A/N – I didn't want to write anything else before the other ones were finished but the last line popped into my head and wouldn't go away! Once again, normal font, present and italics, past

Disclaimer: Ain't Mine. Probably never will be. FRIENDS ain't mine either.

Vince stumbled through the neutral flat. Pain ripping him apart. It had been like this for six months. But they'd found the body. Gave it a proper funeral. The not-knowing was the worst. But Naboo and Bollo. Alive and well, in Australia. Neither of them knowing what happened. And Vince being too heartbroken to tell them.

"Hello, I'd like to report a missing person."
"Okay, Name?"
"My name?"
"No, sir. The missing person's name."
"Oh! Howard TJ Moon."
"How long ago was it that you saw him?"
"9 days."
"He's my best friend. He wouldn't go anywhere without me."
"And your name?"
"Vince. Vince Noir."
"Right Sir. We'll be in touch."

Nothing for 6 whole months, before they'd found his body. Vince had to identify it was actually him. A rotting corpse.

Vince walked home after 3 moths of nothing from Howard. Carrying 7 bags of paint from B+Q. Everything he could see, in the entire flat – apart from the carpets – he painted white. He then called someone up. A carpet-man. To lay his beige carpets.

His chest started hurting, and pains running up and down his arm. An episode of FRIENDS popped into his head.

"And now my chest hurts."
"Oh my God. Phoebe, are you having a heart attack?"
"If I was would I have shooting pains up and down my left arm?"
"Then, yes, that is what I'm having!"

His heart split, and Vince collapsed on the beige carpet.

He was found 5 minutes later by the owner of Davidsons next door. He hadn't heard anyone in Naboo's flat for ages so he thought he'd have a little look. He called the ambulance straight away.

2 hours later, two doctors stod next to Vince's body. One checking Vince, the other one filling out a form.

"Vince Noir."
"Date Of Birth?"
"5th of March 1985"
"Date Of Death?"
"11th of May 2008"
"Cause Of Death?"
"Broken Heart."