Chuck was already laughing. His little plan hadn't even been set into action yet, and he still thought it was hilarious. He had had the idea last night. Leaving out the good pars, he told Serena, the next morning. She was all for a small get-together between friends. He hadn't had to lift a finger. Serena was such a sucker not to even think that Chuck had an alternate motive. Of course, he did- he was Chuck Bass.

Everyone that was invited was there, except for Nate and Vanessa only because they were getting extra liquor. Chuck knew he was screwed (not literally…sadly) if they ran out of alcohol. And he knew if he didn't pull off his plan tonight, their lives might be screwed up again by next week.

He had stayed up most of the night before perfecting "Chuck Bass' Kiss or Tell". It was the perfect blend of Truth or Dare and Spin the Bottle. By the end of the night he was sure that not only would secrets be revealed, there'd be some made. He was so excited.

"So, Bass, what's the catch?" Blair asked sitting beside him on the couch-martini glass in hand.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Waldorf." He replied, coolly.

She rolled her eyes, "Come on. You suggest we all have some little fun night…in room 1812. Nothing as sweet and innocent as Serena seems to think this is happens in room 1828."

Chuck grinned, "Speaking form experience?"

Her eyes narrowed, "so what's up your sleeves?"

"T-shirt." Chuck retorted, holding his arm out, "No sleeves"

"I'm on to you." She said under her breath as Dan and Serena joined them.

"What are we going to watch?" Serena asked, taking a drink from her Pepsi.

"ERIC'S PICK!" Eric exclaimed from the kitchen, where he was popping popcorn.

"There you go, Serena, Eric gets to pick." Chuck said as though Serena hadn't heard.

Nate and Vanessa came, arms linked together, through the unlocked door, both with a brown bag of liquor.

"Chuckie, we're home!" Nate called, setting the bags on the coffee table in front of the huge sectional couch, where they were all sitting.

"About time." Chuck replied, his normal smirk reaching his face.

"Sorry." Eric said coming in with two overly large bowls full of popcorn.

"Not you, Eric-that's a lot of popcorn." Chuck's eyes widened.

Eric smiled, "There is seven of us. And, I like the popping noise."

Eric looked at them, Nate and Dan had their lips tightly pressed together. Serena had her eyes closed. After a second, Blair snorted- before she along with the others started laughing.

Eric placed one of the bowls beside the liquor, and sat down with the other one on his lap. Nate and Vanessa sat on the side of the loveseat even though they could have fit with the others.

"What do you want to watch, Eric?" Blair asked.

Eric opened his mouth, about to form words but Chuck cut in "Don't even think 'Yours Mine & Ours'!"

"But Chuck, its so good." Eric replied, but seeing the dead serious look on Chuck's face, "But I'll pick something else."

"What about Pretty Woman?" Serena asked.

"I would normally agree." Chuck said, "But I've had enough hookers for a while."

"I know what I want to watch." Eric replied, "Stranger Than Fiction, and then Tenacious D."

"Fine." Chuck said, "But you have to find them."

"Already in the player." Eric smiled grabbing a handful of popcorn as Chuck used the remote to turn on the DVD and TV.

Half way through Tenacious D, they were out of popcorn.

"Who wants more popcorn?" Chuck asked sweetly, grabbing the kernel filled bowls.

"I DO!" Eric exclaimed, not tearing his eyes away from the screen.

"Alright." Chuck smiled, walking out of the living room.

"I'll help." Blair said, getting up and following him.

When they reached the kitchen, Chuck set the bowls down, "What do you-"

Blair was on him, her lips cutting off his words as she kissed him. When he began to kiss her back, she pulled away.

"Is that what tonight is about?" She asked, straightening her clothes that neither of them realized were messed up.

"Oh, Yes, Blair. Everything I do is about you." He rolled his eyes, "No, but I wouldn't mind doing it some more." He winked, as she shot him a dirty look.

"What do you want from me?" She asked quietly.

"Nothing you haven't already given, but this isn't about you, Waldorf." Chuck started to smile, "But if you want you could be in on it."

"Really?" She was giving him a one over, she didn't believe him.

"Yeah, but you've got to be my girlfriend." He gave her a toothy grin that went along with his words that made him sound like a 13-year-old.

She rolled her eyes.
"No joke, Waldorf. Be my girlfriend, and I'll tell you my plan." He insisted.

"I didn't think Chuck Bass had girlfriends." She replied.

"Says who?" He asked.

"Chuck Bass." She answered, starting to smile.

"He's not very bright, you know that." Chuck was starting to lean towards her.

"Okay." Her voice was quiet, maybe because he was so close to her, or maybe because of what she was agreeing to.

"Good." He backed a way, a cocky grin on his face as he opened a new box of popcorn.

"Are you going to tell me your plan?" She asked.

"Not yet." He replied as he put the popcorn in the microwave.

"UGH!" She stomped out.

"Thank god." Nate sighed as the credits began to roll.

Chuck used the remote to turn off the TV and DVD, "Now is when the fun begins."

"What are you talking about?" Serena was instantly suspicious, mentally berating herself for falling for one of Chuck's plans.

"Eric, help me move this coffee table." Chuck said, before he and Eric moved the coffee table out of the way. "Now if everyone would assemble into a circle on the floor here."

Chuck and Eric were the first to sit down. Blair groaned but moved into the floor, as did Nate and Vanessa. Dan slowly moved to the floor, though Serena stayed seated on the couch.

"Sis, are you going to join us or not?" Chuck asked innocently.

Serena took a breath, "Alright." She sat between Dan and Blair.

Chuck smiled, "We're going to play Chuck Bass' Kiss or Tell."

"Kiss or Tell?" Vanessa asked.

"Don't you mean Truth or Dare?" Nate added.

"No." Chuck answered, "The rules are fairly simple, you are asked a question, but it has to be a totally shocking question and then you can answer truthfully or kiss."

"Kiss who?" Blair asked.

"Either the person who kissed you, or the person on your right side, but it has to be a real kiss not just a peck. Now lets start, being the creator of this game, means I go first." Chuck looked around the circle, picking his victim. "Serena."

"Yes?" She groaned.

"If Blair hadn't been dating Nate when you came back, would you have ever gave Dan a chance?" Chuck asked.

"I'm not kissing you." Serena retorted.

"Person on your right, if you don't want to kiss me or you can tell us." Chuck smirked.

Serena looked to her right. Blair.

"Alright. Come here, Blair." Serena said, leaning close to Blair.

Serena put her mouth to Blair's. Blair put her hand on Serena's face, they were just trying to mess with Chuck, who looked like he was enjoying this way too much.

When they pulled away, Chuck said, "Now its your turn to ask, Serena."

"Dan." She said looking at her boyfriend, "What happened with Georgina, when we were broken up?"

Dan blushed for a minute, before grabbing Serena, kissing her quickly.

"Dan, you cant ask the person who picked you, that's another rule." Chuck quickly said, before Dan could say Serena.

"Alright. Ugh-Blair." Dan said after a minute, "What was that noise we heard coming from the kitchen earlier?"

Blair smiled, "Chuck Bass asking me out."

Chuck, instead of being mad, winked at her.

Blair looked around, "Vanessa. When you first came back, would you have done anything to break Serena and Dan up?"

Vanessa looked at Blair and then to her right. Chuck. She bit her lip, she wasn't about to answer that. She was trying to figure out which one she'd rather kiss. She choose Chuck, because she turned to face him, he happily leaned towards her. Chuck put his hands on her shoulders, trying to make Blair jealous, like she had tried to make him. Vanessa pulled away.

"Chuck." Vanessa said, "Do you love Blair Waldorf? And you can't kiss me again."

"Fine." Chuck said, turning to his right, which happened to be Eric. "Don't tell Lily." was all he said before kissing his little step-brother.

When he finished kissing Eric, "My turn again."

"Nate. Why did you confess your love to Serena when you were supposed to be finding your girlfriend at her masked ball?" Chuck asked.

Nate was in a corner. If he answered, Blair would hate him again, and he only had Chuck and Dan to choose from.

"Sorry, Serena." Nate said, before his lips locked against Dan's. It lasted only a second.

"Don't apologize, Natie…it was kinda hot." Serena laughed.

"Blair." Nate looked a bit unforgiving, "Why did you sleep with my best friend moments after we broke up?"

To Be Continued….

A/N: What did you think??

The circle goes like this Serena, Blair, Vanessa, Chuck, Eric, Nate, Dan

REVIEW and you'll get more...dont review...and you can guess what you wont get ;)