Disclaimer: Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers do not belong to me. Sadly.

Dear Diary,

I think I am slowly losing my mind. I mean, come on, I'm talking to a book. Which, by the way, I am totally not happy about. My best friend Miley gave you to me and told me to write because keeping my thoughts and feelings bottled up isn't healthy. Psh. I've only flipped out once. And that was yesterday. In the cafeteria. Surrounded by 200 other people. But, you know, it's not like it was embarrassing or anything. Psh.

Alright, I lied. It was quite possibly the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me. And that's saying something. It all started when I saw my crush, John Walker. I was in my own world when Miley handed me a napkin.

"Lils, (Which is me; Lilly) you might want to wipe up that drool.

I scoff at that. I was so not drooling. Well just a little. But John is hot, I really can't be blamed. If you weren't a book, you'd totally drool too.

Anyway, as I was wiping my face, I couldn't help but notice John sat down by Maddie, his new gorgeous girlfriend. Oho, if looks could kill, Maddie would long be buried.

Miley noticed my glare and patted my arm. "I'm sorry. But there are plenty of fish in the sea."

Well great, so says Little Miss Popstar. Oh sorry what? Why yes, I am best friends with Hannah Montana. Who is Miley. But that, Diary, is a long, slightly complicated story that I have no desire to tell.

Back to my mental breakdown. I mean, I can't even focus when I'm writing. Who ramble-writes? No one I know, that's for sure. Focus Lilly!

Ok so after Miley gave me her encouraging line of wisdom and then after Oliver, St. Sarah, Jackson, and about 20 other people expressed their sorrow at my pain, I guess you could say I kinda lost it.

If by kinda, you mean full fledge and by lost it, you mean totally freaked out, then yeah. Jumped up, I did, and pretty much yelled.


I sat back down to complete silence. It was pretty awkward. Someone coughed and all hell broke loose. Oh, thinking about the laughter and when John and Maddie looked at me in pity makes my eye twitch. Which, strangely enough , does not look attractive on me.

So that basically brings you up to speed and I am now locked in my room, refusing to come out. I will die in here before I have to see anyone from school or public in general.

Wait. I hear Miley at the door. She's bribing me with a Hannah concert and a surprise guest. But I won't go. I am staying strong!

Ok, I'll go. But I won't enjoy it. And I'm coming straight home and locking myself in my room and then I'll die.

Sounds good.


Hey guys! This is my first multi-chapter story and I have a basic idea of where I want to take it, but I would love some ideas! Spazz!Lilly is really fun to write and it sure beats studying for finals/AP tests