And yes. I wrote a new story when I should be writing chapters for Death of a Believer. But I got curious, and liked the prospect of all chaos ensuring from mixed up places. Or something like that. I must warn you - Ed is the bad guy in this. And almost all the others are good guys. That means Envy is too! xD No, actually Envy is neutral. D: And he likelike Beast Ed. (: I think. Anyways, read it. I think it is pretty damn cool. It might end up being a M rated fic eventually, due to the soon to be violent plotline.

Disclaimer - I don't own FMA. This is the ONLY disclaimer I'm going to put up.

Warnings - Violence, death reference, insanity, madness, messed up character positions (not in the sick way, child molesters!), etc etc.


Ink Hands

"He lived. He laughed. He killed. He died with his heart in his hands," - Unknown


The sickening crimson liquid was everywhere – the walls, the floor, the furniture, the window, his hands, and his body. The liquid dried black, letting none of the white enter the place.


It wracked his senses by the second – his whole body was on fire. Burning, aching pain. Colors exploded behind closed eyelids, his stomach clenched at the sheer force of the pain.


The salty liquid ran down his face – clearing away the dried blood, as it always did. Drip drop, the tears fell to the floor, causing spots of clear in the black.


It had to be the most overwhelming of them all – the aching nothingness, the fact that no sound, no emotion reached his ears. So he clawed at them, those ears that refused to work at this second.


He knew what he was – he was mad. Kill, kill, kill it all. Kill the body, kill the mind, kill the emotion, kill the heart, and most importantly, kill the soul. And he had done so, so he was mad. He had destroyed himself. Yes. He had.

The faces on those people when he was killed, was hilarious. So funny. To see his brother crumble down with tears, to see the blond woman scream and shout. To see the Colonel beg him to come back, and to see the bastard himself break down and beg his son to be kind once more. It was too late, he didn't deserve it. He had sinned to much – he would die. He would die happily, his heart in his hands. He hadn't placed the heart there in his white gloves, no it had been the very ones who begged for him to come back. But they didn't know him. They had never seen him except to fight him. They had believed he was a monster, and ripped his heart out, figuratively and literally.

And it was, the slowly dieing organ rested in his palms as he lay in the dry grass. Slowly, ever so slowly he closed his golden eyes.

Then the golden haired boy whispered, "I'm dead." With that he was dead. Dead was he to everything.

The golden haired boy shot up – his mind and body burning from the nightmare. His breath was terribly shaky, coming out in brief pants. Sweat made his pajamas cling to his body. "Just a dream, just a dream, you know they don't know who you are," he chanted to himself, looking around warily as if to see the people from the nightmare come rushing towards him.

That wouldn't happen, none of it could. After all, they didn't know who he was. All they would know was the uncertain information from his younger brother Al – who claimed he had a brother. Still, he had carefully erased his existence. There would be no pictures, information, or clothing, nothing to show he had ever been there. Of course Al's word was sure enough to prove the golden haired boy existed. It seemed humans were more interesting than he first thought. They could believe others who truly believed in something with all their heart. He could never be like that.

No – he, Edward Elric had decided to become dead to the world. He didn't need reminding that he almost, almost tried to perform human transmutation on a dead body. No, he wouldn't. He couldn't, because he had known that his brother would have been gone. So he disappeared the very hour before the two were to perform the transmutation on the dead body that was their mother. Edward Elric had ceased to exist in that hour. Completely, except in the memory of his brother, and the people of Resembol. That was probably why people were still searching for him to this day. He didn't need "saving" as they put it, he needed nothing of the sort. His will, yes it was something like that that had made him leave. Either will, or pure paranoia.

"I think to much about it," he snorted. The golden haired boy knew he talked to himself, after all there was no one else to talk to in his isolation. Sure – he went into civilization a lot - after all he wasn't a complete monster - in need of supplies. But there was no one to talk to there, and little reason to find someone to speak with. Once or twice a military officer would ask him his name, and the boy would reply with a random name and be sent on his way.

Slowly he decided he would go to the nearest town, he was in need of some knew clothing and seeds for the garden that grew outside of his lonely cabin in the mountains. "And I think I'll get rose seeds, to add some life to this drab old house," he announced to the air, feeling a breeze stir with recognition of the monster in human flesh. "Hm, no you have to stay here, breeze, I don't think humans want a breeze messing with them, but don't worry, I'll by you a wind chime to play with," he informed the now happy breeze. Now positive that the breeze wouldn't follow him, the blond stepped into the humid summer air.

Trudging in the direction of the village, his leather boots thudding against the old dirt path, he had know idea something bad would happen. None at all – he had know idea that this would cause the worst to happen. Being found, and "saved".


Envy really couldn't believe, no he couldn't believe it at all. In fact, the very thought caused him to laugh aloud. Scaring the nervous military officers that were on his side. It was so hilarious, really. That 'Father' finally got what was coming to him – he got eaten by that King Bradley. So hilarious, but that meant that Envy had to obey the homunculus – or should he say 'New Father' – with everything. Most everything, after all now the previous Father and Bradley were now one. So it didn't make a difference as long as he could kill.

The sin had been sent to this hick mountain village with General Mustang and his troops because something suspicious was happening. Suspicious being that it could not happen unless something inhuman had taken residence somewhere within the village. There were no animals wandering the mountains – the whole place was eerily silent, not even an insect dared buzz. The village animals were out of their wits with fear, the cows refused to be milked, the chickens smashed their eggs, and the horses wouldn't stand. It was unthinkable to happen, even homunculus did not scare animals this much.

The General was busy listening to a villager who explained what was happening.

"This – this only happens to our animals when that boy comes," the villager spoke, fear lacing every word. His eyes were darting back and forth, as if expecting someone to come out at any second and kill him.

"Boy?" questioned the Flame Alchemist, deciding silently, and knowingly by Envy and the four or five other officers there, that whoever this boy was would be their target of capture.

"Ye- Yes. He's a blond haired boy with golden eyes, he lives deep within the mountains, and comes down every month for supplies. He- We- I- We are all afraid of him, his terrible, terrible, cold eyes. He'll kill us! I'm sure! That's what he wants, we can see it. In his eyes, those cold eyes, you can see he is a beast! A terrible beast! Surely, surely you'll take him away?" the frantic man was gasping now, his eyes flickering back and forth.

"That is our mission – to stop this unusual activity, to return this place back to normal. So it seems we'll have to take him, perhaps even kill him if he proves to be a threat. From which way will this boy come?" the General asked coldly, keeping the fact that he was delighted in finding someone they did not have to kill.

"Th- That one, sir," the man whispered pointing to the old path that was just barely visible from the point where the group was.

The General simply gave a nod, and Envy and troops followed him to the path, awaiting the "beast" as the villager had called him.

The boy had come sooner than they had expected, they saw him trudging in a bored manner towards the village. He only looked up when he right in front of Roy who snapped, "Halt, boy."

The blond boy snorted then looked up at the taller man, malice lacing his indifferent look. "Why should I, General Roy Mustang?"

Roy opened his mouth in astonishment, this unknown child already figured out who he was with a glance. Sure his outfit spoke for the General part, but no one really knew him by Roy Mustang except for the people in his troop at this moment. So who was this boy? "I hear you are the cause for all the strangeness going around the village, boy. I'd rather call you by name since you know mine, what is your name, boy?"

"'I don't have one' is what I'd like to say, but it seems that won't due," the boy sighed, "Edward Elric was my name, if you must know."

Roy's eyes widened as Envy's narrowed, so this was the supposed older brother of the famous state alchemist – Alphonse Elric. "Was?" echoed Envy, his suspicions increasing.

"Yes, was. I erased myself from the world, and I'd like to continue to do so," Ed's voice turned cold.

"You're brother is worried, you will come with us, or you will die. I'm sure you know that, Elric," the General replied icily. The guns of the officers were pointed at the blond boy, preventing escape. Envy simply grinned, hoping the boy would resist. But his hope was quickly shattered.

"Very well, If I must be a beast, I will not die like one," Ed stated, indifference lacing his tone. "Then let's go to Central – that's where he is, correct?"

With that the group set off to go to Central, hoping the reunion would be a happy one. They were dead wrong. (A/N – Ohmyf- I've always wanted to use that line. xD)


"Brother!? It is you! It is!" the cheerful, younger Elric cried, attempting to glomp the older and shorter boy. He failed when the blond boy stepped to the side, sending Al to crash into the wall.

"Wah... Aren't you happy to see me?" whined Al, looking at his brother with puppy dog eyes that no one could resist.

The blond boy remained indifferent, and sighed. Here come the tears. "I'm not Edward Elric anymore, I erased that self long ago. And for a good reason, if I had not you would have been dead. Now I simply do not have a name, I am a Beast, if you must," he was sure the indifference in his voice didn't help at all.

"B- Bu- But you're brother! I know you are!" Al cried, his hands balling up into fists.

"I am not. I was, but I am no longer your brother. In fact – I'm no longer human," was the cool answer.

"Envy's not human either, and people except him!" Al protested, pointing at the sin, who was rather annoyed at just being pointed out.

"Oi! What's that supposed to mean, brat!?" the sin growled, glaring at the younger boy. He did not like being referred to as a monster flat out like that, it aggravated him greatly.

"Envy is a sin – made from human emotion, of course humans can except their emotions, it's only common sense. I am not a sin, more or less anything related to humanity anymore. I'm a Beast, those are fine, dividing lines, Alphonse," the blond boy spoke, interrupting the sin from whatever he had been about to do with the cool, crisp anger lining his voice.

"Brother..." the younger trailed off, approaching his brother, in attempt to calm the boy down, "But... isn't it fine if only a few people can except you?"

"I erased my old self for a reason. It is because it would've been gone sooner or later, anyways. I like the me as I am now, this one I like. I'd like you not to ruin it all. I can let humanity get to me, or my mind, my emotions, my heart, my body, my soul, and more importantly my inhumanity," he snapped, heading for the exit. However the General stopped him by causing an explosion of flames in which his arm was caught, removing the limb from his body and disintegrating it. The blond boy grit his teeth as the limb that grew in the others place formed. So the pain had come back, back again it had. How pitiful. The ink shadows retreated from the new limb and disappeared before any of the others could see them.

In the confusion, he was gone. He left the fools as he decided to wander around Central, after all it wouldn't hurt to be slightly curious as what was happening in the outside world at this point.


Done. Kinda rushed, but whatever. C:

R&R please, and thank you.