Authors notes: Welcome to my sixth Degrassi story! First off I want to say that I have written this story as a gift to my readers. I have been working on two stories that past few months. They are entitled "One Day at a time" and "The Wedding". "One Day at a Time" is at a stand still for right now. I need more Semma on the Degrassi to inspire me I think. I will defenitely pick back up on that at some point just not exactly sure when. I am still trying to regularly update "The Wedding". I've started writing chapter 15 now and almost complete. I came up with the idea for this new story yesterday. It started as an idea for a one shot and before I knew it I had written 10 chapters! I have written the story completely and as the chapters are on the shorter side I will be posting 2 at a time every day for the next five nights. This story is my gift to my faithful readers and reviewers. A special shout out to mmkayerin, MRK4848, sing2me091, Lexxie Sparrow and Godesslinds. I didn't want to start posting it until it was complete because I wanted to ensure that I would be able to update regularly. I hope you enjoy and feel free to review! :) Love you guys!

About the story: This story was inspired by the new Degrassi mini called "Back to Degrassi". If you haven't seen it yet then you should check it out on the-n's website or on youtube. Every thing you need to know should be answered during the story but if you have any questions feel free to ask. :)

"Do you know why you're here today?" The therapist asked her patient as she adjusted herself comfortably. The therapist picked up a small notepad and placed the pen to the paper preparing to write.

Emma sat upright in her chair tapping her fingers on it's arm. Being forced to see a therapist had not put Emma in a good mood. "Because I had another panic attack and it's government policy for any of it's social workers who experience any mental instability of any kind to see a therapist." Emma stated as if she was reading out of a book.

The therapist nodded and jotted down a quick notation on her pad. "You just said you had 'another' panic attack. So you've had them before in the past?"

"Yes. I have had panic attacks before." Emma answered in an annoyed voice. "They happen and a few minutes later I'm fine. I go on with my life. It's really not that big of a deal."

"Have you ever figured out what is causing them?" the therapist asked.

"Listen. No offence or anything, but can't we just get this over with." Emma pulled out a sheet of paper from her purse and shoved it in front of the therapist's face. "All you have to do is sign this and then I'm cleared to go back to work."

The therapist looked at the sheet. "I could sign this and let you leave right now but I'm not going to." The therapist handed the sheet back to Emma.

Emma snatched it out of her hands and shoved it back in her purse. "Fine!" Emma snapped. "You do realize though that there are tons of kids out there that need my help and you are what's standing in the way of me helping them!"

"You won't be able to productively help others until you help yourself first." The therapist looked at the clock. They were only 10 minutes into their session. "You still have 50 minutes left Emma. I have an exercise you can try. If it doesn't help then at the end of this hour I'll sign the paper and you're on your way. Will you try the exercise?"

"Alright." Emma agreed.

The therapist motioned for Emma to move to a small couch beside the chair.

"Lay down Emma. Stretch out." Emma did as the therapist instructed.

"First I want you to take five deep breaths." The therapist requested in a calming voice. Emma took the breaths and almost instantly felt more relaxed.

"Now close your eyes and continue breathing deeply. I want you to think back to the first time you had a panic attack. Where were you and brought it on?"

Emma thought back to that day 10 years earlier. "I was 16." Emma started. "I hadn't eaten in days. Life had gotten harder over the past year and I needed to control something. The only thing I was able to control was how much food I put in my body. I thought no one had noticed. But when I walked in my house that day and saw my parents, my best friend and my boyfriend sitting there I knew my secret was out. I felt overwhelmed and like the earth was falling out from beneath me."

The therapist made another notation on her pad of paper. "Very good Emma. Now I'd like you to tell me about the moment when you first realized life was not perfect. A time when something may have happened that made you look at life differently."

Emma sighed. She had buried those memories many many years ago. She thought it was her way of dealing with the situation. But 11 years and many panic attacks later she still hadn't manage to resolve the issues from that day. Did she really want to bring up all the emotions that came along with telling that story? Could this exercise really help?

Emma took one more relaxing deep breath. "It was a Friday…." Emma began.