(A.N. OMC!! It's almost finito!)

Chapter 18

The Beginning is the End.

Then there was a bright light.

Edward was back? we were kissing again, but not for as long, we startyed walking backwards, then I realized time was rewinding itself. But the strange thing was that I was watching myself. I was watching it all play out in front of me like a movie. His house, the cliff, The hospital, The bear, The lunch room. It went faster and faster and faster until finally...

"Oof!" I was on the ground. I looked around, it was Boarders. I heard Alina's laughter as Ashley helped me up.

"I swear Iz, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were 'Bella' in disguise." I got the book up off the ground and took a long look at it.

"Come on Iz, let's go to check out." Ashley said.

"You guys go ahead, I'll catch up." As they walked away, I opened it up to the middle. Two words in Gold script were written across the page.

The End

(A.N. Thank you soooo much for all of you that stuck wih this story through to the end!! You guys are awesome!! I'll miss you all!! And last but not least, Did you like it? Did you not like it Reveiw and tell me!!)