All characters belong to Mrs Rowling, I merely stole them for a while. I'm considering not giving them back.
The Woes of Sirius Black
Chapter One
Sirius Black wanted out. He wanted out right this second. He was sick of this place. He was tired of the people who occupied its dark interior. He hated his mother and her insistent nagging, always telling him that he was a Black, he shouldn't keep such filth as company. He hated his father who beat him for keeping said company, who expected Sirius to hate all muggles and half-breeds. He hated his bother who told his parents about everything he did which they hated, who would constantly insult his best friends, James, Remus and Peter. He hated his family and they hated him.
He placed a few more items into his trunk and levitated it down the stairs carefully.
"Where do you think you're going with that? You aren't going to your filthy blood-traitor or beast of a friends' house. You disgusting homosexual. Oh yes, Regulus informed me you were crying his name in your sleep again. What is its name again? Remus? He is not worthy to even look in a Blacks' direction." screeched his mother.
"I can go wherever I like, I'm sixteen years old. I'm old enough to know what I want and who I love, and I most certainly don't love you or anyone in this pathetic, inbred family. And don't you dare talk about Remus like that! He's more 'worthy' of me than you are" Sirius stormed, wand to his mothers throat.
"Go on then, kill me. You know you want to. Filth. Blood-traitor. Scum." whispered his mother.
"I would, but I'm not like you" and with that Sirius spat at her and walked over to his trunk, pulling it gracefully out of the door.
"So you just walked out?" James asked.
"You poor thing! You know you're welcome to stay as long as you like." Mrs Potter cried, kissing Sirius' forehead.
Still shaking with silent tears, Sirius engulfed James and Mrs Potter in a hug.
"You walked out. You left. After so many years of you putting up with them. You left" James was in awe. He had known his best friend had always wanted to leave, he just didn't know how.
"I-I've tried a few times b-before, but I could n-n-never do it" Sirius sobbed, "I didn't think I w-was going to do it this time, but as soon as she said that thing about R-Rem.."
"What did she say?"
"Sh-she said that he was a beast…that he wasn't worthy to even l-l-look at me" at this Sirius broke down, pressing the palms of his hands into his eyes to try to stop the tears from falling. He didn't think it suitable to tell them that his mother had found out he was in love with the werewolf since said werewolf didn't know how he felt, heck, none of his friends even knew he was gay.
"Why, that bitch! Oh, just wait until I-" Mrs Potter started but stopped as she saw the two teen boys staring at her as if they had never heard her curse before, which, in all actuality, they hadn't. "Sirius, dear, would you like it if I invited Remus to stay here for the remainder of the summer? And of course Peter too.
"Are you okay with that? I wouldn't w-want to be a burden to you" said Sirius.
"Of course Sirius. You're one of the family! James, take some floo powder and ask their parents if they can stay. Bring them back here"
Remus Lupin nuzzled into Sirius neck, causing a tingling sensation that, caused the other boy to giggle.
"You're so ticklish Padfoot. And you wriggle a lot. But that's okay because you're warm and cuddly" Remus laughed.
"Get a room you two!" Peter cried.
"Oh, stop being so homopho-" James started.
"Are you implying I'm gay?" Remus cut across James.
"You two are so obviously gay for each other" moaned Peter.
Sirius pinned Remus to the bed, straddling him and bent down to whisper in Remus' ear "Do you want to tease him? I think he secretly wants us to be gay so he can join in with the, ahem, fun"
Remus whispered back "Like I would let him join in our fun, I mean, if we were ever going to, umm…yeah lets just trick him"
Sirius laughed and licked Remus' ear lobe and said quietly "Moan for me Rem. That is, if you want to trick him…"
"Mmm…Siri. Do that again" Remus moaned, trying to make it sound as real as possible.
"This is not happening. If I can't see it or hear it then it doesn't exist!" and with that Peter ran out of the room, fingers in his ears.
Simultaneously James, Sirius and Remus started laughing. As Sirius and Remus' laughter died down, James' continued to the extent that he had tears in his eyes and was now rolling around on the lush, thick, blue carpet.
Sirius and Remus shrugged and as Sirius was about to roll off the werewolf, he ground his hips into Remus' causing both boys to moan quietly. Sirius tore himself away from Remus after his risky move, partly due to the fact that Remus might murder him if he didn't and partly because of his growing problem, caused by the sensation to his groin and the sound of Remus' low moan.
When James sobered he turned to his friends, completely unaware of the event that just occurred, and stated "That was bloody hilarious. You guys have to do that again."
The pups blushed ferociously.
"Siri!" Remus shouted.
"Mmmnph, what Remmie?" replied a very tired Sirius Black.
"Oh good. You're up." Remus smiled, receiving a glare from the other boy.
"What's wrong Rem?" asked Sirius. Remus only interrupted Sirius' sleep if he'd had a night terror or was worrying about something.
Remus played with a loose thread on his pyjama bottoms, remaining silent.
"Remmie?" Sirius was now resting on his elbow, trying to look at Remus' face in the dark. "What's wrong?"
"It's just… James said you l-left home because of me. Is it…true?"
"Merlin, Rem. It's partly true. You should have heard the things she was saying about you. I couldn't live with someone who said such mean things about someone I cared about so deeply. Besides, don't go feeling all guilty. I hated that place. I hated the people in it." Sirius explained.
"Okay then" Remus was about to stand up but Sirius pulled the smaller boy on top of himself.
"Stay with me? I'm lonely" Sirius mock pouted, causing Remus to laugh.
"Forever" came the werewolf's reply as he placed a kiss on the tip of Sirius' nose.
Reviews would be perfect. They make me happy.