After rereading the 22nd chapter I figured that I could end this story now and write another one about the babies' future. So that is what I am going to do. When I started this story I never figured that I would make it this far in but I did. So I will write this last chapter and call this my VERY FIRST finished fanfiction.
Chapter 23: The End.
Kagome was in the hospital for just a day before she could go home. Sesshomaru and Kagome had not named their daughter yet because nothing seemed to fit yet. Kagome was wheeled to the front doors of the hospital, as was their policy, to find none other then Kaiya standing there with Sesshomaru. She was standing next to a hansom man whom Kagome didn't know.
"Surprise! Sesshomaru here called me after the baby was born so we hopped on a train and came right over." Her old friend nudged the man at her side.
"Wow I am so glad you're here!" Kagome held the baby close to her chest and stood from the wheelchair. "Who is this?" she asked Kaiya about that man.
"This is my fiancé Todd."
Kagome handed the sleeping child to Sesshomaru to put in the car. "It's nice to meet you. We should get home." Kagome was still tried and really wanted to get home. She climbed in to the back seat with Kaiya while the men rode up front.
Kagome had gotten the baby settled in her new room and now had a few minutes to sit down.
"In a few months" Kaiya started "I would like you to be my maid of honor in our wedding" she looked up at Todd and smiled. Kagome knew that look well, it was the look she still has for Sesshomaru.
"I would love to!" The four of them sat and talked until the call of the baby took persistence. Everything seemed to be set in place so well.
Todd and Sesshomaru sat alone in the parlor while the women went to tend to the child. "Have you thought of any names?" he asked making small talk
"A few…we didn't make a choice while she was pregnant because we didn't know the gender."
"I think she should have the name Alana" Kagome descended the stairs with their daughter in her arms. "Alana lyn" she smiled looking up at Sesshomaru
"I think that is perfect." He laughed lightly "It was my great grandmother's name. It fits her."
Four months later
Kaiya was pacing in her wedding dress. Kagome held Alana trying to calm her as well as Kaiya.
"It is your wedding day nothing is going wrong. I made sure!" Kagome had spent all of her time either caring for her baby of planning her best friends wedding.
"I know it is but I am just pacing to stay sane." She stood in front of the mirror looking at her reflection. Her dark hair had grown out and was put elegantly on the crown of her head with pearled hair pin. The dress was strapless and fell to the floor on her short form. A deep blue with a pattern of silver stars went up the side.
"It's time to go. You look beautiful." Kagome kissed Kaiya's cheek and went to take her spot Alana still in her arms.
Years passes and little Alana grew up to be a powerful and beautiful woman. She was faced with her own troubles but unlike her mother before her, she had an overprotective father who taught her to fight as soon as she was walking. When she entered high school she met the son of Todd and Kaiya. They started off as best friends but as the years went by the two grew to be much more then that. Before they knew it Kagome and Sesshomaru were sitting in the front row of the same church that Todd and Kaiya had been married, watching their daughter marry her high school sweet heart. Through the fabric of Alana's dress they could see the growing child she carried. Before she said the binding words she looked over at her parents and a tear of happiness fell from Kagome's eyes. "My baby girl is all grown up" This life was perfect. He watched his child grow and soon he would be watching his grandchild grow as well. Everything had come full circle. She had found who she was missing. The one she was before, the one she wanted to be and the one she is forever more.