Title: Unspoken

Author: SP

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Nickelodeon and Dan Schneider and whoever else own everything.

Rating: K

Pairing: D/J

Word Count: 157

Summary: I'll let song lyrics speak for me: "You say it best when you say nothing at all." Slashy drabble.
Author's Notes: I don't think I've ever written anything with NO dialogue before.

Drake doesn't need to say a word. Josh can tell that he's upset. It's not a burst-into-tears type of upset, or a punch-holes-in-the-wall kind of upset. It's just a my-day-was-crappy-I-need-to-be-held sort of upset. So Josh puts aside the book he was reading and wordlessly opens his arms.

Drake shoots him a small, grateful smile, then joins him on the couch and accepts the hug, returning it as good as he gets. He sighs and pulls away when it's over, but Josh senses that he really wants--and needs--more. He pulls him back to rest against his chest and locks his arms around Drake's waist.

Drake sighs again, this time contentedly, and snuggles into the embrace. Josh drops a small kiss onto the crown of Drake's head. Drake picks up Josh's book and opens it to his bookmark, making sure to hold it so that Josh can read over his shoulder.

No, they don't need words. Not at all.