I know it's been way too long, and I truly apologize! A few things I want to note before I let you read: I'm not going to delve into the myriad classes people can be. There are all manner of Knights (Holy, Dark, etc), and Ramza is loosely categorized as general knight who just fights. I might toss in a Dragoon (spear-wielder), as well, but besides that, are just defensive and offensive mages (White and Black, respectively). I also consolidated all the remedies and such, so potions encompass all the drinks you can heal people with. Without further ado, enjoy!

I don't own Final Fantasy Tactics, I'd be a genius if I did.

For the Kingdom of Peace

Chapter 5: A Castle of Secrets

Ovelia lay slumped against the cold, damp stones of her prison. The air was musty, stifling. Light shone feebly through a small slit in the dungeon wall, and the ceaseless drip of an infernal spring could be heard nearby. Mold, two-days-old, had started to grow on the stale bread and cheese left upon a dirty plate in front of her. But to all this she paid no heed, for her eyes stayed closed as she ruminated on her fate.

How could the world be so cruel? Good Father, are there truly none who are trustworthy?

If only she had listened to the voice that cried ever louder in her head as they neared Lionel Castle! But, instead, she did her best to dismiss the despairing thoughts, putting her trust in the guidance of the Father. After Ramza had successfully escorted her and Agrias to the Castle, Cardinal Delacroix had received them well, offering safe asylum and justice for all. It wasn't until the Cardinal brought out the Zodiac Stone, that she sensed that something was truly amiss. And now, Ramza and young Mustadio had gone to 'rescue' Mustadio's father and fetch another auracite under the guise of the Cardinal's blessing and sword. No sooner had they turned their backs to embark on their journey, did the Cardinal order her and Agrias imprisoned.

Ovelia knew not loyal knight's fate, for she had gone a separate way. She had never felt more responsible and cursed in her life, and prayed for Agrias' safety every day.

Suddenly, the sound of the dungeon door swinging upon its rusty hinges snapped Ovelia out of her reverie. Metal-plated boots could be heard echoing upon the hard stones of the floor. She sat up, her knees folded beneath her and her back straight. She would not be seen as weak.

Her heart jumped briefly once she could make out the gold-plated armor of the man before her. "Ser Delita!"

Delita looked at the girl beyond the rusty bars of the dungeon. What little light fell upon her face revealed a deathly pallor upon her cheeks and sunken, tired eyes. A pang of guilt struck him briefly, but he quickly steeled his nerve. Then he noticed the plate of stale bread and cheese, untouched.

"You've not touched your supper. A princess cannot live on pride alone."

Ovelia's eyes widened in shock, then quickly narrowed angrily.

Delita crossed his arms, his face expressionless. "Do you think to starve yourself? None would weep, you know. There are many who would be gladdened by your passing. Stop being stubborn and eat."

Tears had sprung to her eyes, to Ovelia's dismay. So angry was she, that her body trembled with hate. "You... you were in league with the cardinal all along, weren't you? What do you mean to do with me? If you'd not give me over to Larg, then what is your intent?"

"To put you where you truly ought to be," Delita said simply.

"So," Ovelia said quietly, "you would manipulate me as well. I'll not do it, you know. I'll not bend to your whims."

"You will. If you wish to survive, you have no other choice."

"What joy does life as a pawn hold for me? Perhaps, to forfeit this life is a sacrifice for the people of this land."

"Your death would only aid a rival side and bring more misfortune to the people of this land. Would you commit such a selfish crime?"

Ovelia closed her eyes, swallowing back tears. "If I live and aid your lot, how would that not bring a different misfortune across the land? Twin sides, twin minds; both as foul as the other."

Delita kneeled down in front of the bars, one hand atop a raised knee. He looked up at the sliver of light that shone on the wall above Ovelia. "Yes, both are equally foul. Both were cut of the same noble cloth, and neither side would ever aid those of lesser parentage."

"What of the Church? It appears to side opposite of Larg. Goltanna, then, I presume?"

Delita lowered his eyes, and looked at Ovelia. She sighed and looked away. "You wish to aid those less fortunate. But I do not see that you are aiding anyone but those least deserved. Mayhap your goals are led astray." She glanced back at Delita, who had not moved. "Tell me plain, once and for all, your hand in all this."

"Duke Larg and Goltanna, the Church, and all the rest..." Delita began, as he stood up slowly. "They are all of them swept up in a mighty current—a current they cannot see or feel." He reached into a pouch at his side and withdrew a key. "I simply swim against it. Nothing more." The door unlocked with a resounding click, and groaned as he pulled it open. He held out a hand for Ovelia, who only continued to sit and glare at him. "I have no right to ask you to trust me. I can only promise you one thing: that I will not lead you astray. I will tell you now that Delacroix wills me to take you to Duke Goltanna, and then he will restore you to your rightful place."

"You say you will not not lead me astray. Did I say I would follow?"

Delita snorted. "You've no choice, have you not realized? Come, the day grows dark." Without further hesitation, he reached for Ovelia's hand and drew her up. The room spun before her eyes and she immediately stumbled, not realizing just how weak her legs had become from days without food. Delita quickly swept her feet from under her and carried her out. She tried to resist, but soon fainted from thirst and hunger.

Somewhat disturbed by the princess' deathly pallor, Delita decided to make a detour to the kitchens, where he demanded bread and a skin of wine. As he made his way to the stables, he stopped in the courtyard and took a seat on a stone bench, Ovelia cradled in his arm. He flipped open the skin of wine and slowly poured a small amount into Ovelia's mouth. She did not wake, but after a while a bit of color returned to her cheeks. He decided to give her another sip, but a sudden clattering of boots upon stone nearly made him spill the wine. He scanned the courtyard in alarm and realized that the sounds came from through the stone walls behind him.


Ramza's voice. Ramza is come? Delita thought, surprised. He lay Ovelia gently upon the stone bench and quietly made his way to peer through one of many long, vertical windows. The chamber was long and beyond some rows of pews, he could see that Delacroix stood atop a raised dais. Below the Cardinal and in front of the pews, was Ramza and his party of misfits.

"I see Gaffarion's sword was no match for his words. Then again, perhaps the fault lies with his adversary. Beoulve blood is not given to spill easily. Even when thinned with that of a courtesan, it would seem."

Lady Agrias stepped forward angrily on Ramza's behalf, but was stopped. Delacroix snorted. "But enough is enough. Your intrusions overstay their welcome. Leave the auracite, and then leave Lionel. A generous offer, and my last."

"Where is Princess Ovelia?" Ramza demanded.

"You mean to free her? What then? You've turned your back on your house. A man cannot prosecute a war alone. Forget this bootless struggle. Think your mere will enough to see you victorious? Even will needs force, and you have none."

"I'll not ask again, where is the princess?"

"Gone to Zeltennia. Her Highness has chosen to accept our hand in aid over yours."

"You lie!" Agrias cried. "The princess would do no such thing!"

"Her Highness has taken her first step toward the throne. But she will need a steady hand to guide her, and yours falters. Who better, then, than us to stand at her side? She saw this—why not you? There's no reason you should not join us as well. The thought of besting your brothers holds no allure? We care no less for this world's fate than you. Together we can change Ivalice for the better."

"I have no wish to change the world," Ramza said icily. "But nor can I stand by while men suffer and die on the whim of some select few. Do you truly believe you can change the world? Not even I am so naive as that."

Delacroix gave a bark of laughter and his eyes suddenly lit with a crazed gleam. "Nescient humility from one possessed of such an artifact! That Stone you hold can twist the very weave of nature, to say nothing of the world. Yet I fear my words are wasted on you. Actions speak louder, yes?" He reached into his robes and withdrew a glittering red Stone that started to glow as if on fire. Brighter and fiercer it flared, forcing everyone to shield their eyes.

When at last the rays receded, a putrid, corpulent beast stood in the Cardinal's place. Its eyes were sunken deep within doughy, white flesh; its mouth wide, lipless, and curved in sickening smile. A low rumble of laughter issued from what seemed an open chest cavity, barely held together with crude stitches. Delita stared in horror, not believing his eyes.

"Behold, I am Cúchulainn, the Impure," the abomination bellowed. "You take no pains to hide your wonderment. How I shall delight to watch you die. Each excruciation, ecstasy!"

The gaping mouths of Ramza and his band of fighters quickly shut as the beast gave an otherworldly roar, forcing all to cover their ears. Even slightly muted by the glass, Delita felt his mind start to give way to the poisonous, maddening cry. He forced an eye open to see how Ramza fared, and saw that his chemist was busy administering antidotes to many of the party while a white mage readied healing spells. Cúchulainn had noticed the healers as well and with incredible speed it moved behind the chemist, hand raised. Ramza turned quickly, however, and stabbed it in the side, saving the chemist who scurried away. Undeterred, the demon then struck Ramza across the face, throwing him against the far wall.

"Judgement Blade!" cried Agrias from afar, and pillars of ice materialized and fell on top of Cúchulainn, freezing it in his tracks for a second. Taking advantage of the moment, Mustadio, the young machinist who wielded a long-range weapon of some kind, immediately fired a resounding shot at the demon's pudgy legs. Cúchulainn responded with another deafening scream that added yet more ailments to its enemies. A black mage, however, was able to unleash a volley of fire upon the demon just before falling to his knees and vomiting. Mustadio seemed the least affected, as he continued to fire shots at the beast; but Agrias and Ramza were visibly green in the face as they struggled to defend the chemist and the mages, who had backed onto the dais steps.

Once Cúchulainn succeeded in landing heavy blows against Agrias and Ramza, Delita saw that it was backing away as healing spells enveloped them. The opening in its chest suddenly yawned open, and Delita watched incredulously as sharp teeth revealed themselves from under the skin. More worrying, however, was the large beam that abruptly issued from within, striking everyone in its wake. Mustadio and the white mage fell from the dais, and collapsed on the floor either dead or unconscious. Ramza, Agrias, and the black mage had also fallen to the ground, paralyzed with a cloud of Doom upon their heads.

Delita stood up uncertainly, as the bloodied beast limped forward to seal their fates. The chemist made a mad dash toward Ramza, a potion in hand. She managed to cure Ramza of his paralysis, but in the process the beast had finally struck her down. The black mage succeeded in calling forth another round of fire upon Cúchulainn despite his immobile state, and Ramza had managed to deal a mighty slash across its body. It bellowed again, and this time the black mage and Agrias could take no more.

With a mighty cry, Delita drew his sword and struck the glass panes of the window. Ignoring the shards that cut his face, he leapt in and called forth the Hallowed Bolt to strike the demon, rendering it speechless and stunned. Ramza immediately slashed the muted beast over and over again, unafraid of any more of its maddening screams. Finally, Cúchulainn fell to the ground, its fleshy mass expanding. When Delita finally stood before the demon, he stabbed it again for good measure. Suddenly, the monster exploded, sending blinding chunks of light in every direction.

How strange that I, Undying, here should die! A death come early, ere my master could return...

After the light faded away, Ramza blinked twice at the man before him. "Delita...you came!" he cried, but then his strength gave out and he finally collapsed to the ground. A red gem sparkled next to him, prompting Delita to fetch it from the ground. The sign of Scorpio could be seen etched inside. He kneeled next to his old friend, and fed him a potion.

"Ramza, here are whatever herbs and potions I have. Revive your party and flee post-haste."

"What of you—"

"Worry not of the Princess, she is with me... and we must leave, now. Mayhap we shall meet again soon."

Without further delay, Delita turned around and walked away.