This is my first time to read POT fanfiction... I wrote this for my bestfriend named... Christine Arriane Barraquio...

Sorry if my english is not that good... It's just our second language! lol

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this story... well except for my OC's and my bestfriend... i think?

Uy Gabin! Pagmamayari pala kita! Wahaha!

Please Review!

BTW, If anyone of you wants to read Mirmo de Pon fanfiction just visit my profile

Shameless plugging"

On with the story!

CHAPTER1: The Parting of Two Hearts

"He broke my heart, I loved him but all he thinks about is Tennis! He chose tennis over me!" said Arriane to Momo as she cried her heart out.

"Don't be so sad, Tezuka doesn't deserve you anyway." Momo said. "Besides, there are other men in this world that are waiting for your love!"

"Really? If so, where are they? If they love me, they should be by my side!" arrian cried in agony.

He's already here. Momo wanted to say... but he knew that if he confessed, she'll reject him so instead he just said, "Err, maybe they're busy with their homework or something." to lighten up the atmosphere.

She smiled. She's glad that she has a friend like Momo who always makes her laugh.


I wish it's just Momo that I loved. She said to herself.

"Thanks a lot Momo. I feel a lot better now."

"I'm glad to help." they both laughed.

While they are laughing, Tezuka passed by. Arriane saw him. All the hurt came back.

"Why are you still here Arriane? I thought you're going to leave? And you Momo, stop slacking off and run 20 laps around the court!"

"Yes Captain!" Momo said to Tezuka. "I'm going now Arriane, be careful!" Momo left and ran.

Be careful that's what he said... Tezuka's not gonna bight me! Right?

"It looks like Momo and you are getting along well." Tezuka asked.

"Of course! He's fun to be with and he always makes me feel happy, NOT LIKE SOME PEOPLE OUT THERE!"

Tezuka twitched. He knew she's talking about him.

"Hey! It's not my fault if a school in America offered a scholarship for me!"

"What's with the reaction? Are you one of those 'others'? Or maybe that 'others' is really just you?"

"Stop it! I know you're talking about me!"

"I'm not saying it's you! I said 'others'!

"Stop yelling at me!"

"You are the one who is yelling at me!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"Argh! Let's just stop this non-sense! I've had enough of you! Let's just end this relationship once and for all!"

"I thought we're already over a few hours ago?"

Tezuka twitched again. "That's it! Expect that I'm not going back to you!"

Not going back...?

Arriane froze. "W-What do you mean?"

"This relationship is not gonna work anyway. A long distance relationship usually doesn't work." Said Tezuka then left Arriane alone.

She can't speak. She can't move. She felt awful. Tears fell from her eyes. She tried to stop it but she can't. Her heart hurt. It really hurts. She can't take it anymore. She wants this feeling to go away.

As Tezuka arrived at the court looking cool as usual but he's actually hurting inside. His teammates looked at him with curiosity in their eyes... except Momo whose eyes were fuming with anger.

"What are you all looking at? Go back to practice. Run some laps or something." Tezuka ordered them.

Run some laps or something...

It's the first time their Buchou said something like that. Look likes his mind is not for tennis right now, especially his heart.

Girls really are a bother. Ryoma thought.

Arriane is really important for him.


The one and only girl that make his heart skip a beat.

The only one who understands him.

The one who loved him despite his stone face and cold attitude.



Tezuka snapped back to reality when Momo punched him.

Momo attempted to give Tezuka another blow but the other regulars stopped him.

"Stop Momo, Nya!" Kikumaru said to Momo.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Tezuka asked while wiping the blood from his lips.

"I should be the one to ask you that question!" Momo replied. "How dare you hurt Arriane!"


Aren't you going to say anything?!" Momo shouted.

"What's going on here?" Coach Ryuzaki asked. "Momo, Tezuka, what's the matter?"

"It's alright coach. Just a little misunderstanding. It's alright now so don't worry about it. Tezuka explained.

"Really? Well, It's fine then. You may continue practice."

After running some laps, Momo approached Tezuka.

"You. Me. In the court, now!" Momo said to Tezuka.

"Sure. But I'm telling you, I'm not gonna lose to an eavesdropper like you."

"Let's just see that. The looser will end his relationship with Arriane." Momo said. "Let's start now shall we?"

The matched begins. Tezuka will be the one to serve first. He served the ball. It was a service ace.


"I didn't see that coming. This will be a good match.

"Like I've said earlier, I'm not gonna lose to someone like you."

"By the way, you and Arriane already broke up?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"It just means that this game is pointless because you and Arriane has no relation to each other now."

It hit him. Momo is right!

"I'm still not gonna lose!"

Thus, they continued the match.





"Set to Momo!"

"Looks like I won a set." Momo said.

"Don't be so confident. The match just started." Tezuka replied.

The match continued.

With mind out of focus, Tezuka loose..."Final score, 6-5. Momo wins!"

"Heh. That was easy! Hey Captain, be sure that you keep your words. Stay away from her, you got that?" Momo said as he was drenched in sweat.

Yay! That's Chapter1 for you! Thanks for reading... Hope you like it...

There's a Chapter2 of course! That one's really funny lol My bestfriend is tried to kill me because of that... haha!

Again, please review!