Chapter 1

Chapter 1

This is my first ever fan fiction. I do not own any of the characters in this they belong to the talented Stephanie Meyer. Please enjoy and tell me your thoughs it does get better. RxR


It was almost 2 o clock. Where was he? He told me he would come pick me up for 1:55. I know he was only 5 minutes late but I was starting to get worried. What if something happened to him, or moved away again even though we were engaged. I needed to calm down so I decided to get a shower. That would calm me down so I went upstairs and ran the water and then went to lay my clothes on my bed. As the hot water ran over me I felt as if all the worry was going down the drain just like the water. After a few minutes I got out of the shower, grabbed my towel and raped it around me. I always felt better after a shower and with that I went to my room to get dressed again. I decided to wear my denim mini skirt that Edward loved with one of my favourite tops. It was a baby blue boob tube which Edward also liked. After I got my bra, pants and skirt on I went to get my top on. I reached for my top on the bed but it wasn't there. I could have sworn I left it on my bed next to my skirt. I felt like a right idiot looking everywhere around my room trying to find my top in nothing but a bra and a skirt. I looked in my wardrobe, under my pillow and under my bed but it wasn't there. I stood up and looked around my room to try and see it. Then Edward came through the window. I was so happy to see him and he seemed to be happy too. He seemed to be a bit embarrassed at something but I wasn't sure what. Then I realised I was still in my bra.

"Edward Anthony Masen Cullen" I said looking at him. "May I ask what you are staring at?" I tried to sound seductive and walked slowly towards him. He didn't seem to know what to do. He started to look away from me trying to focus on a spot in my room. I finally reached him about a foot between us. He looked into my eyes and started to stumble over his words. "I was just...Um…coming…to...Um…ya." Poor Edward. He didn't seem to know to say or do. I looked into his eyes and leaned in closer. I was just about to kiss him but changed my mind and whispered into his ear

"I don't care if you stare you know. You will see them soon enough when we are married that is if we keep our promise and stay under control." I giggled and then kissed him.

He kissed back, our lips tangled together for ages. Edward then stopped kissing me and lifted me up into his arms in the bridle position and put me on my bed.

"I believe this is yours" He said holding up my top. He didn't let go of it as he pushed me against my bed forcing me into my pillow while our lips were passionately entwined together. He started kissing me harder but I had to pull away for two reasons even though I didn't want to. The first reason was because I couldn't breathe and the second was because I remembered he was 5 minutes late for our date to the meadow.

"Edward do you mind if I have my top please?" I asked gasping for air. He handed it to me and kissed me on my forehead. "I have a question for you by the way." I tried to sound serious but as soon as I said that he gave that crooked smile I can't resist.

"What might this question be?" He stared into my eyes still smiling.

"Why are you so late for our date?"