launched into a barrage of fists and kicks!
The warrior dodged between them with a skill granted by practice, and brought his hands together " Super Big Bang!"
A small blue orb shot into the nearest robot, blowing it to pieces! The other nine shot at the Saiyan, dodged between them and phased away from their blows and kicks, avoiding every blast, he sunk his fist into another robot, jumped to another and smashed it with a kick! A Ki beam struck down another and he finished the combination with a devastating punch!
Four robots exploded, leaving three.
The Saiyan backed off into the sky, he smirked " This better not be your best, otherwise, this fight is already over."
He phased away from a kick! Turning, he saw his new foe, a metallic alien, Cooler. His metal skin reflecting the light.
The Saiyan smirked, " Looks like things are getting interesting."
Another Cooler descended from the heavens, five more followed, each identical.
They surrounded the Saiyan, his golden hair moving in the slight breeze, he charged at the nearest foe, striking with a fist and a kick! The Coolers struck, ganging up on him, each fighting perfectly, never getting in one another's way.
The Saiyan defended his best, blocking kicks and fists that would have shattered steel, dodging orbs hot enough to melt through anything, still, they fought on, in the sky, sonic booms resounding.
The Saiyan rose from a cloud of smoke, bringing his hands together, " Big Bang Barrage!"
The million orbs shot into the cloud, striking a Cooler, tearing into him and exploding!
The Saiyan smirked.
And screamed as a Cooler phased behind him with a double-fist! He was sent flying into the waiting clutches of a second Cooler, who after landing several fists and kicks, sent the warrior flying into the air, a third Cooler kicked him in the back!
The Saiyan spat blood, screaming, the fourth Cooler pointed a finger, " Death Beam."
The red beam cut through the warrior's shoulder, letting loose a flood of blood.
The last Cooler smiled and with a downward fist, smashed the Saiyan into the ground!
He formed a crater as his hair faded from gold.
He struggled to his feet, grasping at his gut and shoulder, the three robots shot at him, knocking him down again as he fell under a barrage of fists.
The Coolers watched for several minutes before one said " Enough, we need him alive, at least until he tells us where to find the key. Bring him back to the ship."
They hoisted him up, and carried him away despite his weak struggles, he screamed, his weak aura strengthening for a second, white turning to gold, he blasted free of the robots, then fell to his knees, eyes closing as he hit the ground.
The robots picked him up again.
The girl waited until they were gone, not believing her luck, she had been saved! She scrambled to her feet, looking around, the robots had ceased their attack on the town, having found what they were searching for, the survivors were hiding for now, but would soon come out.
Something glinted, shining on the ground where the warrior had been defeated, she moved to it, carefully, she picked up what looked like a ring, made from silver. It wasn't ornate or decorated, it didn't fill her with a sense of anything. She shrugged and tossed it back to the ground, walking away slowly, still not believing her luck to be alive.
He frowned and caught his foe's fist, ducking under his counter he launched a kick, tripping up the foe and sent him rolling to the ground with a second blow.
He smirked, " Who's next?"
The others backed off slightly, Jordan smirked, and blew a strand of his red hair from his mouth, " Who else wants to mock the hair?"
A man walked out from the shadows of the buildings on ether side of the small ally, he was huge bald and muscular, he frowned, " what is happening here?"
One of gang members ran up to him " That guy attacked us!"
Jordan put his hands up, " Hey, they started it! They mocked my hair!"
The bald guy looked at Jordan and said " Well, it is a stupid colour, and you don't look strong enough to beat one of the members, I bet you cheated."
Jordan frowned, " I fought and won fairly!"
the master said " Then prove it."
Jordan charged, launching into a series of fists and kicks, the other guy didn't budge, he smashed a fist into Jordan's chest!
The seventeen year old human staggered back, his enemy smirked, showing a golden tooth and raised what he had been carrying behind him, a metal stick!
Jordan cursed as it came at him! He dodged out of the way, and threw a punch!
The foe waked his fast with the stick!
He cursed aloud, feeling his throbbing hand, " What the heck happened to fighting fair!"
The man smirked, " I don't play fair."
A second stick hit him in the back of the head! He screamed as pain blossomed behind his eyes, he fell to his knees, spitting blood.
One of the gang members raised his stick again and brought it down at Jordan's neck!
A hand caught it, the member struggled, but the metal didn't move an inch.
They all turned to see who had stopped them, he frowned, " metal sticks and two against one, not exactly fair."
One guy snapped " Why the heck would you care? Who are you?!"
The man snarled, " I care because I'm a martial artist! And I'm your worst nightmare!"
He moved like lightening, kicking one guy while punching another!
They both fell screaming, he rolled and kicked upwards, taking another, Once on his feet, he launched a barrage of fists! Taking out three more, the last turned and ran as the figure turned to the leader.
He was shaking now, " W-who are you?"
The man snorted, " You'll never know."
He launched a powerful kick, square in the foe's chest, the man hit the ground and didn't move.
He helped Jordan to his feet, Jordan was having a hard time staying upright, so the man volunteered to help him to his house.
Luckily, it wasn't too far, they talked as they walked, Jordan started by asking " you fought pretty well, where did you learn to do that?"
The man shrugged, " I picked it up from loads of places, you weren't too bad yourself."
Jordan replied " Yeah, but nothing like what you could do!"
The man shrugged again, " Wasn't that hard, you only need to learn a few things before you can do it yourself!"
Jordan asked " Can you teach me?"
The man shook his head, " I've got stuff to do, I can hardly even afford to rent a place to live, never mind waste time teaching people."
Jordan said " Heh, I have a place for you to stay, a big house, if you train me, you can use it for free."
The man thought for a minute, " Sure, why not."
time past, the mystery man, who would not tell his name quickly taught Jordan many things, how breathing deeply could effect the outcome of a fight, how to duck and dodge like the wind, how to strike back like thunder, Jordan grew stronger, the man's exercises meant to strengthen muscles, he grew more sure of himself as a fighter, he got much faster
One day, as he was practising his punches on the training mat, he turned to the other and said " We've been friends for ages, but you still haven't told me your name! Just who are you?"
The man grinned, " Tell you what, Jordan, if you can beat me in a spar, I'll tell you my name."
Jordan grinned too, " Sure, but don't expect me to go easy on you!"
The man stepped on to the training mat.
Jordan readied his guard, knowing that his friend would make the first move, sure enough, the long-haired man shot forward with a fist!
Jordan dodged to the side, using his momentum to circle the other and when behind him, he launched a fist!
His foe dropped to the ground, Jordan frowned, damn it, he's so fast... I've been training with him for so long, but I don't think I've ever beaten him!
Jordan tried to stamp down upon the foe, the other moved even faster, grabbing Jordan's leg and pulling him to the ground as well!
The man smirked and leapt to his feet, smashing into Jordan with a kick!
Jordan groaned and collapsed on the mat.
Man, this guy... he's so tough...That kick felt like a hammer!
But, he wasn't beaten yet, he slid his foot sideways, tripping the foe up, he got to his feet, watching warily as the other did the same.
The enemy leaped forward with a fist, Jordan leapt to the side, saw the his foe had overextended himself and launched a barrage of fists!
The man frowned, Jordan's smirk of triumph was cut short as a gust of want came from nowhere, knocking him from the mat.
He yelped as his back slammed into the brick wall, luckily his head wasn't harmed, he looked up dazed slightly.
The man was surrounded by a white energy of some kind, his hair was being gently ruffled and blown upwards by it, though he showed no alarm.
Jordan gasped, " What are you?"
The man groaned, " Sorry, didn't mean to hit you so hard, it's kinda an instinctive reaction.."
Jordan was on his feet in a second, feeling the slight push exerted by the energy field.
The man continued, " I guess it can't do any harm now, the name's Yamcha."
Jordan fell into a battle stance, What is he? What's happening? Is he human? Does it matter? DAMN! This is my friend.. but... I hate this!
Yamcha continued as if he had read Jordan's thoughts, " Yes, I am human. It's hard to explain... Have you ever heard of Ki?"
The word rang a bell, Jordan thought back, " Isn't that some kind of mystical energy force some healing arts claim to make use of?"
Yamcha said " Not exactly, but close enough, Ki is an energy used by all living things.." He searched for the right words, Yamcha had never thought that he would have to explain the source of his power. " Look, have you ever seen Star Wars? It's kinda like The Force.. only real. "
Jordan frowned, this is madness, there is no way a human can do what he's done... but..
Yamcha continued, " Well, I can manipulate it, turning it into a powerful weapon."
Ki? Deadly weapon? He's insane! I'm going to have to get rid of him somehow... But I don't want t hurt him...
Yamcha didn't spot the fierce mental debate going on inside Jordan and said, " want to get something to eat?"
He turned to go out the door, and Jordan sprang!
If I knock him out, I can dump him somewhere far away.
His fist went through a fading image of Yamcha! Jordan looked around wildly, " W-what? Darn."
He leapt to the side, Yamcha appeared behind him with a kick! Jordan screamed as it connected with his back, the blow felt like nothing ever had, so strong, it seemed to be a strike from metal rather then flesh.
The sheer force of the kick was enough to send Jordan spinning into the air with a scream.
He slammed into the ground.
Yamcha .looked disappointed, he said nothing but turned towards the door.
An explosion rocked the house, Yamcha leaped into the air as the door was forced in and a metal figure stalked through, it was humanoid, a single camera eye scanned him from a slightly hunched form, it raised it's hand and the gun formed, it pointed at Yamcha and fired!
The Z fighter moved quickly, phasing away and landing a blow onto the foe!
It's metal casing didn't even dent, Yamcha cursed and launched a kick, the robot was unaffected, it used a fist to knock Yamcha back, the gun fired off a green beam which slammed into Yamcha's chest!
His eyes went wide with shock, the attack battering through his chest, then it was over, the beam faded, his chest was whole, not harmed at all, but he sank to the ground. Eyes closing.
The robot grabbed him with the gun, now a hand once again, with the other it gripped Jordan.
It smashed outwards through the wall and into a scene of chaos.
The city was pretty bug, but it was under siege, millions of the robots poured in from the air, they had formed a perimeter around the building and were steadily pushing outwards, green attacks striking at any human in range, already bodies littered the street. The robots were facing a little resistance from police, though their armour was easily shrugging off the bullets it had been discovered that their eye could be destroyed by a single shot, once this happened the robot exploded, it's delicate chips could take no damage without exploding.
But the robots fought with a strange and frightening unity, not once did they get in each others way, their beams combined sometimes with enough power to destroy a building and it was clear to even the untrained eye that the humans were very close to scattering.
A single metal figure observed this all from the sky, the robot brought them to him and he looked at them, smirking slightly.
Yamcha groaned, still to weak to move he nevertheless gasped " C-Cooler!"
Cooler smirked, " Yes, weakling. "
an explosion below drew their attention, a bug building had caught fire, humans rushing from it screaming, by the looks of it, it had been a museum, robots ascended from it, one carrying a long package.
smirked again, " Perfect, found it. The fools didn't even know what
they had!"
He looked at the robot carrying Jordan and Yamcha, "
Bring them to be processed."
Jordan groaned, feeling the cold floor beneath him, his head ached, he felt like he'd ran into a wall.
A series of dull thumps and thuds were heard and he looked around him, he was in some kind of cell, metal floor, metal roof and walls, not a single gap, it was all flawless metal, shining brightly, the only exit was guarded by several thin metal bars, very thin, he noted, almost thin enough for him to slip through, they should pose no challenge to brake.
Even as he thought this, a fist slammed into the bars, Yamcha let out a yelp, holding his aching hand, " Those things are tough!"
A new voice said " Told you, you can't brake them, I can't brake them. No-one can brake them!"
Yamcha growled, " Well, think of something! I'm not gonna just sit here and wait for that metal monster to kill me!"
Jordan turned and saw that the other rise, he held himself well, the natural grace of a warrior, he was well muscled, his hair slightly spiky, a tail was wrapped around his waist, he wore a golden scouter.
He spotted Jordan and said, " You're awake eh? I'm David."
Jordan asked, " where the heck am I? What is this place?"
Yamcha sat down with a sigh and answered, " This is some kind of base, as far as I can figure, Cooler put it here to guard a portal from our world to this one."
Jordan said " Your world? What do you mean your world?"
David said, " That doesn't matter now, the point is you've been caught up in a war, you had better learn to defend yourself."
Jordan stood up and brushed himself down, " I can handle myself fine."
David frowned, " really? I heard you managed to hit Yamcha, don't be stupid, he's one of the weakest fighters we have."
Jordan looked around, searching for any escape, there was none, the bars was the only way to get in or out and no-one was about to open them.
One of the robots stood outside. Jordan backed away and Yamcha paled, but David said " I could beat it, if I were free.."
snapped his fingers, " If you were at full power, could you brake
David shrugged, " Yeah, but I'm still low on Ki from my
last fight."
Yamcha tossed him a small bean.
caught it grinning, " I'd stand back if I were you."
He ate
the beam, Yamcha ushered Jordan to the far corner.
David screamed, and Yamcha said, " That is a Super Saiyan. He could mop the floor with me easily!"
The aura around David grew and grew, turning from pale white to gold, Yamcha said " This is Super Saiyan one, he's easily strong enough to destroy a planet."
David continued, screamed as his power rose and rose, at last lightening filled his aura and he continued to power up!
" Super Saiyan Two, this form is incredibly fast and strong."
His muscles bulged, hair lengthening, the steel around him started to melt. His pure power eating into it.
" Super Saiyan Three, only a hand full of people can do that."
David stopped screamed and pointed a hand at the bars, " Super Big Bang!"
The orb shot out, clashing with the bars and causing a huge explosion!
Jordan was actually thrown back, he cannot be human!
When the smoke cleared, the bars had been blown completely away.
They stepped out, David said, " I suggest you escape, I have other matters, it's time to end this."
Yamcha looked like he wanted to disagree but Jordan made a run for it, heading down the nearest corridor as fast as he could.
Yamcha cursed and chased him.
David turned and headed in the opposite direction, I have to draw enough attention to allow the other to escape.
" Impressive."
David spun, the blue-haired Saiyan was standing behind him.
paled " you! How did you get free?"
The other spat, "
That is none of your concern."
David fell back, examining the other, " Do you really think you can defeat me, Shenar?"
Shenar smirked, " I know I can defeat you, David."
He screamed, his aura appeared, a white torrent of power, he wore a scouter, this one had a blue screen, it beeped and clicked, David was slightly surprised that it hadn't exploded, Shenar read it, " Hmm, 709,000,000. Not a bad power level, in fact, it's extremely good."
He leapt at David! The two Saiyans smashed into each other, auras throwing up sparks and mixing, first gold then white, ever flickering as the two warriors fought.
Shenar and David wrestled, each struggling to force the other back, sweat poured down David's face, Shenar was calm as ever, but he was losing being slowly pushed back.
A roar, the metal roof bubbled and the floor under them started to melt.
David screamed and used an uppercut to send Shenar flying! The Saiyan smashed through the roof, screamed as he forced his way through roof after roof.
" This must be a tall place," Observed David and shot after his foe. Shenar caught himself and looked around, " Were is he?"
David phased behind him, fist going through a fading image, Shenar dropped from behind and hit David with a round-house kick!
David crashed into the nearest wall, it bent and buckled under him, he spat blood, he's even stronger then last time, but I'm a Super Saiyan Three now, I can't lose!
He screamed aura surged and shot at him foe! Shenar blocked a kick, dodged a fist and jumped over a barrage of Ki blasts!
David cursed and redoubled his efforts, Shenar charged, blowing aside a flurry of Ki blasts he jumped flipping in mid air so he landed behind David and turned with a kick to the back!
David was sent flying again, crashing through the wall this time, Shenar smirked and followed.
He looked around, the new room was dark, a very large room David could be hiding anywhere, he was suppressing his Ki.
" Come out, David! This is going exactly like last time, remember that? If you hide, I'll just blow this building into pieces! Just like I did then."
He raised a hand, a glowing blast forming, " Fine, but you chose this!"
He drew back his hand to hurl the blast, but David phased behind him, Shenar's eyes widened David held out a hand, " Super Big Bang!"
The attack burst fourth, trailing flame and fire, Shenar raised his arms as it crashed into him!
The blazing inferno of the attack smashed through the roof, forcing Shenar into the open sky, the Saiyan cursed, his clothes were ripped and torn, burned and bloody he was nevertheless alive.
" Impressive, I don't remember you being able to do that last time."
David rose into the sky, his long hair trailing behind him, his golden aura throwing up sparks, " I've learned a lot of things since last time."
Shenar replied, " I noticed, but you wont win this time ether! What do you think, of my empire?"
He gestured and David looked around, they were fighting above what had once been a small town, but the buildings were ruined and on fire, several huge steel structures had been erected around a central building, the one they had broken out of. He recognised this as the town where he had been captured.
Here and there, bodies, the dead had not even been buried or burnt but left to rot.
David turned his attention back to Shenar, " You sicken me."
Shenar smirked, " Good, you lesser being sicken me."
They clashed, the huge sonic-booms erupted when they clashed, going too fast to be seen, the warriors fought with skill.
David was sweating, he darted aside as Shenar shot past him, David turned, sending a Ki beam after the foe, it struck Shenar's back.
David shot at him, hitting him with a fist!
Shenar screamed and was forced to the ground, David landed on top of him. And leapt back into the sky, hands glowing with Ki, " Big Bang Barrage!"
Ten Big Bangs shot forth, slamming into Shenar one after the other.
David wasn't finished yet though. " Super Big Bang!"
He fired off his most powerful attack, the golden orb was huge, the size of the Namek Spirit Bomb.
" Shadow Wave!"
A pitch black beam shot from the dust, connecting with the golden orb, David paled, " I'm not going to lose!"
David fired off a Ki beam, using it to move the orb forward, the attack struggled, the earth around them shook, craters formed around David, stones lifted into the air, David screamed, his aura growing!
Shenar was holding the beam with both hands, sweating, he nevertheless grinned at David, his beam holding off David's attack.
David cursed, this guy has grown much stronger since we last fought. I hope I can take him alone this time!
screamed, " I wont let you ruin this planet!"
The beam surged,
David's anger forcing it through the foe's attack.
Shenar's eyes widened, " N-no!"
The attack crashed into him, the orb digging it's way into the ground as it killed him, David felt his Ki vanish.
" I did it."
" Think again!"
The orb was forced upwards, David paled no way, even he can't block that!
But it continued to rise, soon an arm could be seen supporting it, then Shenar could be seen holding it up, he looked up at David, " Not bad, not bad at all, but lets kick this up a notch!"
tossed the attack into the sky, exploding it with a Ki beam, the
shock-wave threw David back, when he looked again, Shenar screamed,
energy rising, hair spiking upwards, " N-no, this can't be!"
flash, the ground under Shenar cracked and broke, stone lifting
into the air around, golden sparks crackled as his hair turned gold.
He screamed, his white aura turning to the same colour.
And shot at David!
The two fought again beyond the speed of sight, the noise of their fighting echoed over the town, craters formed at seemingly random places as the two waged their mighty battle.
Fifteen minutes past, and David smashed into the ground, sending stones and rocks flying as a new crater appeared under him.
He struggled to his feet, one arm hanging limply, wounds covered his body, he spat blood, . One eye was swollen shut.
Shenar phased behind him with a kick! David screamed, pain racing through him, he slammed into the aground again as Shenar approached, " You never stood a chance, you call yourself a Super Saiyan Three? You can't even handle a Super Saiyan!"
David forced himself to stand, " DIE!"
A Ki beam shot forth, Shenar tossed it aside with a gesture, David screamed and leapt forwards, " Damn it!"
Shenar leapt backwards, dodging and blocking David's fists, blows strong enough to shatter steel were deflected harmlessly, he shot forward hand, catching David in the chest!
A Ki blast resulted in David smashing into the ground once more, he struggled to his feet again, spat more blood through stained teeth, " D-damn it. I can't take this guy."
His hair retreated back to it's original length, turning back from gold. He fell limply to the ground. Just like last time.
Shenar smirked as he approached his fallen foe, " See? You never stood a chance against me, I am a true warrior, you are just a worthless soldier. There's a difference."
raised his hand, " Now die!"
A beam slammed into Shenar! E
roared and turned to his new foe, it was a new warrior, black boots,
black jeans and a white T shirt, not exactly a typical Saiyan, but
he did have a tail wrapped around his waist, the strangest thing
about him though, red hair, almost rust coloured above green eyes.
The new fighter screamed and energy surged, his aura turning golden along with his hair as his muscles doubled their size, an Ascended Saiyan!
He raised a hand as Shenar rushed at him, and vanished!
spun in mid-air, " Where are you?"
He looked back there!
Beside David, the fighter was helping the beaten warrior to his feet.
Shenar screeched and fired off a new Ki blast!
The warrior vanished again, along with David!
Author's Note:
Wow, heh I got it up, Dragon Ball Z Me Two. I hope you liked the first chapter in what I hope will be a great story, also, I hope all my old reviewers will send one at least.