~I do not own Sailor Moon but I do own Apollo~

Chapter 22

It was bright. She couldn't see where she was walking to but she felt the moist grass below her bare feet. She blinked a couple of times to adjust her eyesight and then everything became clear. This was the moon. Not the desolate wasteland that was destroyed by the Dark Kingdom but the moon of the past.

Why was she here? Was she dreaming in her slumberous state?

She glanced around at the lush trees blowing in the wind, her white dress flowing all around her. She lifted her hand to her face to remove a lock of hair that had blown onto her nose. It felt real. Everything. The wind, the floral scent…everything. She wandered into the garden, her feet taking her through a forgotten path. And then, there was the palace. It shone in the bright sky, reflecting light from every which way. It wasn't before long that she found herself walking in through the huge doors and into the humongous receiving room. Two long stair cases made their way to the second floors and in between them was another large door. Without a thought, she made her way to the huge door in front of her and opened it. Inside the room was an enormous fireplace roaring with flames, two thrones—one being taller than the other— on the other side of the extremely large room, and there in front of a tall glass window stood a familiar figure with their back turned towards her.

"Queen Serenity?"

The queen turned to her, not a bit surprised. She smiled at her daughter, clasping her hands together.

"Serenity, I've been expecting you."

"Why am I in the past? Is this a dream?"

The queen giggled slightly at her daughter's never ending curiosity.

"This is not a dream, this is a pigment of your memories from the past. I brought you here so that you can fulfill your duty as the queen of earth."


"It is almost time to awaken. But before you do, we must complete one thing—a coronation."

"A coronation?"

She nodded, motioning her to glance upon the thrones once again to find two crowns sitting on both seats. One was smaller with a simpler design, indicating that it was hers from her past life, and the other was the exact crown she had seen Neo Queen Serenity wear in the future.

"Come." She instructed as she reached out to grasp her daughter's hand.

Taking it, Usagi let herself be led to the two thrones, stopping a few feet away from them. The queen lifted the crown and held it in her hands before Usagi.

"We will now start the coronation. Are you ready, my dear?"

Usagi nodded.

"Then repeat after me…"

"I, daughter a Queen Serenity, descendant of the moon goddess Selene, and crowned princess of the Moon Kingdom, I do solemnly swear that I will rule with faith, truth, justice, and love in the days to come."

As Usagi repeated, she saw her smile approvingly.

"Then Princess Serenity, I hearby crown you Queen of the Moon Kingdom and grant you renewed power for the silver crystal."

The crown glowed as the silver crystal appeared before her. It glowed as it floated towards the crown, settling into the jewel crevice. Once it the crown was completed, her mother smiled and placed it on her head. Usagi's usual dress melted away into Neo-Queen Serenity's dress, glowing radiantly on her skin.

"You now have the power to awaken the earth from its slumber and create a new star. I'm so proud of you, Serenity." She announced as she wrapped her arms around Usagi.

"It's time?"

Pulling away, she nodded.

"Now go and fulfill your destiny."

"Thank you…Mother." Usagi whispered as tears started to well up in her eyes.

"Go to them, your friends are waiting…and to Endymion."

As soon as Usagi smiled at her past mother, everything went white and disappeared.

Not a moment later, she opened her eyes to her shock. She was back—she was on earth. And it was deathly quiet. She looked around and noticed she was at the top of Tokyo Tower, the perfect place to unleash her power to reawaken the people of earth. She looked down at the still world around her, closing her eyes.

"It's time…" she acknowledged as she clasped her hands to her chest.

She then released an enormous amount of power from the silver crystal that donned her crown and began to float in the air. In a blink of an eye, the power surged towards the sky, slowly but surely sending it all over Tokyo, then Japan, then the rest of the world. A few minutes later, the people of earth began to awaken from the century worth slumber. They walked out of their houses, buildings and shelters—watching the sky as more power surged through it. Before long, everyone was awake, wondering what had transpired. Below Usagi on the ground, people began to notice her floating in the air, unleashing her power like a goddess. Crowds and crowds began to surround the tower as she finally completed her first mission. The second she began almost immediately. Throwing her hands into the air, she released tremendous amounts of power into the sky, up into the atmosphere, and out into space where a new sun started to form. The crowds watched in amazement, witnessing their messiah save their world from destruction. It wasn't long before video cameras and news stations began to record this miracle and aired to all the other stations around the world. Billions of people watched as Usagi created a new sun—in utter shock and pure bliss. Finally, it was finished…the sun was restored. She heard the crowds and crowds of people cheer and shout in celebration and praise. A new light shown down on the people before her—filling them with a new hope for the future.

The sun shined brightly through the Crystal palace as Mamoru stirred in his sleep. He opened his eyes and noticed the sleeping angel at his side, clinging onto to him for dear life. Her hair lay loosely out of their typical odangos and spewed across the large bed, shining beautifully in the light. The night prior had been a night to remember—their love was finally consummated. He leaned over, placing a soft kiss to her half opened lips. Blinking out of her sleep, Usagi felt his stare above her. He gently stroked his finger down her cheek affectionately as he watched her return his loving gaze. She put one hand to his cheek, returning the affection he showed her.

"Good morning." He told her lovingly.

"Good morning, Mamo-chan." She answered back as she stared off into space.

He sat up; waiting for her to speak her mind for it seemed she had been formulating something.

"Seems like…I was watching a long, long dream…"

"What kind of dream?" he asked through a smile.

"I forgot…" she muttered as she rolled over to the side, facing him.

She gazed into space a second longer before returning her attention back to her fiancé. She lifted herself up onto her elbow and smiled impishly.


He grinned and made his way on top of her again. She gently grabbed both of his cheeks and looked up with innocent eyes.

"Can you say it again?"

His brows lifted, not wanting to repeat himself yet again.

"I said it fifty times last night."

She smiled up at him in the most convincing, loving way she could—pointing her index finger up.

"Just once more?"

He couldn't resist her.

"Last time…" he said as he lowered his head towards hers, placing his hand on her cheek. "Let's get married, Usako…"

Right before their lips met, Usagi closed her eyes as butterflies swarmed her abdomen.

The kiss was heavenly. The whole wedding was heavenly. Mamoru pulled away from his blushing bride, taking in her beauty all at once; yet again. She wore the most beautiful white dress he had ever seen, adorned with red roses, pearls, silk, and lace. Her odangos were tied up into bigger ones, loose strands of hair falling from them. Her crown was placed amongst a plethora of more red roses and a long white veil. She was gorgeous—almost goddess like. She looked up into his oceanic eyes, not wanting to tear away from them. He wore the most extravagant tuxedo she had ever seen. The collar and cuffs of the tux jacket had the most exquisite embroidery in gold and he wore his usual Kamen style bow tie. He was gorgeous—god like in every way. He returned her gaze with just as much passion and love that he almost didn't notice the slight hint of surprise the settled into her eyes. She looked down towards her chest area, not letting go of his hands.

"Ah…" she murmured in surprise.

"What?" he asked in alarm.

Her eyes glazed over.

"I felt it…" she explained, looking up into his face. "The feeling that a new star will be born."

He read his wife's eyes, now understanding what she meant. His features softened as he gripped her hands tighter.


Usagi closed her eyes, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to fall. Soon we will have a daughter, a new sailor senshi. The thought of the tiny life inside of her, Chibi-Usa, filled her with such joy and excitement, she almost lost it. She grabbed onto her voluminous bouquet of red roses and gazed into the sea of people, cheering and clapping for their King and Queen.

"Until the day we finish our duty…do you think we can protect this planet together?"

He smirked down at her.

"Of course."

She turned her attention back towards him, smiling brightly and questionably at him.

"Can we live together…forever?"

"I promise."

Tears that she had been holding back began to form again as she leaned into the touch of his hand on her cheek. The crescent moon on her forehead flickered in the candle light, her smile mimicking its greatness.

"We will always be together." He confirmed to her.

"I will promise too. I will always…protect you." She whispered as she abruptly grabbed his cheeks and pulled in for a kiss.

He closed his eyes, returning it with fervor. She pulled away, walking towards her friends who patiently waited for them.

"And I will always protect our precious friends." She whispered softly before receiving congratulations and hugs from them all.

Mamoru stared at his wife for a long time until he heard her call his name. She was waiting for him, ready to start their new life. He watched as she giggled with happiness, her hair billowing in the wind. Even someday, when we disappear…and new Sailor Senshi are born. Sailor Moon…you will always be invincible. She turned towards him, holding out her hand for him. Her eyes flickered happily as she waited for him.

"The most beautiful shining star…"

~YAY! The story is complete! I'm sooooo happy! What'd you think? I was strongly influenced to write this chapter from the manga. Hoped you like it! Also thanks so much for reading this story! I will definitely be writing more later! –Sailor Make-up!~