Book Club
I do not own this my dears.
A.N; So here is the update, I think I meant to put it up last week but I hadn't written it then. Please REVIEW and I will continue a.s.a.p.
Chapter Four.
Everyone else arrived shortly after Hermione and sat around in a little circle in preparation for Book Club to begin. Before anyone had a chance to get comfortable Hermione spoke.
"Right we will be studying today, any other kind words are appreciated after the hour."
She got in return a bunch of good byes, she looked at Millicent who already had her stuff packed and she toddled off to the library. So Hermione took back her comment and everyone sat down once again.
"I think I will begin today." Pansy said.
"For a change." Ginny replied.
Pansy glared at her and Ginny raised an eyebrow back.
"You know what you silly red head; I am going to let that slide because I'd like to imagine that everyone here respects each other. I mean I haven't said a word to anyone about anything that was said before, and I mean if people continue to be like this I could just let everyone know?"
"Well to be honest Pansy, I don't have anything to hide." Hermione said.
"Well when Draco finds out that you've been secretly meeting Blaise in dark corners of the library I'm sure your 'nothing to hide' isn't going to wash as easily."
"Whatever! We all agreed four walls, nothing goes past them."
"Right, back to my little bit of gossip. Draco and I are back on, he doesn't know it yet but I am so playing his games on him. I took little bits of advice from all his ex girlfriends and I have come up with a fool proof plan. But, Pansy Parkinson is not being played again – I'm going to rip out his heart and stomp on it in front of everyone."
She got a round of applause from everyone, except Hermione.
Draco noticed this, he expected her to be the one with a foam finger and a fog horn chanting her name for this incredible plan. But she just sat there looking at her hands.
"Do you not think it's a good plan Hermione?" Pansy asked her.
"No I don't. I mean yeh he broke your heart, but it wasn't in front of everyone! He had enough respect for you to come to you and end it in a civilised manner. Not in front of his friends, not in front of yours. To be honest, unless you ran your mouth to every Tom, Dick or Harry no one would have actually known because no one saw you together all that much anyway. I think you are going to blow this way out of the water and even though it's Malfoy, it isn't fair."
"He humiliates you."
"He never loved me."
"You think he loved me?"
"If it wasn't love then it was something extremely familiar."
"Well what ever! Hermione, gossip?"
"I don't have any."
"Millicent told me about you meeting Blaise."
"Well you should also know that I told Blaise that nothing could happen because Malfoy would never let him live it down and I am not being a secret, so we agreed friends are good enough."
"Boring! Ginny?"
"Finally! I've been sitting on this for like an hour now. Ginny Weasley has a sex god boyfriend. John! He used to go out with that Lucy girl, he's older and more mature and handsome."
Harry turned to Ron and whispered, "He's a sex pest, you should hear him on the Quidditch pitch."
"I'll kill him." Ron said.
"Who exactly are you trying to kid weasel?"
"You know Draco you're starting to piss me off! If you're going to be like this for the rest of the hour then fuck off."
"One moment please… Sorry you do not intimidate me, thought I'd make sure before I destroy your great speech. Do you mind? I'm trying to eavesdrop."
"Ginny, can you shut up for two minutes please?"
Ginny looked over, and raised her eyebrow but she shut her mouth.
"Reality just come into check, Hermione! You like Draco don't you?"
"Oh my goodness! Do you honestly think that someone who, on a regular basis, makes me feel like shit I'd want them in a relationship?"
"I said nothing about relationships, I said you like him."
"Not even an ounce of me appreciates him in any way. Not to look at, speak to or even listen to. In fact the one thing that I can appreciate is his arguments, I like a good argument and he is always good for one."
"If a couple can't argue, what can they do?"
"For fuck sake Pansy, why don't you just concentrate on your own pathetic, failing life before you start trying to meddle with other peoples. You are not big, you are clearly not clever and no one wants you. So stop trying to make your self feel better by making others feel bad. Fuck this Book Club, I started it to help a friend, who couldn't even be bothered to turn up today! You were not invited by me and nor do I appreciate you being here. It would have been nice to finally set aside this bitchyn ess that you are oh so good at for the last year but clearly that was oh too much for you to handle. Not that I need to prove anything to you but no I do not like Malfoy – I think he's a pig, I think that if he were to just step back and take in that he actually has it pretty good and thrive for that instead of making other people feel bad for what they haven't got he'd be a fucking great catch. I think that you are the most unappreciative person I have ever met. You had the opportunity to prove to whoever you care most about that you could do it and you're sitting here bitching about poor innocent people who have done nothing but steer clear of you. So take this 'Book Club' and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. I am happy you're failing. Good day!"
With that Hermione walked out of the meeting room, she walked up the corridor and leant on the side. Peering out the window she heard footsteps behind her.
"Fuck off! I don't need your shit right now!"
"Want to talk about it?"
"Are you joking?"
"Listen, I heard the shouting a minute ago. You really laid into Parkinson and I respect you for that, she had it coming."
"So in theory you should have one coming too then."
"I also heard the shit you were saying about me, and I think that you should have said it to me not to her. I also heard that you were the only one who didn't approve of her terrible plans to try and make me look a fool."
"So?" Hermione looked, she had tears in her eyes, she scared herself with how honest she was, "I don't need your shit right now."
"Thank you."
"I'm sorry, what?" She was in a state of shock.
"You heard Mudblood."
"Are you fucking joking me? You are pulling my leg? I go around and try and stick up for you because to be honest as much as I hate you, I hate being talked about behind my back so I'd appreciate if no one did it in front of me and you are standing here and taking the piss out of me?"
"What?" He was puzzled, "Can you shut your ridiculously fast moving mouth for enough time to listen to me, fuck sake woman!"
Hermione didn't say another word. She put down her bag, her books disappeared and she sat down on the window sill, waiting for Draco's explanation, or whatever it was going to be.
"Thank you," He pushed her up and sat next to her, "Right, now I have you quiet, believe me I was just about to use a silence spell because your voice just goes straight through me sometimes. Before you defend yourself, and believe me I am totally psyched about you keeping your mouth closed. I would just like to say that you defending me hasn't gone unnoticed. I have and will always be mean to you Granger, but to be honest I kind of appreciate having someone to share intelligent banter here and there with. It helps that you're quite attractive. I'd like it if we could…"
"Draco Malfoy! You better get here right now and kiss me!" Pansy ran out and shouted.
"I'm sorry Parkinson, you are not my girlfriend anymore."
"Who is? That?!" She pointed in the direction of Hermione.
Hermione looked up, Draco smiled down at her and Pansy looked very, very pale.
"She's a grass, she told you everything that was discussed didn't she?"
"No in fact Parkinson, we were in the middle of sealing the deal."
Draco grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her up then he kissed her, arching her backwards and cradling her to make sure she didn't fall.
Pansy stormed off. He continued to kiss her, she kissed him back, he was impressed. Then he finally let her go.
"What just happened?"
"If you don't mind, you are my girlfriend."
She laughed so hard she almost peed a little...
"I'll break your heart Malfoy." She said to him.
"Don't be ridiculous, and in respect of being an item a first name basis is appreciated, Hermione."
"You will regret this, hunny."
"I already do, babe."
So Hermione wanted one of two things to happen this year. She either wanted to set aside this life long feud between her and every other person in the world and just get along with them, or be a complete bitch. Turns out, she has both.
Making Pansy jealous would be fun, telling Ron and Harry would be torture and being with Draco she was yet to decide whether it would be heaven or hell. One things for sure, the gossip would be immense.