"Why are you even here?" the blue-clad warrior asked the man in front of him. He locked his eyes with his enemy's. The two stared each other down, but neither of them flinched or backed off. His blue eyes were looking for the answer in the sorcerer's eyes. The man smirked.

"I am here to conduct a little experiment." He replied coolly.

"And what does this 'little experiment' have to do with me?" he asked. He could no longer defend himself. He was on the ground, clutching his side. Blood was oozing from the wound the man's broadswords inflicted. "Quan Chi…I have no idea what you have in mind for me but I do not intend to cooperate."

The man laughed hollowly.

"Sub-zero." Quan Chi said while shaking his head. "You don't have to do anything."

"So just get on with it and kill me!" his responses were usually cold and calm but the situation made his temper burst into flames.

Quan Chi laughed again.

"Temper, temper." He merely said in his cold voice. "Well, since you are just kneeling there clutching your side, I'll get on with it then. I hope you survive Sub-zero. If you do, I'll let you go." He smirked.

Sub-zero snarled at him.

Quan Chi started to utter words quickly in such a low voice that Sub-zero couldn't understand what he was saying.

A minute had passed and Sub-zero thought of escaping. He tried moving his legs but found that he couldn't. At that moment, Quan Chi finally finished his chant. The wind stopped blowing and their surroundings became quiet.

A smug look appeared on Sub-zero's face.

"Nothing happened, Quan Chi." He said mockingly. To his surprise, a grin formed on Quan Chi's face.

"Yet." He said in a low voice. Just then, Sub-zero felt an intense pain shoot out from all parts of his body. He screamed out in pain. He felt as if his body was on fire. Quan Chi broadened his grin sadistically. Sub-zero continued screaming for what he believed was about half an hour and finally, when the "fire" died down, he collapsed.

A/N: This is my first ever fanfic!! Review and review

Sorry for the short chapter! the next one will be longer :)