Author's note: It's my first fic so constructive criticism is welcome. Flamers can go to hell.

Disclaimer: I don't own Tekken.

Hwoarang is a disciple of Taekwondo. Steve is a boxer. One focuses on the speed and accuracy of his kicks. The other relies on the strength and effectiveness of his punches. Two different concepts. But they are friends.

Hwoarang has red hair which he confesses is 'chemically assisted'. Steve has blond hair which he professes to be natural. Both are around the same height, give or take a few centimeters. Perhaps the same build as well although both beg to differ. Hwoarang's eyes are the colour of the brown leaves in autumn. Steve's eyes are the colour of the blue sky in spring. Any sane female would shyly admit that those were their best physical features.

The two are caffeine junkies. Steve gets his fix from a steaming mug of coffee. Plenty of milk and sugar. Hwoarang gets his kick from an iced can of the same. Bitter and dark. Hwoarang thinks Western dishes are bland and tasteless. Steve thinks Asian cuisine is too much to handle. However, both are not too fond of sweets. After all, they could always refer to Ling Xiaoyu in their defense.

Both think the other's preference in music is lacking. Hwoarang doesn't get the strange accents in Brit-rock. Steve doesn't get the strange language in K-rock. They could spend hours arguing on the topic. Accusations of bad taste galore. Afterwards, a stubborn silence ensues. They can only spend minutes like this before all is forgotten.

When Hwoarang is troubled, he is irritable and is prone to snapping at people. When Steve is troubled, he is silent and is prone to answering in monosyllables. When both men are threatened, they defy the adversary and fight back. Hwoarang puts his heart and soul into every strike. Steve holds back and looks for weaknesses. Both are worthy opponents in a battle.

Both fight for honour and vengeance. Both bear scars from their pasts. Steve's are physical, Hwoarang's are much deeper. Both are confident in their abilities. Sometimes a bit too much so. Baek Do San, Bruce Irvin and Jin Kazama can attest to that fact. Both are determined to achieve their goals even if it takes all their physical and mental strength.

There is another thing they both want. However, it is something that one cannot have if the other attains it.

She is American. Her determination to achieve her goals is as strong as theirs. She's smart, attractive and has a nice laugh. She understands them both. More than they would normally like. But, strangely, it's alright with them. Her name is Julia Chang and her eyes are the colour of tree-bark in sunlight.

When she smiles, it reminds Hwoarang of a safer place. Like under a mountain of blankets on a cold, rainy day. When she gazes at the sky, her eyes make Steve wish his soul could soar above with hers. 

Neither of them have been in a serious relationship before. But then again, neither of them have ever felt like this. And thus, an unspoken rivalry is born. She isn't clear on what she feels for whom. It would have to be a matter of time.

But for now, they could at least settle one score. The two men faced each other in the arena, each with a cocky smirk on his face. Anytime now. They both got into their respective stances.

Here I come.

"Round one. Fight!"

Here we go.