Disclaimer: Ranma ½ belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Video and Winx Club belongs to Iginio Straffi and Rai S.p.A (NOT 4Kids!). Song instrumental belongs to Trigun.
Note: This follows the Rai version of Winx as the 4Kids version butchered it too much, like with every anime it dubbed.
Chapter 60: No Fear! A Magic Tournament!
Somewhere in the Magix Dimension was a castle construct sitting atop a large mountain island. It was known as the Fortress of Light. In one of its open air rooms was a group of old men sitting at a round table having a meeting.
"The vote of the Council of the Wise is over, dear brothers! The honorable head of the council will read the result of the vote!" announced one of the old men.
The leader was an old mustached man with a long grey beard reaching his waist. He was balding but has long waist-length grey hair. He wore a green flowing robe with wide sleeves and a large blue shoulderpiece like a collar.
"Thank you all for your precious contributions to the debate." said the head councilman. "Yet the proposal of the counselor Givelian has been rejected by 56 against 44. Dear brothers, may you go in peace."
With that, the meeting was adjourned as the council members stood up. The one called Givelian narrowed his eyes in anger at the conclusion of the debate. He is a fairly tall old man with with dark grey waist-length hair with a thin mustache and a small pointed beard. His face is angular with a long outward hooked nose. His attire consists of a pale yellow flowing robe with a green top and green boots. He held a wicked staff in his hand.
Givelian could only mentally curse that his proposal was shot down yet again.
"Too bad. I was so sure we were going to make it." said a short old man who approached Givelian. He was half Givelian's height, only reaching his waist. His facial featured were round with small narrow eyes and a grey beard reaching his chest while curved outward.
"You know of course that this doesn't change anything? You still have my support and everyone else's, too."
Givelian turned to the shorter man. "Thank you, Counselor Yerka. Unfortunately, this defeat stalls all of my current projects."
While the two converse, some of the other counselors talk with the head councilman to speak their concerns.
"This division is a serious issue! Do you think Givelian will present his motion again?" asked one of the counselors.
"It's his right to do so, but for now, things will remain as they are." replied the head councilman. "Brother Givelian is too impulsive. Once he has thought about it well, he'll understand we're right."
"I wouldn't be so sure about that..."
From across the room, Givelian and Yerka glare at the group talking with the head councilman.
"Look at how they mutter among each other! They've all gathered to pay homage to that old mummy!" whispered Yerka. "If you were to lead this council, the Fortress of Light would be able to do much more for the good of the Magix Dimension."
"Everything in its own time, Yerka. We must have patience." said Givelian as he started to leave the room with Yerka following. "We should be using magic in a more effective way! We should intervene in worldly affairs instead of just confronting them from afar, but not everyone agrees with me, at least not yet."
"We should try to find other supporters."
"I know, and I think that the only way is through the Schools of Magix."
Yerka looked at Givelian in confusion. "The schools?"
"That's where the new recruits are found. Gifted youths that one day will become members of the Fortress of Light Council. If we direct their studies in the right way, they will share our opinions and will support us in our future decisions."
"But they're only kids! It will take a long time!"
Givelian just smirks. "I am only 142, Dear Yerka, and I'm among the youngest of in the Council. I can wait."
"Oh! As always, you are right, noble Givelian! Excellent idea!" Yerka said, kissing up to him. "But how will we influence the school curriculum? Saladin, Faragonda, and Griffin all support out opponents!"
Givelian realized Yerka had a point. "We must see to it that they are substituted, of course! We must prove that they are not adequate. We must make them falter and then request new headmasters, and in that occassion appoint mages who support us. I might even propose myself as the new headmaster of Alfea."
"That would be amazing! In that case, I might feel appropriate for Cloud Tower, your excellency."
"I will take note of that, Yerka."
"But when could we take action? Have you already thought of that?"
"The Magic Tournament between Alfea and Cloud Tower will take place in Magix soon. We'll make it so that the competition will take an unexpected and unpleasant turn. The rest will follow on its own!"
With that, the two old men continue down the hall to plot their next move.
Opening (Trigun style)
Music starts as the camera pans up Sky's sword and Ranma's hand holding it.
Ranma is seen walking towards the camera with a rocky wasteland behind him. Next scene has him in front of a wall as he uses Riven's scimitar to quickly deflect a barrage of magical shots.
In the library, the Wins were sitting at a table Bloom and Musa were trying to read some books, Tecna was typing on her tablet, Stella was hunched over asleep, Flora was running back and forth while carrying a few book stacks, and Layla walks in to smack Stella awake.
Panning shot of Ranma from bottom to top as he stood on one of the towers of Alfea then does a Moko Takabisha into the air just as the 'Ranma Club' title appears.
Ranma walks through a forest followed by shots of Shampoo and Ukyou. Ranma is in a crane stance on top of a rock which is followed by shots of Nodoka and sits with the Specialist weapons surrounding him, followed by shots of Mousse and Cologne. It then shows a close up of Ranma's eyes as he turns, the throw a punch, an elbow, and a kick.
Ranma-chan stands over the beaten bodies of the Trix then cuts to a shot of Happosai with a perverted look as he holds a bomb, which blows up in his hand accidentally. Ryoga runs around breaking through walls as he tries to find his way. Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna, and Layla run through a hall. A shot from below of Faerie-Ranma-chan as she charges up magical energies into her fist.
We see Ranma arm as he focuses his ki in his fist, then it is crossed with Faerie-Ranma-chan's rm focusing her ki in her fist. Final shot of Ranma sitting on the ground surrounded by the Phantom Specialists.
End opening
Alfea, Winx dorm…
Ranma and the Winx were sitting around a table in the commons area, having been informed about the Magic Tournament coming up. The table had numerous books stacked around as they were studying.
"With all the things I have to do, a tournament is the last thing I need!" complained Stella.
"Really? And what exactly are all these things you're supposed to do?" asked Ranma.
"Soon the fall fashion show will start and I have to concentrate on the latest fashion collections! I don't have time to do anything else!"
"Didn't you just win the Miss Magix EX Contest some time ago?"
"Yes, but this is important, too!"
"Haha! I have a feeling you will have to find the time." said Bloom. She then took a more serious tone. "But given how nervous the professors are, this tournament must be some serious business."
"No doubt about it." added Flora. "It takes place once every three years, and last time, Cloud Tower has won. It's a competition organized by the Fortress of Light to determine which school of Magix is the best, and the winning school obtains great honors and new funding."
"Funding? For what?" asked Musa.
Stella answered. "To expand the school for example, to buy new furniture and equipment, and best of all for a great end-of-term school trip in some exotic location! Yum! As a matter of fact, winning might not be so bad after all!"
"Well as long as the place isn't cursed in some way, I'm all for it." said Ranma, earning him some giggles from the girls. "So what was the last place like anyway?"
"Apparently three years ago, the witches spent a whole month on a planet with some charming magicians who go to school there."
Ranma got uneasy. "Hey now, Stella, don't tell me you're getting bored of me."
"Oh nonsense, Ranma! Nothing wrong with a little eye candy! After all, you should know. You're attending a school filled with it."
"H-hey now! I don't ogle the other girls in the school!"
"But I'm sure you've been tempted, right?" Stella stood before Ranma as she fluttered her eyes teasingly, causing Ranma to get flustered.
"Okay Stella, enough!" said Bloom. "Aside from that, there are other schools of magic other than Alfea and Cloud Tower?"
Stella turned to Bloom. "Evidently. Of course Magix's are the most important, plus the Fortress of Light controls them directly. But I think that there are others that are managed differently, or that the Fortress of Light cannot control. Who knows?"
Tecna waves it off. "These are just political issues that have nothing to do with us. Let's all just concentrate on studying."
"You're right! I would love to do well in the competition." said Musa. "There will also be individual prizes, and I really wouldn't mind getting one."
"No kidding?" said Bloom.
"Anyway, you know that the competition is performed in groups, right? We'll have to do teamwork." said Stella.
"Oh yeah? And what's that supposed to mean?" asked Tecna. "It doesn't mean we'll have to study and then help you cheat, does it?"
Stella gets indignant. "Why? Wouldn't you want to help a friend in trouble? Have you forgotten the Winx Club? What about our friendship? Aren't we supposed to be friends? Is that not true anymore? Is that it? Tell me!"
Bloom gets up to calm Stella down. "Relax, Stella. You know we are all your friends, but you can't exaggerate and will have to do your part, okay?"
Stella could only humph in annoyance while Tecna just smirks.
"Another thing, there is no real in-class examination. It will be a practical exam. Basically a battle." said Tecna.
That caught Ranma's ear. "A battle, huh? Sounds right up my alley."
"But with who?" asked Flora.
Tecna looks through the notice announcing the Magic Tournament. "The rules say, 'The opponent will be symbolic; it may be an animal, a man, a thing, or the opposite of all this, or it could even take the form of a feeling or concept'."
"A man, or the opposite?" asked Musa.
"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Ranma.
Stella then got up. "Now now, let's not make such a big deal out of this, okay? They'll explain everything to us in class, and I'm sure we'll figure out a way to cheat! Don't worry!"
"Stella, please, if at all possible, we should avoid cheating." chided Flora.
Dufour's class, some time later…
"Now if you want the spell to be as effective as possible during the tournament, you must pay close attention to how you say it." said Dufour as she gives her lecture to the class. "Coupling with focusing your magical powers, the better enunciated the spell the more effective the spell will be. It symbolizes the harmony and equilibrium of the world and thus of the mind, and our internal harmony is fundamental in becoming a real Faerie." She suddenly addresses and orange-clad girl with short red hair. "Give me an example, my dear."
"Huh? Me?" said the girl in surprise.
"That's right. Now, recite a spell to change the humidity in the air."
The girl stood up nervously. "Er… well..." She held her hands together, focusing her magical energies. "Downpour!"
A small cloud formed before and above her, which gave a light drizzle.
"Not bad, but you could have made it rain a lot harder." Dufour assessed. "How will you manage to water a dry field if you don't concentrate? The fate of a whole crop might depend on your magic." She turned her attention to another girl dressed in green with short green waved hair. "Now you try, but act with determination!"
"Uh, yes, Professor." said the girl as she stood up to gather her magical energies. "FLASH RAIN!"
She managed to produce a bigger cloud than the previous student that rained consistently before evaporating. Everyone clapped at the feat.
"Good job! Nicely done!" said Dufour. "And yet you can do even better if you make use of what you have studied in magic and literature."
Dufour then demonstrated this by focusing her own magical energies as she held out her hands before her eyes flashed with light. "HYDRO STORM!"
She created a cloud that covered nearly half the ceiling just before it began to downpour with hard rain, almost as if the water was dumped from a giant pitcher. Everyone clapped in awe at the sight.
"Hehe, what about that?" asked Dufour as she took a bow.
"Whoa, did you see that?" asked Layla to her friends.
Dufour continues. "If you keep on being steadfast and firm in your work, then I'm certain Alfea will win this time."
Once class was dismissed, the students filed out of the room. The Winx and Ranma got together to discuss the lesson.
"That Professor Dufour is really good." said Layla.
"I don't know if we're good enough." said Flora.
"You have doubts?" asked Stella. "Three years ago, the witches won because the Winx Club wasn't there. There's no way that's happening again, I'm telling you!"
"I really hope so, Stella." said Ranma.
For the next few days, they had been studying in preparation for the Magic Tournament. One night, the group except Bloom sat at a table in the library reading through some books under the table lamps. The girls started showing signs of fatigue from reading too much. Ranma, however, was completely out of it, hunched over the table as he quietly snored.
"Ugh… we've been studying for six hours now! Want to take a break?" asked a tired Musa.
"Yes, I agree..." said Tecna.
"You know what? I think we're going overboard here." said Stella. "And what if we don't win? The hell with the school trip and the prize! This is just unhealthy! Why don't we just leave all of this and go back to living life?"
"Speak for yourself, Stella! Unlike you, I want to win!" said Musa.
It was then Bloom returned looking uneasy. "Everyone! I've heard something rather serious!"
They all turned their attention to Bloom as Layla nudged Ranma awake, startling him.
"Huh? What?" said a groggy Ranma. "What's going on?"
Seeing that she got everyone's attention, Bloom continued. "It happened as I passed by the Headmistress's room. Without meaning to, I overheard Faragonda talking to Saladin… they were talking about the tournament and seemed very worried..."
Bloom had finished using the restroom and was on her way back to the library. As she approached Faragonda's office, she heard voices, recognizing them as the headmistress and Saladin of Red Fountain.
"There is a power struggle going on in the Fortress of Light, and it is going to involve the schools, too, dear Saladin. The person who told me this is very certain."
'Huh?' thought Bloom as she silently listened in through the door.
"The result of the tournament will be very important to the Fortress of Light, and if Alfea will not perform well, they will certainly ask me to resign."
"Hmm… and after Alfea, maybe they will want a new headmaster for Cloud Tower as well." said Saladin. "I've heard similar things. Somebody would like to manage the schools differently, and we're in their way." He gives Faragonda a serious look. "You must put pressure on your students to win the tournament! They have to make the school look good!"
Faragonda immediately shook her head while waving her hands. "Oh no no! I can't! I would just get them worried and stressed out, it would be horrible. They need to stud with serenity and think of their future. We must take care of our own problems. Everything will be all right, you'll see."
"I truly hope so, Faragonda..."
Bloom was shocked at what she heard and quietly made her way to the library.
End flashback
"So do you understand what that means? If Alfea loses in the tournament, we might end up with another headmaster!" said Bloom.
"Like hell that will happen!" said Ranma. The old headmistress had helped him out a lot, and it was time he returned the favor. "I won't allow it!"
"Same here, Faragonda is fantastic!" said Flora.
"Without a doubt!" added Tecna.
"I get it. We can't give up, ugh..." said Stella. "As a matter of fact, we'll have to give it our all since Faragonda is the greatest headmistress ever!"
"Well we don't have much time. The tournament is next week!" said Musa.
Tecna pulls out her magic tablet and began typing up a program. "I'll immediately create an electronic spreadsheet so that we can split up the work."
"Great, more reading..." groaned Ranma.
"Now now, Ranma, you need to exercise your mind as well as your body." said Flora.
"Yeah yeah, but like Tecna said, it's going to be a practical exam."
The next few days, Ranma and the girls prepared themselves for the upcoming Magic Tournament. Finally, the day of the tournament has come.
A rocky plain a distance from Cloud Tower…
Surrounded by a few large rock formations was a large stone round arena with a shaded box seat section on one end for the faculty and other honored guests. The structure was the work of Griffin and the Cloud Tower faculty using elemental transmutation.
The faculties of Alfea, Cloud Tower, and Red Fountain gathered at the box seats where Faragonda meets up with Griffin.
"My congratulations, dear Griffin. You've come up with an amazing arena." said Faragonda.
"It was our responsibility, since we were the winners last time." said Griffin. "We chose the appropriate location among these rocks and completed the rest with a bit of magic.. Once the competition is over, everything will disappear, preserving the natural environment." She then directs their attention at a part of the balcony jutting out. "Traditionally, it is the challenging school that gives the starting signal. From here you will be able to do it well."
Among the Alfea faculty sat Nodoka along with Shampoo, Ukyou, Mousse, Cologne, Kasumi, Tofu, Sasuke, and Xander.
"Ooh! This is so exciting!" said Sasuke.
"Too bad it's not a martial arts brawl. Ran-chan would dominate." said Ukyou.
"That go without saying!" added Shampoo.
"I hope Ranma and the others will do fine." said Kasumi.
"Don't worry, they certainly will." said Nodoka.
"If Ranma can't I never would've accepted him as my son-in-law." said Cologne.
"Still, I wonder what this tournament will do?" asked Xander.
"We'll find out soon."
Griffin walks over to see some of the Fortress of Light Councilmen seated and greets the leader. "Can I help you with anything else, Your Excellency?"
"No, my dear Griffin, I'll be very happy to watch this competition." replied the head councilman. "We all expect that the students of the Schools of Magix to have the best training."
"I'm certain we will not let you down, Your Excellency."
Faragonda walked out onto the podium in the box seat and spoke through the mic. "The Magic Tournament has now begun! Before we start, I will explain the rules of the competition! The teams of witches and Faeries shall face the chosen opponent without transforming themselves. They shall make use of that which has been taught to them up until now. No tournament may everbe interrupted for whatever reason until victory or until the participants give up."
Sitting in the locker room was the Winx and Ranma-chan, who had heard the announcement from the speakers.
"We were the first ones among all the others to be selected." said Bloom, feeling nervous.
"Well, of all the students, you're the most renowned one, Bloom." said Stella. "Faragonda is counting on you to give a good impression."
"Way to give no pressure, Stella." said Layla.
"Don't see why I have to be a girl for this..." muttered Ranma-chan.
"Because it's a contest between faeries and witches, Ranma." said Flora.
"Besides, it's just for show. We wouldn't want those guys from Light Fortress to accuse Faragonda of using outside sources." said Tecna.
Ranma-chan sighed, realizing they had a point.
Faragonda's voice sounded through the speaker. "The first group may come forth!"
Bloom immediately stood up. "That's us, girls. Let's go!"
The six Faeries and single half-Faerie exit the room and walk out into the arena where they see all the stands filled to the max with the students of Alfea, Red Fountain, and Cloud Tower, all cheering for the contestants.
"Oh my, there's so many people..." said Flora who felt a bit overwhelmed.
"How lovely, they're cheering for us!" said Stella with pride.
Soon after their entrance, a group of seven witches enter the arena, earning them cheers from their section of the audience.
Bloom looked ahead and recognized someone within the group. "Oh! It's Shilly!"
Shilly looked over and saw Bloom with her friends and waved back at them. She then turned towards the stands and saw Mousse sitting in the box seat, causing her to blush.
'Oh! He's watching me!'
Faragonda continues her announcement. "Discover the allegories and symbols hidden in the fight! Only by understanding those will you manage to win! May fate choose the opponent!"
Within the box seats, Givelian and Yerka smirk deviously.
"I succeeded in modifying the drawing charm the way you suggested, your Excellency. I'm sure no one noticed anything." Yerka whispered to Givelian.
"Good. Those young students are in for an unpleasant surprise..." said Givelian in a sinister tone.
Suddenly, a bucket with wings flew into the arena followed by a female archer. The bucket flew above an arrow target and dumped several slips of paper out. The archer notched an arrow and shot at a random slip of paper, which bullseyes into the target board.
"Perfect!" said Faragonda as she used her powers to levitate the paper slip to her hand. She reads off of it. "The opponent you must face is… fear!"
"Fear? What does that mean?" asked Bloom.
"The opponent can be anything, remember?" Said Tecna. "A monster, a thing, or even a concept."
"No doubt it will be something symbolic in its manifestation." said Shilly as she braced herself before addressing her teammates. "Be prepared for anything!"
The ground suddenly began to shake before a fault cracked open. From the crack, numerous vines started growing out at an alarming rate.
"What the hell?" said Ranma-chan.
"Creeping ivy?" said Shilly in surprise.
"It's growing way too fast!" said Layla.
"Fear often paralyzes us and limits our freedom. In the same way, the ivy will try to suffocate you in the arena. Use your magic as a weapon to defend yourselves!"
Shilly powers up her dark energies. "Let's do this! Energy Buzzsaw!"
She forms a large buzzsaw made of purple light that sawed through the growing ivy, shredding a good portion to bits. However, when the shredded parts of the ivy fell to the ground, they sprouted even more.
"What the!?" said Shilly.
"Oh no! The pieces are casting new roots!" said another witch.
"The new plants are growing even faster!" said a third witch.
Sure enough, the ivy began to grow even faster and larger. It suddenly surrounded the Cloud Tower witch students and engulfed them in a plant dome.
"It's trapping us!"
Everyone in the audience became alarmed at the development.
"Hey! What happen?" asked Shampoo.
"Something's not right..." said Nodoka.
"Wait! This is a higher level enchantment!" exclaimed Griffin.
"You're right! It's too strong for them!" said Faragonda. "This is something made for graduates and alumni!"
Givelian smirked and made his move. He gets up feigning anger at Griffin and Faragonda. "Are you saying you made a mistake in choosing the opponent? This is a very serious matter!"
"We didn't make any mistakes!" defended Faragonda.
"That's right! Somehow the enchanted vase has been tampered with!" said Griffin.
Givelian doesn't back down. "It's still your fault! We cannot allow-!"
The head councilman cuts Givelian off. "Just a moment, noble Givelian. No one is to be accused lightly! We will have time to find out the truth later on. I believe we have other things to worry about."
"Yes, we must interrupt the test! Those girls are in serious danger!" said Faragonda.
Griffin quickly held back Faragonda. "We can't! The enchantment doesn't allow us to do anything until the competition is complete! The risk would be even greater!"
"Oh no, that's right..." said Faragonda. She then quickly calls over the balcony seat to her students. "You must forfeit! Only then will the enchantment stop! Declare you have lost and give up!"
Down in the arena, Ranma-chan and the Winx were about to be swallowed up by the ivy just like the witches.
"What? Give up?" said Bloom in shock.
"You've got to be kidding!" said Ranma-Chan as she futilely tried to hold back the growing ivy.
"If we give up, then we'll really look bad! We can't do that!" said Stella.
In the box seats, Givelian and Yerka smirk to themselves.
"If they give up, Faragonda is done for! Our plan is working perfectly!" whispered Yerka.
Back in the arena, the Alfea representatives continue to fight off the ivy.
"Leave this to me! I'll dry them out!" said Stella as she held out her hand. "Sunstroke Shot!"
She fired a beam of concentrated sunlight at the ivy, but to her shock, it had the opposite affect and caused them to grow even more.
"Its growth is accelerating! Was it your spell?" said Musa.
"No! It's that sunlight helps plants grow!" said Flora, being the resident botany expert. "It's all symbolic, get it? We need to act differently!"
"Maybe I can burn it all away!" said Bloom as she started powering up until Tecna quickly grabbed her wrist.
"No, Bloom! Doing that would trap us all in a blaze!" said Tecna.
"We can't cut it, we can't burn it, then what the hell are we supposed to do!?" shouted Ranma-chan.
Flora takes the lead. "Quick! Follow me! Let's get closer to the plant instead of running away from it!"
She ran towards an opening in the growing foliage.
"What? Flora! Wait!" shouted Bloom.
"Just come on!" Flora made her way through the growing branches as the rest had no choice but to follow.
"Just what are you trying to do?" asked Stella.
The seven girls disappeared into the growing ivy which had grown into a literal forest and still continuing. There had been a panic among the audience as they tried to get away from the creeping plant that started to expand to the rest of the arena.
"They disappeared into that forest!" said Xander.
"This is bad..." said Tofu.
"Well you heard what Faragonda-san said! It's obvious the situation has gotten out of hand!" said Ukyou.
"Is there anything that can be done?" asked Kasumi with worry.
"We need go in there!" said Shampoo as she was prepared to jump into the forest.
"No, Shampoo." said Nodoka, holding the purple-haired girl back.
"I know how you feel, but outside interference on the enchantment will make things worse. You could possibly put them all in even more danger."
"I'm afraid she's right, great grand-daughter." said Cologne.
Shampoo hung her head in defeat after hearing that.
"So then what?" asked Ukyou.
Nodoka turned to look at the growing forest. "We have to leave it up to them now..."
Inside the forest…
Within the creeping ivy was like a lush forest, the one that came out of the fault was now a largre tree rays of sunlight pierced through the leaves above. If not for the circumstances, it would be a beautiful scene of nature.
"See? The bigger the branches, the less they are able to stop us, and here there are fewer leaves, too." said Flora.
"Great, but what now?" asked Bloom.
"Don't you get it? It's all symbolic! Sometimes to overcome something we fear we can't run away from, but have to face it by getting closer to it, we need to get to know it." She looks up to see some butterflies flying about. "It really isn't so scary here, is it?"
"It's true, it's een pretty, actually beautiful!" said Stella.
On one branch, some butterflied were perched as a caterpillar crawls by.
"Check it out! It's even filled with life!" said Musa. "Look at the caterpillar!"
"These butterflies, the trunk is their home." said Tecna.
Stella held her arms out as a few butterflies perched on her wrists and head. "Instead by getting to know it better, we understand its beauty and learn new things. I'm beginning to understand what you're saying."
Nearby, Ranma-chan was also swarmed with numerous butterflies. "Yeah, same here, but there seems to be a lot of them…"
Layla knelt down near the base of the tree. "But the plant is still creating problems. Even if we don't destroy it, we still need to stop it somehow."
"Exactly! We need to understand why it's become so big and evil. Come!" said Flora as she found an opening she could go down through.
"Hey! Why down there?" asked Stella.
"Stella, it's another symbol. Think about it." said Ranma-chan.
"Another one? Um… let's see..." Stella tilted her head in thought until she straightened up. "I know! One needs to go to the origin of things in order to understand them, or rather one must go to the ROOT of the problem!"
"There you go. That's what I was thinking, too." said Flora. She proceeds to descend through the hole. "We need to try. I'm sure that we'll find a way of stopping the plant from down here."
Some time later at the arena…
Faragonda and Griffin stood looking over the balcony looking at the growing plants. The ivy had already started to reach the railings.
"It's been a while since we last saw them. What are they doing?" wondered Griffin.
"The plant is almost here. They'll have to do something soon." said Faragonda.
"The magical illusion might soon become a horrible and all too real danger."
"I trust my students. I have faith they'll succeed!"
Nearby, Nodoka had similar thoughts. 'My son, you and the others can do this!'
Bottom of the chasm...
It took some time, but the seven Alfea students managed to reach the bottom of the chasm where the giant roots have nested.
"Unbelievable… this plant has created an enormous cave!" said Musa.
"We should be getting close to the roots now." said Tecna.
They come across the base of the root where on one side was near a small stream of water while the other was nested in what looked like black water contaminated in darkness.
"The roots are split in two." said Musa. "One stub is absorbing this murky and polluted water..."
"While the other stub that feeds on the pure water is being blocked off by this huge rock." said Flora as she noticed said rock that was about as ig as a living room space was sitting atop the thin root.
"There's another symbol here, too..." said Bloom.
"Let me guess: fear feeds off of evil things that deform reality and make problems appear enormous." said Stella.
"Have to say, Stella, I'm impressed." said Layla.
"While prejudice and misunderstanding, just like this rock, often prevents harmonious growth." added Musa as she looked at the rock.
"That's also got to be it. Well played, Musa." said Flora.
"So in other words, all we got to do is move this big rock, right?" said Ranma-chan as she cracked her knuckles. "Well that simplifies things. I'll just break it into pebbles!"
She reared back her fist, but was suddenly stopped when Layla grabbed her wrist. "Hold on, Ranma."
"Ranma-chan looked at the dark-skinned girl. "Huh? What's up, Layla?"
"Sure, shattering it should be no problem for you, but I think there's a better solution to this. Instead, are you able to lift it?"
"I suppose, but why?"
"Well, this tree is feeding off the murky water since the root trying to feed off the pure water is being blocked off by the rock, causing it to go haywire. But, what if we reverse it?"
Tecna immediately understood what Layla was getting at. "You're onto something there, Layla. Cut off the source of the murky water!"
"Okay, I get it now." said Ranma-chan. As she walked up to the rock. "Stand back!"
The pigtailed girl squatted down and grabbed the base of the rock. She struggled a bit as veins popped on her hands. After another few moments, Platinum Sky, Diamond Brandon, gold Helia, Onyx Riven, Silver Timmy, and Amethyst Nabu emerged from her and assisted in trying to lift the boulder. After a moment, they all managed to lift the boulder over their heads. Turning, they threw it over to land on the root feeding off the murky water, cutting off the source.
"Yeah Ranma! You did it!" said Musa as she and the other girls cheered.
The souls fused back into Ranma-chan, who let out a breath. "Well… that wasn't too hard."
Back at the arena…
The faculties and guests were getting worried when the ivy had started to entwine itself arounf the entire balcony railing. Before it could advance any further, the plants stopped completely.
"What is going on?" asked Faragonda.
To everyone's surprise, the plants began to lose strength and recede.
"Look! The ivy shoots are retreating!" said Griffin.
In the back, Givelian and Yerka were shocked at what had happened.
"What!? How did this happen!?" Givelian angrily whispered.
"I don't know, Excellency!" whispered Yerka.
"This wasn't how it was supposed to go!"
Ranma's group were glad that the crisis seems to have been averted.
"I just know Ranma Honey and the others had something to do with this!" said Ukyou.
"Well done, girls. Well done, my son." said Nodoka proudly.
On the arena ground, the plant dome that caged the witches opened up and released its prisoners.
"Finally! We're free!" said Shilly.
From the stands, Mousse was glad to see Shilly unharmed.
The forest that took over nearly the whole arena had shrunk down to a smaller foliage coming out of the crack in the ground as if to try and grow naturally this time around. It was then the Winx and Ranma-chan climbed out of the crack and into the open air.
"Hey look! The Winx Club made it! The Faeries have won!"
After coming out, the Alfea representatives were greeted with a loud applause from the audience for not only winning but for also averting a potential crisis.
"Girls! Over here!" Faragonda called out.
They nodded and made their way to the box seats where they met up with the faculties and the Light Fortress councilmen.
The Head Councilman stepped up to personally congratulate them. "You've done very well! Although the trial was harder than expected, you won by using intelligence, curiosity, and understanding. These are the weapons of good, and you've used them in the best of ways! Excellent!"
"Thank you, sir, but we did it all together!" said Bloom.
The Head Councilman then turned to Faragonda and Griffin. "This means that your professors have taught you well. Splendid job! At this point, considering what has happened, I declare the tournament to officially be over. Victory goes to the Faeries of Alfea!"
"YEAH!" the Winx girls and Ranma-chan cheered.
"We can really say that like every three years, the tournament has served its purpose. I'll see you all next time!"
Ranma's group and the rest of the Alfea faculty came along to congratulate the seven participants on a job well done. Unknown to everyone else, toward the back, Givelian and Yerka glowered in anger at the unexpected turn of events.
"Our plan has failed..." said Yerka in annoyance.
"Yes, Yerka, but next time, we shall not fail!" said Givelian in anger.
To be continued...
Stella: Finally a chance to unwind!
Musa: After that test, we certainly earned it.
Bloom: We came across a little beach island to have some R&R.
Layla: This is my scene, you know. The water's my home.
Tecna: Unfortunately, there are reports of monsters in the area, too…
Flora: Looks like duty calls.
Layla: Oh come on! Seriously?
Stella: Next time, on Ranma Club, 'Wipeout! Layla Makes Waves!'
Ranma: I just can't escape from water, can I
Author's notes
Done with another chapter. This was based off the comic story with a few tweaks. Now we got slimy corrupt old men in the mix.
Oh, Winx season 8 sucks ass. Not even going to bother with that redesigned retconned shit.
Recently suffered 2nd degree burns on my hand, but I'm healing, so managed to get this chapter out. Now the bill hurts me...
Thanks for sticking with me all this time!