Jenny slid down the wall beside Rose and Mickey, the former's body still heaving in silent sobs as Mickey held her, comforting her. He did not reply to what Jenny had first said in reply to his mentioning of the Doctor. He saw that she clutched the single picture that Rose still had of the Doctor and her, which was previously kept out of sight between the computer monitor and the pencil container. Jenny stared at it with an unreadable expression.

He's my father… Had Mickey heard her correctly? Perhaps it was the intensity of the situation that had occurred in the past ten minutes, or either he had heard her wrong. He looked up at Jenny periodically as she continued to gaze at the photograph, her hand lightly tracing the frame.

By then, Rose was quietly sniffling, leaning against the wall on her own and staring into space ahead, her eyes glazed over.

Jenny glanced at her in concern, then edged closer. "You know this man, the Doctor?"

Rose's lips became a thin line in reply.

Jenny gave a small smile, then hesitantly continued. "In the few moments I knew him, I knew he was amazing."

"The Doctor?" questioned Rose, her voice thick due to the tears she had just shed. She surprised herself upon saying that phrase. Since 'Bad Wolf Bay' she had barely uttered his name at all.

Jenny nodded, looking up to the window. Clouds had just started to form, ominous and dark, prophesizing the rain that was to come shortly.

"The Oncoming Storm…" Jenny whispered softly, not knowing why she had spoken that phrase—perhaps it was the darkness outside.

Rose bit her lip, not wanting to acknowledge what the other woman was saying. She could not focus on the laments of a past and long-gone love; she had resolved that long ago. For the moment, all she wanted to think about was how to get John back in her arms, safe and sound. Not for the first time in her life, Rose felt helpless and useless, the door that was locked tight mocking her inability to do anything about her situation. It took all of her resolve to not throw herself at the exits, kicking and screaming. But she knew it would do no good to waste her energy on focusing on her frustrations. Reaching in her pocket, Rose brought out a tissue and cleaned her face, trying not to think about how hopeless her situation seemed.

She reverted back to the reason why she had been talking with Jenny in the first part of the afternoon. The Doctor. It was best to hope for him in a dire situation, so why not discuss him?

"You said you knew the Doctor," Rose said, her voice back to normal, though the weight of distracted worry still lay heavily on it.

Jenny nodded. "Yes, he's my father."

Rose's eyebrows flew up in astonishment. "I knew he said he had family back on his home. But he told me that it was all gone."

"I'm not from his planet," Jenny stated. Her expression changed to an almost wistful one as she stared off into the fading light of the setting sun streaming through the window.

"I guess technically I'm Gallifreyan," she continued. "In a technical way, since I am an echo of him."

At this phrase, Rose began to feel slightly irked. "What do you mean 'from him'?"

At this time Mickey chose to come forward. "She said a moment ago that he was…" He faded off, looking at her again for confirmation.

"My father," Jenny finished for him in a conversational tone. But from the expressions on the other two people's faces, she knew that stating 'the Doctor is my father' had nothing conversational about it. Mickey seemed to simply be astonished, but Rose was almost angry. Her lips were drawn tight, eyes darkening.

"No," said Rose simply. "That is impossible. He told me himself there was no one left." She gazed at Jenny pointedly. "Why do you want to lie to me? What is it that you need?"

Jenny shook her head. She desperately wanted Rose to know, to agree with her. She reached out, placing her hand on Rose's, looking in a concerned manner into Rose's eyes. But those eyes were hollow. All the emotions had been dug out to be filled with sorrow. Not too unlike the Doctor's eyes.

"It's complicated," Jenny attempted to explain. "He didn't choose to have me or anything, if that makes sense."

Rose chortled, her mind going back to John. "It makes sense." And the more it made sense, the more ticked off she was becoming.

"No, I mean I think the terms on where I come from is a little bit unusual for…humans," said Jenny.

"I was generated. He had no choice in the matter. They took the first new person that came in that had new genetics to add to the mix, and the doctor happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They had no idea what he was, they just thought he was another new person with clean hands to add to the mixture of the army."

Mickey sighed. "I'm not following, neither of us are."

"There was a war, a war on Messaline. They needed as many soldiers as they could, and so they made them with a DNA sequencing thing. A sample of DNA is taken from a person and recombined into a totally new identity, like when conception happens in a normal situation, but not quite. There is only one parent, sorta like asexual—are you following?"

Rose sat back against the wall, a small smile creeping across her lips. "How could I not believe, you sound just like him when he thought aloud."

"So you were…grown?" Mickey asked.

Rose looked at him with disdain as Jenny's expression fell. As she proceeded to scold him, Jenny gave a small smile. "It's okay, a lot of people think it is weird too, including the Doctor. We were just starting to get to know each other when…well…we got separated."

They all faded to silence after Jenny's hurried and confusing explanation of her origins. Jenny chuckled "Well," she said, clapping her hands together, "we should be going. After all, the door is just locked, none of those human-Dalek things outside the door. Quite negligent."

Rose gave another artificial smile as she slowly stood. This…Jenny, talked of her creation and her relation as if it was nothing at all. But all that had happened in the past day had started to wear Rose down. It was like she was being worn from the inside out. Instead of the waves lapping on the exterior shell of rock, it was eating away from the core, leaving the hard outer edges. It had been happening slowly over the past two and a half years, but all the random events of the day were like a category five hurricane. Both Jenny and Mickey were looking at her in a concerned manner. She brushed past them, yanking open the top drawer of her desk. With her changing moods, it was a wonder that many of her associates did not think her bipolar.

After a few moments of rummaging through the clutter of pens, paper, paperclips, mints, and other various office paraphernalia she found what she was looking for.

"Ha!" she shouted triumphantly, "Always be prepared. Knew that I had one after nicking it off of that strange Gryphneese character." In her hand, she held a sonic device almost identical to the Doctor's, except it was copper in color. She strode forward to the door, crouching on her knees. She studied the device for a moment, slid the setting control around and pressed the button. It gave the electric buzz, but instead of just unlocking the door it caused the doorknob to melt along with it. She coughed at the bitter smell that came from the smoking knob.

"Guess you need a little practice," laughed Mickey, but he was instantly subdued when Rose cast a venomous glare in his direction. She reached out and tentatively pushed the door open a few centimeters. She could see no one at either end of the corridor, much to her reassurance. Beckoning to the others behind her, she stepped out into the hallway, her eyes darting back and forth for any sign of movement. At a brisk pace, she began to walk down the hall.

"Oi!" Mickey called out in a strained whisper, "Where are you going?"

"To find my son," stated Rose, not breaking her stride.

Jenny and Mickey ran to catch up. As Jenny drew alongside her, Rose glanced at her. An anomaly if anything. Jenny's few brief statements were too hurried, and yet every single word she said was profound. Rose concluded that the overload of information was causing her "ape-brain" to break down and therefore she was now shutting things out—that included rational sense. All she was doing at the moment was focusing on the present; not a good thing to do, a thing she learned over her years with the Doctor. One must always expect and look for the future. And at that moment she had no idea where to go.

Rose stopped suddenly, leaning against the wall. She was so abrupt in her action that Mickey ran into her, stumbling over.

"What did you do that for?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She sighed in frustration. "I have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to be doing right now because I'm so damn—" She cut off, swallowing back the lump that was beginning to form in her throat once again. She hated appearing so pathetic in front of Mickey and a person (Time Lord, she amended) that she hardly knew.

"What about downstairs?" piped up Jenny, the forgotten person in the situation.

"What do you mean? There's nothing down there except the containment quarantine chambers."

"He's down there," affirmed Jenny. Rose could see the absolute certainty in her eyes, and even though she barely knew Jenny, this gave Rose a small speck of hope. An extremely small speck.

"How do you know?" She asked the question for her own affirmation and sanity.

"I can…feel him," said Jenny distantly, "Can't really explain it, but I know he's there. At least it feels like the same person your son is. I don't know what I'm doing really, so don't totally trust my feelings."

"From what I know about Time Lords I think trusting you is the only thing we can do right now," said Mickey.

With all members of the group consenting, they went down the containment chambers. Each step down the stairs filled Rose with a surprising emotion: dread.

A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long; I have been busy with many things, including a job that requires me to work 5-6 days of the week. I labored over this chapter, and I don't particularly like it (Three out of five p) but I had to write it in order to connect things and have Jenny reveal things to Rose and Mickey. I need to bring Mickey out more, I think Pete's world may have toughened him up a little and I'm downplaying him a bit too much. If Rose's emotions seem all over the place, it's because they are. Any distraught person would be in that situation.

Anyone see Silence in the Library? That was one of the freakiest Doctor Who eps yet! The question that bothers me most is: Who the hell is River Song? That will bother me until next Saturday, which unfortunately I will not be able to see due to being away, trapped in a bus for 10 hours. I'm gonna miss two eps in a row, one of them being the second of a suspenseful 2-parter. –whines and complains- Ah well, I'll catch up on my return.

Alex Kingston did a brilliant job as River Song. I loved her role as Dr. Corde in ER, and she did just as wonderful in this role. Never expected her to be a sci-fi kind of actor. But she did marry Ralph Fiennes aka Voldemort in Potter movies so that's saying something. Anyone, wonderful ep and I really really need to see the next one.

Speaking of which, I will be gone the 7th through the 14th. I will get up chapter 7 this week, as it's already in progress.

Again, thank you for your reviews and constructive criticisms.

I deeply apologize for the long author's note by the way, don't kill me, I just had a lot to say…