A Journey through Time

August, 2030

I've done it! I've discovered the secret to time travel! I will no longer be known solely as Itexicon's greatest geneticist, but I am now the master of time. But now I must go back, and rescue this world from the hellhole it has become.

Itex has taken over, and they have destroyed everything; after all, Operation By-Half was a success, and no one but Itex employees were deemed useful, or necessary for progress. I got in by the skin of my teeth, and I'll be damned if I let it continue. Twenty five years later, I know what I must do.

February, 1991

In a hospital in Toronto, a young woman of twenty eight has given birth. The Caesarean Section was successful. However, the unconscious woman on the bed does not know that. She believes that her firstborn son has died in childbirth. She does not know that the child was already en route to a laboratory in the middle of Lake Ontario.

I saw the child, and knew immediately that he was what I had come for.

I was looking at a newborn version of myself.