Chapter 1

Chapter 1


The young earth prince whispered to his lovely moon princess. He embraced her small frame underneath the brilliantly shining moon of which she called home. Her hair blew in the soft wind of the cool autumn evening, her sapphire eyes looking into her beloveds'. Her soft features showed in all their glory. She was as beautiful as the goddess Selene herself. She smiled up at him oblivious to the world around her that she so longed for.


She could not even begin to describe the looks he gave her. Whenever he laid his beautiful blue eyes on her, she could not help but compare them to the ocean that she had so often watched over. Her heart would melt and ache all at the same time whenever he smiled at her. She lifted her delicate hand up to his chest and rested her head against it. The love that she felt for him truly overwhelmed her in a way that she felt no one would understand.

"Serenity…we shouldn't keep meeting like this. Communication between the earth and the moon is forbidden. It is the way of the gods. We must not fall in love."

She looked back up at him, sadness reflecting in her eyes.

"But…it's already too late."

She loved him more than life itself. She could not bare to be separated from him. She felt his soft hand lift her chin towards his face.

"I know…"

He leaned down, growing closer to her lips. She could feel his steady breathing on her face when she closed her eyes and prepared herself for what would be the sweetest kiss.


Tsukino Usagi jumped up from her bed as her alarm clock rang through her ears. It was only a dream of the past and one of the few memories she had of her past life and love with Endymion. She was probably having this dream because her Mamo-chan would be coming back from America today.

It had been a year since the defeat of Galaxia and peace had come to the senshi. All was well and everyone went their separate ways. The starlights and princess Kakyu returned home, the outer senshi returned to their family home in the outskirts of Juuban, Chibi-usa was still gone too. It was all back to normal. Usagi could not have been happier. Mamoru had to leave once again to the U.S. but promised his Usako a surprise when he returned.

The year had passed by quick to Usagi's surprise and enjoyed the extra amount of time she spent with her friends. High school was important not to take for granted as Minako had always said. Everything was going perfect for them.

"Luna! Did you want to come with me to go see Mamo-chan? Today's the day!" she asked over excited.

"No I think you should go alone Usagi-chan. Besides, I don't want to see you smooching each other's faces off!" her talking cat replied.

"We vill not!" she tried to get out between the brushes of her toothbrush. She was in her bathroom putting on her new outfit that she bought just for this occasion. She put her hair in her usual buns and slipped on her a-lined cut pink sundress. She wanted to look her best for her Mamo-chan so put on some cherry flavored lip gloss and blush and walked out of her room calling after her furry companion.

"Okay! I'm off! Bye Luna!"

"Tell Mamoru-san I said welcome home!" she asked to the absent blond who had already gone downstairs to put on her sandals.

Chiba Mamoru sat in his seat as he waited for the plane to come to its' gate. He then turned his cell on when the flight attendant gave the ok and checked his messages. "…Mamo-chan!! It's your lovely Usako! I'm on my way now to the airport! I hope I get your gate number right! Anyways! I can't wait to see you!! I'll be waiting!! Love you!" He hung up and smiled inwardly to himself. Oh how he missed his odango atama! He couldn't wait to hold her in his arms once again.

Usagi waited at the gate impatiently. She had begun tapping her foot absent mindly when she finally saw some passengers walking out of the gate. She searched the faces of the passengers until she finally saw a head full of dark black hair. Her heart skipped a beat, realizing that the head belonged to her handsome boyfriend.


Mamoru looked up at the sound of his name and looked around for his expected odango. He found her running towards him with a big smile on her face. As she got closer he noticed her eyes were somewhat teary and yet full of happiness. He dropped his luggage and wrapped his strong arms around his beautiful girlfriend.

"Usako!" he laughed as he picked her up and swung her around.

"Mamo-chan!! I've missed you so much!!"

She was placed back on the ground in front of him but never loosening her grip.

"I've missed you too…" he said as he looked into her eyes filled with happiness and the feeling of being complete again. He leaned his head down moving closer to her face. She smiled and began to move towards his face, closing her eyes. His lips touched hers in what seemed to be the most wonderful feeling in the world to both of them. They stood there for what seemed an eternity, lost in each other's embrace and unbreathable kiss. She opened her eyes as soon as she knew the kiss was coming to a close and smiled up brightly at him.

"I'm so glad you're home! I've waited so long for this day! I can't wait to hear about your stay in America!" she said happily.

"I did write you, you know." he stated wondering if she had forgotten.

"I know but I wanna hear more! Maybe you can tell the whole gang when we meet up with them?"

"Alright. Let's go pick up my luggage and then we can go back to my place."

"Okay!" she helped him pick up a bag that he had dropped and used the other free arm to cling onto his arm. "But after you get settled back into your apartment, I have a surprise for you!"

"So do I, my Usako. So do I."

It wasn't long before they were riding up the elevator and walking into his empty apartment. They both walked in and Mamoru set his bags by the kitchen. He then closed the door and stood there staring at his unaware odango.

"Hey, Mamo-chan?"


"We should get you settled back in so that you feel back at home again…" she trailed off. She walked over to his luggage when she felt him twirl her around to face him.

"That can wait."

"But Mamo-chan--"

He cut her off with an unexpected passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him as to make up for lost time. She was startled at first but then leaned into his embrace and deepened the kiss. His hands went up and down her back and up to her soft hair to feel its silky textures. She slowly slid her arms around his waist, holding onto him tighter and tighter as the kiss deepened. They finally broke apart and he smiled down at her with heavy eyes.

"I want to make up for all the time we lost."

And with that he picked her up and carried her into his bedroom and laid her down.

"Mamo-chan but my surprise—"

"Not yet Usako. I just want to be with you just like this."

He laid down right next to her and wrapped his arms around her. She then smiled up at him and snuggled right next to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat in which she knew beat for her.

"I love you, Mamo-chan."

"I love you too, Usako."

"Endymion…pretty soon your world will be covered in darkness…like the way you covered mine. Everything you know will change before your very eyes…" the dark figure spoke in the abyss of darkness. "Feel the pain in which you have caused me…my dear prince..."