A/N: Hey, i just wanted to say thanks to all the people who reviewed for the teaser. I was excited when i read them. I appreciate the support and I'll have the review responses below this note.

Cowgirl 101- Hey, I really appreciate the advice. I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing and I'll take any advice given!! Thanks again!!

JenKonoha- So I kinda took your advice and looked for a different song to try to find one that better suited this chapter and I think I may have found one. It kinda fits Kagome's situation better than the last one, but it doesn't go along completely with the story line. Oh well, thanks for the support and here's the rest of the chapter!!

kimchan884- Thanks for the support. I love it when people review. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Lady-night-shade04- Just wanted to say thanks. I'm glad your hooked, that makes me feel like i've accomplished something!! I do try. Well, here's the full chappie!

Pearl Knight- I think your review was my favorite. But not because you offered advice, it was b/c it was cute. My mom read it and cracked up laughing. Well here is the whole chappie!! Hope you like!!

KACE19- Thanks for the review. I appreciate the support. I'm gonna need it!! lol, keep reading!

kouga's older woman- Thanks for the encouragement. tears I think I'm gonna cry...lol j/k, but keep reading, its gonna be juicey

Lie To Me

We all talk about how, if we were ever in an abusive relationship, we would get out of it. No matter what because, why in the world would we let ourselves get caught up with someone who was not going to love us? Why would we do that? But then again, how would we know that we had the strength to get out of it? How do we know that that is what we would really do? How do we know that we wouldn't be scared shitless? That we would be afraid that no matter what we did, no matter who we told, they would always find out and would beat us, un-mercilessly. Of course, since we don't normally experience that kind of thing, we don't really worry about it. However, when the fear of being abused grips you in its clutches, you never really know what you will do. Especially when they threaten the people you love…


A slap rang throughout the room. "You just don't know when to stop do you? You can't do anything right! If it weren't for me you'd be out on the streets pulling scraps from garbage cans for your next meal! You should be grateful that I don't throw you out!"

The man standing above her snarled then hit her once more for good measure, turning his back to her. She glared at him in return, tears running from her swollen eyes onto her throbbing cheeks. "I hate you," she mumbled below her breath, but she knew he heard her.

He turned to her, an evil smile pulling at his lips, his fangs sticking out slightly. "Yes, hate me Kagome. But you and I both know that you will always come back here. You have no where else to go."

Kagome grinned slightly, then winced as she injured her throbbing cheek, "One day you will get what is coming to you. One day I will be free from you. And I will hold on to that hope until you are dead. You are a bastard and I hate you, Naraku."

Naraku growled menacingly at her. He lifted his hand and brought it sharply down on her cheek, "You will obey me, or you will suffer the consequences. And trust me, you don't want that." Kagome nodded, holding her burning cheek. She would have a bruise in the morning, but she didn't care. She just held on to the hope that someday she would be rid of this monster. One day… With that thought she collapsed from sheer exhaustion and pain.

Our candle burns away
The ashes full of lies
I gave my soul to you
You cut me from behind

Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide
You're scared of the truth, I'm tired of the lies
Cuz who I am, is where you wanna be

When Kagome woke up two hours later Naraku had gone from their house. Well his house as he referred to it. She had no place there, but still, he would not allow her to leave. He threatened her, her family, her friends…everything that she loved and held dear to her heart was in danger if she didn't do exactly as he said. But it began getting harder and harder for her to stand being near him. She was sure she would die if something didn't happen soon to drag her away from all this.

She sat up slowly then stood and waited for the pain in her head to subside. She knew she was going to have a hell of a time covering up the bruises this time. Inuyasha was sure to see them, and if he couldn't see them then she was sure he would smell them this time. Her boss, and close friend, had always been worried about her. She was just glad Naraku didn't know about him. If he had he would definitely threaten him. She made her way slowly to the bathroom and began her morning routine. Bathe, blow-dry hair, dress in work clothes, put on make-up (tons of it today). She was done and ready for work in an hour, but was sure she hadn't put on enough make-up. She'd always been afraid someone would notice the bruises eventually, but as of yet no one had. She was still extra careful about what she said and what she wore.

Finally ready to go to work, she grabbed her keys and headed for her door. Twenty minutes later she was entering a large building, deep within the heart of the city. She worked with the Taisho Corporation, the largest and most popular record company in Japan. Taisho Sesshoumaru was the President and CEO and his brother, Inuyasha, was whom she worked under. Inuyasha was her boss, and a good friend. She had known him since their childhood, had known he was a hanyou, and had even dated him in high school, but they had both decided that they made better friends. She had never met Sesshoumaru, and she didn't know if she wanted to from what she had heard. Apparently he was a very handsome demon, but also he was a cold and ruthless man when it came to other people. Cold towards people, and ruthless in the dealings with his corporation.

Kagome sighed as she sat down at her desk, and then wished she hadn't bumped her leg on the desk. She hissed in pain as her bruise throbbed under her slacks. She started her day by taking a large sip of her Starbucks. Thank the Kamis for Starbucks, she thought absently. She smiled as she logged onto her computer to begin her day's work. She'd been there for about thirty minutes when exactly what she feared would happen, did happen. A young woman, about her age, give or take a couple years, knocked on her office door before poking her head in.

"Yes?" Kagome asked.

"Inuyasha-sama said he wanted to see you. He said it was urgent and you she go to him immediately." The young woman smiled at her and bowed, exiting the doorway.

Just what she had feared. Inuyasha can smell my bruises and cuts. What am I gonna do? Kagome moaned as she stood up and made the short trek to Inuyasha's office. He was the head of his department so his office was near the back of the building. It wasn't far, but it was still a pain in the ass to get to. She made it there in a short bit of time and didn't have to wait long to be invited in. The minute she shut the door and turned to face him, she was bombarded.

"Kagome, are you alright? I could smell you're blood the minute you walked in the building. What happened?" Inuyasha grabbed her shoulders and made her look him in the eye.

She shook her head frantically, tears welling up in her eyes. "I can't tell you. If I tell you and he finds out, he'll kill me. He really will."

"Who, Kagome? Who is gonna kill you?" Inuyasha asked diligently, refusing to give up. It wasn't an option where Kagome was concerned.

"Naraku… He'll kill you too." She began to cry in earnest, she was so scared for him.

Inuyasha snorted. "That bastard couldn't touch me. I've got so much shit on him he could be swimming in it by the end of the day."

Kagome giggled and hiccupped as her tears slowed.

"Tell me what happened. Tell me everything. If I can't help you, then I know someone who can."

Kagome nodded and let him lead her over to the couch he had slid up against one wall of his office. When she began to tell him about how her relationship with Naraku had escalated from friendship to him beating her, she started crying again. She couldn't help it. She was afraid for him, afraid that he would die because she couldn't handle it herself.

After her strenuous tale was over, Inuyasha pulled her to him. "God Kagome. I'm so sorry. I should have seen it sooner. There were so many signs. God, we've got to get you out of there. Come with me. I know where you can stay until we can get you your own place. And don't worry this guy won't last long. My family has connections and we can get him stuck in a penitentiary if we need to. We'll get this taken care of for you Kags. God I'm such an idiot."

"No Inuyasha, its not your fault. I should have come forward sooner."

Inuyasha just stayed silent as he led her to his private elevator, one of the only ones that led to Sesshoumaru's floor. If anyone could do anything for her it was him.

Don't act like an angel
You fallen again
You're no super hero
I found in the end

So lie to me once again
And tell me everything will be alright
Lie to me once again
And ask yourself before we say goodbye
Well goodbye
Was it worth it in the end...

Kagome thought they'd be in that elevator forever. She knew the building was tall, but she'd never been past the 20th floor or so. They were going to the 87th floor, the top floor of the building. Kagome was more than nervous. Her heart was pounding so loud she was sure not only Inuyasha, but also every demon and half demon in the building, could hear her. Including the one they were going to see. Sesshoumaru. I need to calm down. I need to relax… oh god, we're going to meet his brother. What am I gonna do? Kagome was completely freaking out. She didn't know how she was going to ask this stranger for help. Yes she'd met Inuyasha's father, and his mother, but never his brother. She didn't know what she was going to do. Didn't know how she was going to tell this stranger her situation.

Inuyasha reached over and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Relax Kagome. It'll be all right. Naraku and Sesshoumaru have been rivals since High School. He would do anything to help bring him down. Don't worry. If Sesshoumaru won't help, my dad will. He likes you. You're like the daughter he wished he had." Inuyasha laughed lightly.

Kagome smiled up at him, "Yeah, I know he's told me before. Several times."

After a few minutes the elevator dinged, signifying that they'd reached their floor. Leading the way, Inuyasha approached Sesshoumaru's secretary and told her that he needed to speak to him immediately, and knew that he wasn't busy. The secretary, who was wide eyed from his attitude, stood and went back to tell Sesshoumaru about his brother's arrival.

A few minutes later the woman returned, "Sesshoumaru-sama will see you now."

Inuyasha glanced back at Kagome, smiled, and then turned to lead the way into Sesshoumaru's office. When he didn't hear her footsteps behind him, he turned around and grabbed her wrist to drag her into the office with him, "Don't worry, he doesn't bite…hard." He smirked again as he led her to the office door. The thing was enormous. I could fit four of my rooms in here. Kagome thought as she looked around. The walls of the office themselves were painted white and there were mainly red and dark blue decorations. The office was conservatively decorated. A large desk sat smack dab in the middle of the room. There was a flat screen desktop computer, and various piles of paperwork, neatly placed on the desk. It was spotless. On another corner of the desk sat a laptop computer and its leather carrying case sat on the floor beside the desk.

Kagome glanced around looking for the only other man in the office. She almost gasped when she saw him. He's gorgeous, the thought flashed through her head, unexpected. Standing in front of the full-length window, he provided a full view of himself to her. He was tall, and had long, silky looking silver hair. Where Inuyasha's hair was wild and unruly, Sesshoumaru's was straight, with not a hair out of place. His black suit that he'd taken the jacket off of fit him magnificently. It showed off his muscular arms and let people know that he wasn't a lazy businessman. He was fit. His black slacks were perfect also. Not even a spec of lint on him. Her gaze traveled back up his body and met his eyes. He had turned to face them, and she almost gasped at the spark that was sent through her body, leaving a trail of flames in its wake. She shook it off, thinking that every woman that met him probably felt the same thing. His eyes were golden, like Inuyasha's, but they had a certain shine in the sunlight that was being filtered into the office. He broke their gaze first.

"Inuyasha, my secretary said this was urgent. State your business."

Well he gets down to business fast. No wasting time for him, Kagome smirked a little; trying to hid it by turning her head.

Inuyasha ushered her forward, "Higurashi Kagome, this is Taisho Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru, this is Higurashi Kagome. Kagome works in my department. She needs protection. I told her you might help. If you don't I'll take it to father."

"And what, may I ask, does she need protection from?"

Kagome spoke up this time, "Naraku."

You said you were there for me
You wouldn't let me fall
All the times I shared with you
Were you even there at all?

Nowhere to run and no where to hide
You're scared of the truth, I'm tired of the lies
Cuz who I am, is where you wanna be

Kagome flinched at the growl that emanated from Sesshoumaru. His eyes flashed red for a moment, and then they were normal again, as if it'd never happened. She glanced at Inuyasha, as if to confirm what she saw, but he was too focused on Sesshoumaru. She looked back to Sesshoumaru; he had moved to his desk and sat down.

"Why exactly do you need protection from him?"

She looked at him wide eyed, and began nervously, "I guess you could say he's my boyfriend. Not that I want to be with him. He really gave me no choice. He beats me. Everyday almost. He threatens my friends, my family, and everything that I hold dear. I just want to get away from him. I don't want to my family to suffer though. I know he will go through with his threats. One of my friends had a terrible accident when I didn't obey him. At least we were told it was an accident. No one ever really knew. Listen, I don't want either of you to risk anything for me if it means that you are going to get hurt. I would feel terrible if either of you were hurt because of me."

"Kagome, I have told you countless times, you are like a sister to me. It is my duty to protect you. I would sacrifice anything to make sure you were happy. You're my friend and my sister."

Sesshoumaru pushed a button down on his receiver, "Ayame?"

"Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama?" A small voice piped from the speaker.

"Have the office inside mine prepared, the one for my personal assistant. We have a new addition to our floor." He let the button up, "You will take up the position of my personal assistant. I can keep a better eye on you that way. You will also move your items into my home. You will stay there until this situation is taken care of. Is he home at the moment?"

"No, he stays away from the house during the day."

"Then you will go now and gather your things. He will never know if you get your things now. He won't even know where you are. Inuyasha, you will take her. Take her to my home afterwards and tell Jaken to show her to her room. I will call him and inform him of her arrival. Go, there is much to do today."

Kagome and Inuyasha nodded and turned to leave, Inuyasha leading the way. Kagome paused at the door. She turned to Sesshoumaru and gave him a dazzling smile.

"Thank you, Sesshoumaru."

He nodded his head in return and then she was gone.

Don't act like an angel
You fallen again
You're no super hero
I found in the end

So lie to me once again
And tell me everything will be alright
Lie to me once again
And ask yourself before we say goodbye
Well goodbye
Was it worth it in the end

Kagome rushed around her room packing all her clothes and keep-sakes from the shelves and drawers and placed them into the suitcases she had gathered from the closet. Inuyasha was downstairs watching the door, just in case Naraku decided to show up early. She hurried as fast as she could, but it still took about an hour to get her stuff together. She ended up with about three and a half large suitcases full of clothing and a medium sized box full of her treasures. She called out to Inuyasha to let him know that she was done and that she needed his help. He was by her side within seconds and had a hold of two of the suitcases. She grabbed the other one and the box and began to carry them down the stairs, out the door and into the car.

It took them about an hour to get to Sesshoumaru's home. It was enormous too. But then again, he was the President and CEO of a major corporation. Kagome stared in awe at the beautiful home that was presented to her. The driveway wasn't very long, but it was lined with tall oak trees and beautiful flowers. Kagome's mouth stood open as they pulled up in front of the house. Inuyasha leaned over to her, "Kagome, you look like a fish. Close your mouth."

Her mouth shut immediately and she shot him a very annoyed glare. He grinned at her and pulled out his cell phone. Holding down Sesshoumaru's assigned speed dial number, he waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Sesshoumaru. We're here and we're fixing to get her stuff moved up to the room."

A pause. "Yeah, do you want her to stay here, or do you want her to come back to the office to get moved in there. She did leave her car there after all."

Another pause. "Okay, we'll be there as soon as we get done here and you can tell her what her duties will be. Jeez, take a chill pill, Maru. We'll be there shortly. Later."

Snapping the phone shut Inuyasha turned to Kagome and motioned for her to come with him. A couple of servants appeared and grabbed Kagome's things, "We're gonna follow them to your room and then we're gonna go back to the office so that you can get settled into your new position."

Kagome nodded and followed him into the house. The minute she stepped in she almost had the wind knocked out of her at the beauty of the house. She'd thought the outside was lovely, but she hadn't even thought about what the inside would look like. She blinked a few times. The walls, unlike his office, were made of some kind of wooden material, as were the floors, in the front hall. They were ushered towards the stairs and once at the top, Kagome almost had her breath knocked out for a second time. She looked around, mouth agape, in shock at how beautiful his home was. The walls of the hallways leading to her room were painted white, with various different framed paintings hanging on the wall. Some of which were rare pieces, by famous artists. She jumped when they stopped suddenly, causing her to run into Inuyasha's back. She mumbled a quick apology.

"Wow Kagome. He put you in the room right next to his. I didn't think he'd ever let anyone stay in this room. It is connected to his by a small study in the middle. He probably wants to keep an extra close eye on you. We've had dealings with Naraku before, and not all of them ended well," He turned to the servants who had carried her things up, "Just leave them by the foot of her bed. She'll be back later to get settled in and she can put her own things up the way she likes them."

The servants nodded and disappeared into the room. The reappeared a moment later, this time carrying nothing.

"Come on Kagome. We've got to get you settled in to your new position."

Kagome nodded and followed him down the stairs, out of the house, and into the car.

Why'd you have to up and run away
A million miles away
I wanna close my eyes and make believe
That I never found you

Just when I put my guard away
It's the same old story
You left me broken and betrayed
It's the same old story

Kagome sat at her new desk, typing away diligently. Sesshoumaru had given her a shit-load of work to do that day, probably to keep her mind off of the situation at hand. She had been so afraid for her friend's safety a few hours ago, but the stacks of paperwork and things that needed to be faxed had kept her busy. Now she was typing up formal invitations for a dinner at Sesshoumaru's home for his business partners. She had been informed that, as his personal assistant, she was in charge of sending the invitations and she also had to attend. She had tried to ask Sesshoumaru politely if she could not attend and he had fixed her with a look that had her nodding and saying she would be ready. She growled in frustration and almost slammed her hand into the keyboard, but decided to hit the desk instead. God this is so infuriating!! Kagome thought irately. She growled at the computer, wishing it would do what she wanted. But instead, every time she tried to print one of the invitations, it look lopsided and out of proportion. The gods must hate me. She growled again when another one of the pages came out lopsided.

36 minutes later

Kagome shouted in triumph as the last page she had printed came out perfectly. Since Sesshoumaru had about 8 business partners she set the printer to print about 8 more. She added one extra just in case. About five minutes later she began to write each name, and address, on the envelopes in an elegant form of calligraphy. The writing was tedious, but when it was done, the beauty of the letters as they flowed together was worth it. I am so glad I took those calligraphy classes in college. She smiled and laid the envelopes out across her desk so that they could dry.

Sesshoumaru glanced up, eyebrow shooting up under his bangs, hearing her light shout. What is that crazy woman up to? He had heard her growl about 30 minutes ago, give or take a few. The inhuman sound coming from this human woman made his eyebrow slide up beneath his bangs. Now she sounded as if she had just won a fight with a dangerous opponent. He smirked, a small twitch of his lips upward, barely visible to the untrained eye, when he heard her mumble something about stupid printers and not printing things straight, or smearing when they were done. He hadn't had a personal assistant in almost ten years, and now that the office inside his office was filled, he wasn't sure what to think. He had explained to her this morning what she was going to do for him everyday. Some days being different than others.


Sesshoumaru sighed inaudibly as his brother and Kagome entered his office. He had been looking out the windows again, trying to figure out what he was going to do about his most recent problem. Speak of the devil, he thought. Turning to face them, he gestured for them to sit, and he soon followed suit. He glanced from his brother to the gir- no, woman, before him.

"Did you get all of your personal items moved into my home?" He asked quietly.

Kagome nodded, "Yes, sir." She was still in awe that he was doing this for her. She figured it had more to do with the fact that he and Naraku were rivals.

"Inuyasha, you are dismissed. You should find a replacement for Ms. Higurashi's position as soon as possible."

Inuyasha nodded and stood. He reached over and squeezed Kagome's shoulder before exiting the office. She smiled warmly at him before turning back to his brother, her new boss. She took a deep, calming breath.

"I just wanted to say thank you. For everything. I really appreciate it. I mean, I know its mostly because you hate Naraku, but I still really appreciate you doing this."

"Hn," was Sesshoumaru's reply, "Ms. Higurashi, you are correct in your assumption that it is mostly because I loathe that foul half-breed. He has been a thorn in my side for years. Now, do you understand the requirements for your new position?"

"Inuyasha told me a lot about what I was going to be doing, but I'm not certain I understand quite everything."

"You are to be here every morning at precisely 7 am. I suggest you bring with you Starbucks, because if you do not have it with you, I will send you to go get it. I will call you each morning with my preference for the day." Kagome nodded, encouraging him to continue, "From there you will take care of all my correspondences. If it something that I deem unworthy of my immediate attention, you will take care of it. Each morning you will find a list of assignments for the day. I will have it printed up and placed on your desk each morning. The days will be long and hard, some more difficult than others. There is currently a list of tasks to keep you occupied for the rest of the day on your desk. Should you need anything, your office is linked to mine and you need not do anything but ask. If you understand your assignment then you are dismissed."

Kagome nodded and stood. She turned and moved away from him into her office.

End Flashback

He fought off the urge to sigh, again. The day was passing by at a torturously slow crawl. He just wanted to get out of here, but he had pressing matters to attend to. He picked up his cell, and flipped it open, holding down #1 for speed dial, he called his father.

Don't act like an angel
You fallen again
You're no super hero
I found in the end

So lie to me once again
And tell me everything will be alright
Lie to me once again
And ask yourself before we say goodbye
Well goodbye
Was it worth it in the end...

Inuyasha hit his head on his desk miserably. There was no way he was every going to find a good replacement for Kagome. She was just too damn good at her job. She was good at everything she set her mind to doing. It was just surprising that she had gotten into a situation like the one she was in now. Well, not really surprising, because she was a fierce and loyal friend. She would do anything to protect the ones she loved. And that love and kindness is what got her into trouble. Picking up the phone, Inuyasha called the newspaper to place an ad in the help wanted section. He then went onto the company website to post the job opening there. His brother was such a pain in the ass sometimes and it drove him nuts.

Kagome smiled, glad that her office was near an outside wall. Along the back wall of her office were full-length windows, just like the ones in Sesshoumaru's office. She stood and looked out at the city below her. She was taking a short break from her work and wanted to relax a little. She grabbed a bottled water from the slightly stocked mini-fridge in her office and popped the lid off. She had finished almost everything on the list he had given her. She only had a few more quick things to do and she didn't want to get done too early. She was gonna have to take one of her days off and go shopping for a dress for Sesshoumaru's dinner party. He said it was a formal affair and that he would have his housekeeper go with her, since she had experience in the previous dinner parties. Kagome sighed deeply and turned back to her desk, only to gasp in shock as she found her boss leaning against the door jam.

"Sesshoumaru-sama! You scared me," Kagome took a deep breath to calm herself and closed her eyes to gather herself. When she opened them she smiled at him, "Is there something I can do for you Sesshoumaru-sama?"

He just stayed there, leaning against the door jam, until she began to fidget under his intense gaze. His golden eyes were driving into hers and she began to think that maybe he was angry with her. Oh god! Why is he just staring at me? Why wont he say something? Did I do something wrong? She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard his deep baritone drifting across the room.

"Finish your work. We shall leave soon."

She nodded to him and watched as he pushed himself away from the door and into his own office. She thought for a minute there that she was a goner. She sighed lightly and sat down to finish her assignments, letting her mind wander to her situation with Naraku. What am I going to do?

Lie to me once again
It's the same old story
Lie to me once again
It's the same old story

Was it worth it in the end...

Oh yeah, another thing you guys, it might be a while before I update. It took me about a week and a half, two weeks to come up with this(but thats b/c I wasn't writing the whole time). I usually spend my time looking for a job, but this story idea hit me and I just couldn't let it get away. Bear with me, OK? I'll have chappie 2 up for you ASAP!! Luv ya guys,
