"I'm not sure which question to ask first," Near remarked casually, "Where you got the lipstick from, or why you are wearing it."
"I wouldn't tell you anyway."
"I know."
And for a while, that short line of conversation was sufficient for both of them. The white haired boy returned to his jigsaw, the blonde, back to playing with plastic toy soldiers. Although, their actions were only mechanical; repeated countless times so now conscious thought was not needed. Cardboard puzzle pieces clicked together in a steady, unfaltering rhythm; green and tan soldiers re-enacting a tired, well practiced battle. The tan soldiers were victorious before they had even started fighting.
However, as one boy wanted to enquire further into this matter, and the other silently daring him to, it was inevitable that the subject would be revisited sooner rather than later.
It all depended on how long the other was willing to hold out. Near refused to comply with Mello's desire to be questioned, as this would only give him what he wanted; to be the centre of attention. Mello, on the other hand, would not surrender any information willingly to his rival, whether said person wanted to hear it or not. No, he could wait. Near wouldn't be able to resist. He'd want to know everything; where did he get it from, what does it feel like, and, perhaps, could he try too?
Mello could wait.
Short glances were cast at the blonde from underneath eyelashes. They didn't go unnoticed. Mello knew Near would be watching him; could hear his breathing faltering as questions were killed on the tip of his tongue. He could hear the other sigh as he failed once again to swallow his pride and
just ask already
Mello's tongue was busy running over the waxy lipstick, in such a fashion that was meant purely to tease; to ensure he had the other's full attention.
Keep watching.
Near wanted to know exactly what that felt like, and they both knew it.
"Do you-"
Shame. Mello knew they were better than this. He knew they could go for hours like this; silently daring, urging the other to passively submit. It was half the fun; the challenge, the unspoken contest between them. Anticipation. There wasn't any point if one of them was just going to give up so soon; where was the victory in that? Maybe that's why Near had asked so suddenly. Because it would be a shallow victory, and nothing would really be lost on his part.
Mello pretended not to hear. If he was only going to blurt out two words, and assume that was enough; assume Mello would fill in the blanks, he was very wrong indeed. Nothing was done by halves. It was either a complete, coherent question, or the white haired boy would continue to be ignored.
Near resumed completing his jigsaw.
Not that he'd be able to complete it anyway; Mello had flushed a handful of pieces down the toilet earlier. He couldn't remember why, although it was safe to assume the other had done something to warrant it.
Then again, maybe he had just felt like it.
The green soldiers had been massacred again. Now what was he supposed to do? He could hardly sit around doing nothing, while waiting for Near to enquire about his make-up; that would be far too obvious. The other had to choose to approach him, and why that should be made easy, was beyond Mello.
He made to get up and find something menial to busy himself with.
"Do you-"
Half crouching, Mello glanced over to the other, who was currently curled up into himself over the puzzle. Eyebrows raised, he uttered a questioning noise, trying to coax the other into actually articulating something which made sense. He flicked his hair out of his eyes with a perfected shake of his head, lips twisting into a coy smile.
"Do you.."
"For fuck's sake, Nate. What?"
Mello couldn't be composed for too long.
"Do you know where the rest of my jigsaw pieces are?"