Okie, next chappie. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the Akatsuki, just Doku, Scipio, Scorpious, and Doku's mum.


Doku and Hidan left Pein's office and left the base.

"Any idea where to start?" Hidan asked.

"While I was making breakfast Scorpious explained to me that I could track other two-tail scorpion demons if I was in demon form." Doku said as she closed her eyes then re-opened them to show her eye completely black with a red slit for a pupil. Her skin hardened and turned into a golden color. A tail once again protruded from her back. She held her sides in pain as more legs began to form.

"Don't fucking do this if it hurts you." Hidan spoke concerned.

"I'll…be fine." Doku said through her clenched teeth. Her body increased in size, the legs forming, and her skin turning into armored skin. Seconds later the transformation was complete. Hidan frowned; he could tell she was in a bit of pain.

Doku bent down enough to where Hidan could climb onto her back. Once he situated himself Doku took off, heading deep into the woods. With Doku putting the large amount of chakra into her feet the scenery was all a blur as she continued to go faster. Minutes passed, then hours. Doku mentally smiled as she felt Hidan lay down on her back, falling asleep.


"Hidan." A voice called from the darkness.

"Nnuh, five more minutes." He grumbled.

"Well I guess that you do not wish to catch the two-tails so I shall just leave you here and report back to Leader that the mission was a failure…"

"Nya, I'm up. I'm fuckin' up." He spoke quickly rising from where he lay. Looking around he found himself still laying on Doku's back; she was still in her scorpion form.

"How long was I out?" He asked as he yawned.

"About five hours, now get off so I can transform." As soon as he was off she began to retract the armor, turning it back into normal, fragile, human skin. The extra legs retracted as well as her claws.

The two had been traveling for almost two weeks looking for the two-tailed.

"How close are we?" Hidan questioned as soon as she was finished.

"Fifty yards or so." Doku answered rolling her neck and shoulders. As if on cue a loud explosion could be heard not too far off. The duo began to jump from tree branch to tree branch heading into the direction of the explosion. Minutes later they had reached their destination.

They landed in a small clearing where a woman stood. "Mother…" Doku almost did not recognize her for she looked so feral yet still held that gracefulness that she remembered as a child. The woman turned and looked at them, her eyes were pure black. She roared and rushed at them.

"Hidan distract her!" Doku yelled jumping out of the way of the woman's inhumanly sharp fingernails.

"Is that the best you got bitch! I've met kittens that were stronger than that!" That did it. The woman's skin turned red as she went for Hidan. He pulled out his scythe, blocking everyone of her attacks.

"Here goes something…" Doku mumbled on the other side of the clearing. She quickly made a few hand signs then slammed her right hand on the ground like in a summons. Doku grabbed the ground and pulled up a long chain. She wound it around her arm then ran over to where Hidan was keeping the two-tailed busy.

"Hidan move!" Hidan jumped out of the way to see Doku throw one end of the chain at the woman. It began to wrap itself around the demon, draining her energy. Once the chain stopped moving the two-tailed fell over unconscious.

"Where'd you learn that kick ass move?" Hidan questioned as he lifted the two-tailed over his shoulder.

"I have no idea" Doku shrugged. "Well, time to head back." Hidan nodded and followed after Doku.


Leader was very pleased to see Doku and Hidan return a couple days early, and with the two-tailed. The extraction process began immediately and, much to Doku's disliking, she had to participate. She knew the woman before he was not the same woman that had raised her, but it was the screams that got to her. Through the whole procedure Doku refused to talk. A few of the other members had tried to get her to talk, hell, she would not even answer to Hidan. An hour into the process Scorpious had set up a sort of block in her mind upon her request so she could not hear anything going on around her.

Finally, two days later the extraction was complete and Scorpious allowed the wall in Doku's mind to fall, bringing her back to reality.

"Doku, c'mon speak to me babe." She heard Hidan say as he waved a hand in front of her face.

"You alright?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, just peachy….I need some sleep." Doku answered mumbling the last bit.

"Well, let's get you to bed then." Hidan picked her up in his arms, bridal style, and began walking to their room. Doku did not even make it to the bed. Leaning her head onto his chest she was quickly succumbed into darkness.


Omg!! Poor Doku. And I have an announcement!! Due to my sudden infatuation with a certain evil *cough* robotic *cough* group I might starting writing fanfiction on, you guessed it, Transformers!! Dun dun dun dunnnnn. … anyways, hope you enjoyed this new chappie lemme know what you think about the Transformers thing.