
Okay! ive started writing this about a month ago but i guess i have it written down on paper more so i decided to finally post this! i think for at least a few weeks the updates won't be regular but i'll try and keep posting because i really do like the idea of the story! I just think if i dont do it now then i'll never actually post this! Tell me what you think please, the prologue is quite short but i promise the chapters will build up! please tell me what you think, even if you did think it was bad ;)


"That's impossible!" Jude cried for the millionth time.

"Look, Miss Harrison, we're sorry your recording time has not been paid for. It's the rules."

"Yes but I'm-" Jude began begging.

"No buts, Goodbye"

She stormed off, sad by the thought of leaving the studio. She only needed about 3 more songs until she could try and send it to labels that will actually sign her. This was just the studio, but it was a way of getting closer to her dream. Her mum promised to take care of the bill for the studio, now it looked like Jude had nothing left. It was all about Sadie. Scratch that, it had always been about Sadie. With all her love to her sister, and the fact she was going through a hard time didn't mean her world needed to stop.

Jude shook her head and decided to let it go. She was going to get yet ANOTHER job to do in-between her shifts at all her other small jobs. Her mind was searching for possibilities for a good pay summer job.

Taking the bus to the mall she took her iPod out and put it on shuffle. Listening to a sad song she switched it quickly, not wanting to cry over her current situation. How did she end up here? Not only 3 months ago she was going to some high up party in a limo with THE Shay for god's sake. Now she looked like someone threw up on her and she forgot to wash, at least that's what she felt like.

God what am I going to do? She thought over and over again.

Jude got up from the bus and began window-shopping. Looking over at the magazine rack she saw the headline "Shay shay has had enough?" smirking to herself, instantly she felt better. It wasn't that Jude was a bitch it was just that Shay crushed her heart and stomped on it a few times so any chance of his and Eden's unhappiness made Jude feel good. Like on top of the world good, or maybe even an I-told-you-so good but either way it was beginning to look up for her.

Walking into her favourite music store she looked through the Cds and picked out 5 but decided on buying only 1, after all she needed the money. Something on the wall caught her eye and she read the poster "BACKUP DANCER NEEDED!" I can do that, Jude thought to herself.

"TOMMY QUICY'S TOUR- AUDITIONS TOMORROW AT THE TORONTO THEATRE OF ART- THINK YOU CAN BE IT? THEN COME UP AND GET A SHOT… IT MIGHT BE YOU!" at the bottom she read the pay, Jude's eyes immediately widened and she decided she might just try out for this job, no matter how lame it sounds.

please please please review! i would really appreciate it! :)

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