Title: Embracing Chaos

Author: Fluffy'sMyHomeboy

Disclaimer: Not mine. No own. No money. Sorry.

A.N. : I wasn't sure when Draco's birthday was in the canon, so I made it two days before Harry's. Of course, this will all be made clear later in this chapter.

Chapter 1

There had to be something wrong with him. There was no other way to explain it. His power saw what was coming, and his power wanted it. His heart felt what loomed on the horizon, and his heart wanted it. His soul heard the cry of what was ripe for the taking, and his soul wanted it. So why the hell couldn't his mind get with the program and tell him who it was that he was waiting for?

He remembered all those years ago, when he had just turned seven, and his mother told him about magical compatibility. Apparently, there is only one person who is magically compatible for him, and when he found that person, his magic would sing for that person. His heart would hurt every time he insulted or hurt his intended, and his soul would cry out for its true love whenever he was lonely. The sex of the person didn't matter as once the two lovers mixed magics, the submissive would automatically receive the ability to bear children. She made it sound amazing, and her eyes were faraway as she described the experience. The best part was that his magic would recognize its other half as soon as it saw the person. Of course, his mother did not expect him to achieve such compatibly until his magic matured a bit more. Therefore, he had nothing to worry about, and so he filed that little bit of information for later in the same place he threw all the little anecdotes and teachings his mother had for him.

It became necessary far sooner than he had expected. In the middle of his fourth year, he discovered that somewhere, that person was out there, teasing him and tantalizing him with the compatible magic straining for his. He couldn't determine where it was coming from yet as he hadn't fully matured, but it was always there, soothing him and arousing him. It frustrated him to no end. For the past three years, it had been a constant at Hogwarts, and it only grew stronger each year. Yet, he still couldn't figure out where it was coming from. He asked his mother about it over and over, but she kept telling him to wait. 'In due time,' she said. When he was ready, he would find that special person for him. Well he was ready now. It was high time his magic caught up to the rest of him.

Finally, the day he was waiting for was here. At 16, he sat awaiting his magical inheritance in his godfather's quarters. As his mother did not know what exactly to expect from this change, she implored Severus to keep an eye on her son until the change was finished. He waved his wand lazily and whispered the incantation to cast a tempus spell. Gold numeral indicated that it was 11:55 and then drifted away lazily. He sighed tiredly. Five more minutes till midnight; five more minutes until the most glorious time of his life.

Severus strode into the room where his godson rested. "Are you ready, Draco?" He nodded. Of course he was ready. He was trained for this very moment the entire time he was alive, and like every pureblood male before him, he was going to face his transformation with grace and dignity, not cowed in the corner like a mudblood. Severus waved his wand while muttering "Incarcerous." The magical ropes appeared and bound the blond to the bed. Another quick tempus showed them that they only had a few seconds remaining. Draco counted backward in his head while he waited.

'10 . . . 9 . . . 8 . . . 7 . . . 6 . . . 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . '

And suddenly it was upon him. He could feel the magic flooding his senses, feel his core growing to accommodate the excess, feel a connection to water like never before, feel the immense power overtaking him. He was so full that he thought he was going to burst, and he began to writhe on the bed, attempting to remove his restraints so he could go do something . . . anything to get rid of the magic that was just begging to be used. It whispered to him, danced beneath his skin, caressed his senses, and pouted when it could find no outlet. The magic's frustration influenced his own, and he began to fight harder to get away from the ropes holding him down. Soon, a wet cloth was pressed to his forehead, and even through his haze, he felt the connection to his Element, and it soothed him. He stopped fighting the transition, and let the magic have its way. Almost as soon as it began, it was over. He went limp and began to doze.

Several hours later, he awoke in a strange bed. He was disoriented for a second before he realized where he was and what had just occurred. The binds were gone and so he slid out of bed with a grace he had never had before, landed fluidly on his feet and padded over to a mirror he was sure his godfather placed for this very purpose. He felt taller, and a wordless charm confirmed that he had grown at least another three inches. His characteristically blond hair was also longer, now reaching a little beyond his shoulder blades. What fascinated him the most were his eyes. No longer the cold steel grey attributed to the Malfoy family, they were now swirling pools of blue, ranging from an icy blue to a warm aquamarine depending on what he was thinking.

Severus strode into the room while Draco was admiring himself in the mirror. His eyes narrowed as he watched his godson. Summoning a glass of water, he threw it at the boy. With a wave of his hand, Draco stopped the water in its path and formed a shimmering column of it that followed the movements of his open hand. He stared at it in surprise and then closed his fist. The water then returned to the glass it came from. Draco turned to his godfather, surprise turning his eyes a stunningly clear sky blue. "I'm an Elemental?" he asked, wonder evident in his voice.

"It would seem so," Severus replied. "Obviously, you control Water. What do you know about Elementals, Draco?"

Draco's face scrunched up with the effort it took to remember one of the many lessons his parents had taught him. "There's only one born to each generation, and there must be one created as another dies. They represent the Elements, which include Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Each Elemental's eyes will depict the element that chose him; red for Fire, green for Earth, violet for Air, and blue for Water. Also, each Elemental will adopt the characteristics of his Element."

"Very good," Severus murmured proudly. The fact that his godson remembered this much was amazing. As finding an Elemental was very rare since there are only four wizards out of a population of millions, most parents don't even bother teaching their children about them. "What can you tell me about your specific Element?"

Draco's face relaxed. Even if he didn't remember his mother's teachings on this, he could hear the Water inside him speaking to him, whispering the answers in his ear. "Water Elementals are notorious for their ability to change and to adapt to their environment, much like Water. They tend to go with the flow, and prefer subtlety to brash and outlandish actions. A Water Elemental is very sneaky, choosing to hold back his strength until the very moment it is needed and attacking with a flood so grand, there won't be any escape from it. As people, they tend to be very attached to those they are close to, and they prefer to coax things out of people, rather than demand it. They remain calm in the face of adversity, and find that all things blue seem to center them."

"Very good," Severus repeated. "Are you well enough to go home to your mother and give her the good news?"

Draco nodded with a smile. "I'm sure she will be ecstatic."

"And why wouldn't she be? You're the first Elemental to come from this country in centuries. Any mother would be proud to call you son."

Draco smiled his gratitude. "Thank you for everything, Uncle Severus. I will see you in the fall when school starts." With that, he strode out of the room and toward the fireplace. Grabbing a handful of Floo powder, he shouted "Malfoy Manor!" and jumped into the flames.

As he stepped out of the flames, his mother ran over to him and grabbed him, embracing him tightly. Whereas he was slightly taller than her before, he now stood a head taller than Narcissa. When she pulled back and finally looked at him, she gasped. "You're an Elemental?" she murmured, her voice laced with wonder.

He laughed. "How did you know?"

She pointed at his arm. Sure enough, the mark of the Water Bearer was imprinted on the inside of his left forearm. The picture depicted a waterfall that continued to cascade in various shades of blue, and it was about the size of a galleon. "This is amazing. The first British Elemental . . . "

"In centuries," he finished for her. "Uncle Severus told me. What I'm really looking forward to is finding out who is messing with my magic. Now that I've inherited, it should be just a matter of time until I find her."

Narcissa smiled. "Whatever you say my son. Now, let's go have breakfast and you can tell me all about your transformation," she said encouragingly, pulling him along at the same time.

Draco, of course, made no move to stop her.

That same day, a pair of green eyes perused a letter worriedly. Hedwig, his snowy owl, had dropped it off for him right after breakfast and sat, perched on his shoulder, as if she could read the letter with him. The parchment bore the Hogwarts seal, and any letter he received from them could not be good. It never was in the past.

Dear Mr. Potter

It has come to my attention that upon midnight tonight, you will receive your magical inheritance. As wizards and witches come of age at 17, at midnight of their seventeenth birthday, they receive the power that was stored inside them when they were younger. People normally describe this as feeling an overwhelmingly full sensation as the magic leaves the core and spreads throughout the body. This sensation may be a bit uncomfortable and hard to deal with. As you are not living in a Wizarding household, it is recommended that you bind yourself in someway before midnight to prevent any accidents. Many of us have spent several hours going over your family tree, and we have found no traces of creature blood in it. Therefore, you should have a relatively normal transformation. They last for anywhere from 10 minutes to five hours and it is recommended that you do not struggle or fight the transformation, as the results might be devastating.

On another note, reaching your seventeenth birthday also gives each witch or wizard the opportunity to find his or her soul mate, for lack of a better word. This person will have magic most compatible to yours and will complete your soul. While it is not mandatory for you to be with this person, it is advisable as you can only find completion with the person who was made to fit you. We advise you to keep an open mind on this subject, no matter how undesirable the individual may be. Your magic will recognize this person as soon as you see them. It will flood your senses and make your magic sing. Likewise, you will feel the responding call of their magic to ensure that this relationship is not one sided. Do not be surprised if it is someone you have known your whole life, as you can only find your partner after both of you have come into your new magic. Also, do not be dismayed if you do not find your partner immediately. This person may be younger than you, and as such, their magic has not developed enough to receive a mate. Once again, please remain open minded about this situation. You will find happiness beyond your wildest dreams with your partner if you stick it out.

If you have any questions, Hedwig always knows where to find me.

Good Luck,

Albus Dumbledore

Headmaster of Hogwarts

Harry groaned. Now his relatives had another reason to fear him. Harry had learned a long time ago that nothing about him would everbe normal. If his inheritance came in properly, then his mate was probably going to be some Death Eater in training because the gods up there just loved messing with him. He sighed. It was no use worrying about it now; he would deal with it as it came, like he dealt with everything else that has happened to him.

Surprisingly, the day passed without incident. Perhaps the Dursleys forgot it the was the day before his birthday and saw no reason to torment him as they normally do. Perhaps it was just a fluke as they ignored him while he walked around the house doing his chores. Either way, he was still grateful for the reprieve that today granted him. He had enough on his mind, he didn't need the Muggles harassing him on top of it.

When he set their meal on the table at dinner time, they even thanked him! His head recoiled back as he tried to process the Dursleys being grateful. Nope, it still didn't make sense. He shrugged it off and took his food to his room.

After a bit of homework and exercise, he ran into the shower to wash the sweat off his body. While he was still short at a mere 5'5", the constant exercise had toned his body. He was still slight, but his abs were defined and the muscles in his arms and legs bulged as he moved. He quickly rinsed the soap off his skin, completely ignoring his cock. For some strange reason, he just wasn't in the mood to wank. He was too nervous, too apprehensive about later to appreciate the feeling. He stepped out of the shower and slung a towel around his waist. After peeking out the door to check if any Dursleys were in the hallway, he sprinted to his room.

After shrugging on a clean shirt and stepping into some track pants, he cast a quick tempus with only a wave of his hand. While he had been practicing wandless and wordless magic for a long time, he could only do some of the basic spells. Well, practice makes perfect, he thought as the gold numerals that read 11:45 faded away. He stared out of the window. Soon the owls would come and he would be 17. But first, he had to receive his inheritance.

To prepare himself for the transformation, he cleared everything off his bed and moved anything that would be in path between the bed and the tiny mirror on the back of his door. Then he sat on his bed with his legs up and began to run his wand up his body. Ropes appeared as his wand passed over a region of his body. As he lied flat, the ropes continued until the last one stopped just under his neck. He looked out the window. Sure enough, the customary five owls loomed in the distance. He continued to breathe deeply, trying to center and calm himself.

And then it happened. He felt all his magic vanish for a few seconds and it startled the shit out of him. And then it all rushed back in, but several times the size it was before. It was concentrated behind his heart and he wanted to yank it out to alleviate the extreme pressure, but then it began spreading to his fingers and to his toes and it saw suddenly, hot, unbearably hot. The air around him began shimmering with heat and he could feel the ropes straining to contain him and the incredible heat. The magic continued to spread, sometimes stopping in some regions as if to observe hin from the inside before continuing the journey. When it finally reached his mind, his eyes rolled back into his head, and all he saw was bright flashes of light interspersed with darkness. But even the darkness was tinted with a reddish color, and when it went dark, his temperature skyrocketed. He thrashed from side to side, trying to release himself, but that only made the ropes hotter and it seemed as if they were going to pass right through him like a knife through hot butter. Eventually, Harry realized that fighting it wasn't going to help, and so he tried his hardest to relax around the immense heat. He felt his magic calm a few minutes later and the ropes vanished simultaneously.

He rose gingerly, as if testing his new limbs. His legs were longer than before, bringing him up to a comfortable 5'8". He strode over to the mirror and gasped. His hair had lengthened, and now stopped above the small of his back. His features were now very feminine, with his prominent cheekbones, full lips, and ears that were pointed at the tip. If that wasn't enough, his scar glowed an angry red even though there was no pain. But his eyes, his beautiful green eyes that were all he had left of Lily, were gone and ruby colored impostors took its place. His anger at the loss of one of his token features caused the air around him to sizzle slightly, and the heat once again became oppressive. The mirror showed him that his eyes were now a deep burgundy, bordering on black. His eyebrow arched as he attempted a little experiment. He closed his eyes and thought of the first time he flew on a broom, and let the happy sensation overtake him. When he opened his eyes, they were glowing a bright red that bordered on orange.

'So now I look like a girl with red eyes that change color based on my emotions. Why can't I ever be normal?' he whined mentally. 'Looks like it's time to write Dumbledore a letter.'

He sat on his bed with a sheet of parchment on his lap and a quill in his hand and began to write.


As expected, I received my magical inheritance a few hours ago. However, it was a bit stranger than you had described in your letter. During the transformation itself, I felt the uncomfortably full sensation that you described, but it was accompanied by unbearable heat that seemed to burn me from the inside. When it was finally finished, I realized that I now have red eyes that change color based on what I'm feeling, pointed ears, hair down to my waist and a glowing scar. Is this normal? You told me that there was no creature blood in my family, so what could it possibly be? Please write back as soon as possible, I'm worried.


Harry rolled up his letter and attached it to his owl's leg. She hooted affectionately while he instructed her to take the letter to Dumbledore at Hogwarts, and then flew off into the night.

He sat on his bed and looked at the owls that were still waiting for him to relieve them of their burden. Fighting his remorse at making them hold onto their packages for longer than what was necessary, he walked over to the owls sitting on his windowsill and removed each parcel from the owls and waved them over to Hedwig's dish where they could get food and water before flying away again.

He opened the gifts in no random order. Of course Ron sent him the customary broom polishing kit and some sweets from Hogsmeade. The twins sent him some joke products from their WW line, and Molly and Arthur sent him some homemade fudge along with some mince pies. Hagrid send him some treacle tarts, but he was a bit apprehensive about trying those. Hermoine sent him a book like she normally did, this year's title being Are There Good Dark Arts?. It seemed as if it would make some pretty good reading, so he vowed to start it before he went back to school in September.

Placing everything back on the floor, he pulled back the covers on his bed and climbed into it. Tomorrow, he would receive news from Dumbledore, but that was hours away, and it made no sense to worry about it now. As Harry closed his eyes, he whispered a birthday wish before falling into a deep sleep.

"Please, please let me have a good mate."

A/N: End! Hope you like. Please leave a review with any suggestions or comments. I'm open to both.