I am finally on vacation. No, my school doesn't have summer vacation. Yeah I know. Read your ficiton.

Unnecessary recap like they did when Air gear was a show!

Ikki kept tabs on Akito until it was time to leave. The ride back to Shinonome was filled with chatter. As they got off Kazu pulled Ikki to the side, confused.

" Don't get me wrong but, I thought Agito was sick or something. What gives?"

"I don't know."

He watched Akito skip towards a vending machine. "Maybe I was wrong…"

"Maybe he's not in any danger at all."

And then a black van came screeching down the block, and a hand shot out, grabbing Akito.


Too bad Ikki wasn't wearing his Ats, but Kazu was. He jumped the street rail (That lovely thing that keeps you from the cars) and grinded down the block.

What they didn't know is that this vehicle was no ordinary van. Which is why Kazu had to double back when lasers came out the back.

Emiri and Ikki joined the race. The side doors of the van opened, and four team members from Yakuza Ika poured out.

They were all clad in black leather and sakura print bandanas. Miniature swords were at their sides and Oni masks around their necks.

"It looks like we're dealing with a real freak show." Emiri said.

"Ikki." Kazu said. " We'll deal with them, keep your eyes on the van."

Meanwhile, Akito was on the floor of the vehicle. His eye patch had been taped down so Agito couldn't appear.

Despite their efforts, Ikki could not break through. Then at a tight turn, the Ika's unsheathed their swords, which turned out to be chains. The van made a right turn and the four threw their chains into the air, causing a web of metal links.

"Kuso!" Ikki whipped out his phone. "I'm calling Akira!"

Akira was sleeping in Kaito's office when the phone rang.

"Who's there?"

"Akito's been kidnapped! License plate says Yoru1(1)! Tell Kaito!"

Akira jumped up. "What!"

The message was relayed and Kaito and Akira showed up in a hummer.

"-Got a all points bulletin on a suspicious black van, license plat yoru-ichi. Suspects armed with A-class AT skills-"

Ikki followed behind them with Kuu squawking like a siren.

"Kuso." Ikki sped along. 'Akito, is this what you meant?'

The license plate was yoruichi. Bleach reference anyone?

Trick : number 16? AIR GEAR HAS A NEW OVA COMING OUT! And Agito gets to swear this time.

Agito awoke to the sound of several voices. His arms were in pain, and the constant clinking of a chain agitated his ears. He opens his eyes to see his hands ties above him in layers of chains and below him a large dusty grey room. In the middle of it was a circular cut, surrounded by a railing. Standing around it were members of the yakuza ika. Sensing his feet were free, he looked down to find himself in a pair of raggedy old Ats.

"So you're awake." The Yakuza Ika's leader spoke. He was tall and muscular with hair reminiscent of a sword fish.

"Fuck." Agito spat out. "What the hell is this?"

"Tonight, We the Yakuza Ika, will reclaim our rank, our pride and-" The leader held up Agito Ats. "The Fang Regalia."

Agito growled angrily. " THE HELL YOU WILL! Fuck!"

"Our revenge starts now." A girl handed the leader a remote, and he pushed the button on it. The circle on the floor turned into two halves and receded, revealing a pool in the middle of the room. Beneath its murky waters, Agito could make out a large beast gliding about.

"We begin." Several members threw their chained katanas about, slicing Agito's clothes. "Now." Drops of blood dripped into the pool.

"A perfect opponent for you."

Agito watched as the beast emerged from the waters. It was a great white shark. Unlike the normal natural shark, this one was mutated, and twice the average one's size. It leapt into the air, seeking Agito's flesh.

However, the distance was to great, and it fell back into the pool. Agito, despite himself, sighed in relief. "Don't get too comfortable." The leader spoke again. Another member pulled a lever against the wall. The chain tying Agito above began to lower towards the pool.

The Yakuza Ika members all shared a hearty laugh, one Akito would hear in his nightmares for nights to come.

"Someone spotted the van by the docks." Akira shouted to Ikki, out the hummer's window.

"Let's check the warehouses then!" Ikki yelled back.

The shark lunged up again, and Agito swung to the left. More of his blood splashed into the pool, and it leaped once more. With Agito now in its reach it looked more menacing than before. Summoning his strength, the Fang king kicked the shark aside.

'I don't think I can take much more of this.'

The shark tried again and again, Agito sending it back repeatedly. He became fatigued from the overuse of his lower body. His arm muscles burned with pain, his wrists bleeding from the chains. Agito panted heavily. 'Enough already.'

In the back of his mind, Akito was crying. 'Somebody….please….'

The chains lowered again, and Akito could sense the shark getting ready to attack again.

'Save us.'

Kaito's hummer busted into the room. Akira was at the wheel, Kaito hanging out the window, and Ikki riding on top. Before the Yakuza Ika could react, Kaito shot at the chains suspending Agito. They broke with a loud clang. The shark lunged once again, but Ikki was much quicker. He moved like the wind, from on top the car and over the railing, to above the shark's mouth. He caught Agito just in time, and landed on the other side of the pool.

"Are you alright?" He smoothed Agito's hair back.

"Forget…that…" Agito choked out. "Get the damn regalia."

As the Yakuza Ika began to scatter, Akira jumped out of the van. "Don't even think about it."

Kaito shot them with high pressured rubber bullets causing a few to get knocked over, and rendering others unconscious.

Akira went after the leader. "Where're you going? Eh? Swordfish?"

The Fang regalia was far too precious to be lost under circumstances like these. With only a few moves, he recaptured the skates.

Meanwhile, Agito was struggling to stay awake.

"Oi." Ikki shook him. "Come on, try to stay awake 'til we get to the hospital."

Agito was silent as he sat in Ikki's arms. For once, he was too tired to argue.

Ikki peeled off the tape that was forcing down his eye patch. He moved it over. "Hey, Akito. Are you okay?"

"Mm. I'm fine now, Ikki-kun." Akito couldn't stay awake any longer. "Ikki, I…"

He closed his eyes.

"Oi! Stay awake I said!" He shook him repeatedly. "Akito! Akito!"

Akito's body was like a rag doll.

"Kaito!" Ikki yelled.

Kaito's hummer sped out of the warehouse and headed for the closest hospital. Ikki sat in the back, cradling Akito in is arms. 'Akito….Was it true after all?' Akito's breathing was uneven. 'Are you really going to leave me?' "Are you really going to die?"

"What the (FUDGE) you talking about?"

Ikki blinked in confusion. "Wha?"

Agito lifted his hand, moved the eye patch over. " I said, what the hell're you talking about?"


" Yeah I'm alright. I'm just tired as hell. You would be too if you were hanging from a ceiling, fighting a shark."

" But it's the eighth day…"

"The eighth day?"

"You're dying aren't you?"

"What! Who the (FUDGE!) TOLD YOU THAT!"

The eye patch was moved over. "Ikki-kun? Who told you that?"

"B-But eight days ago, on the phone! You said…"

"The phone?" Akito pondered. "The phone….oh! Seven days!"

"Yes, 'Seven days'! Didn't you say 'It would all end'?"

"Oh! I was talking about the medicine I was taking. For the injury I got in the last parts war."

"B-But then you were like 'oh, you'll miss me' and stuff!"

"The person I was talking to went on vacation."

"And why the hell did you sound so sad?"

"That was…uh…."


" Gintama ended." (*)


"That thing isn't dying."

Kaito brought the car to a screeching halt. He pushed a button, and tossed Ikki and Akito onto the street.

"Kuso! Oi!" Ikki yelled. "Don't leave us out here."

Akito began to sway back and forth.

"Hey…what's wrong with you?"

"I…think it's…" Akito held his head. "Blood loss." He collapsed on the street.


Gintama's anime ended. GIntama is a highly amusing show that references other anime. Kind of like Hayate no Gotoku. Both of these are parody anime, and they've both ended, but have ongoing manga.

Next episode preview:

Agito's theme plays in the background.

Agito: Eh? The stupid audience thought I was dying? Baka, BAAAAAAAAAKA.

Akito: minna-san, were you worried? We're sorry!

Lind: I didn't do much in this story, did I?

Akito: Huh? You say it like it's already over.

Ikki: Next time on Air Gear Trick 17? Did we mention the new ova! No one dies after seven days like that! This isn't the ring!

Agito: You thought we were dying, didn't you?

Ikki: Urusai.

Akito: Come to think of it, you have been really nice…