DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of these characters. If I did, I'd be called J.K.Rowling, and I'd be a hell of a lot richer.
When Sirius reached the bedroom, he transformed back into his human form, and opened it up for his lover to trot through. He knew every centimetre of his bedroom, and so found and changed into his pyjama bottoms with ease, and slid into their bed. Smiling, he opened the bed covers, and Remus crawled under.
The werewolf settled down onto Sirius' chest, a comfortable warming weight, and he sighed. Gently, Sirius pressed a kiss to Remus' muzzle. "Go to sleep my puppy."
Remus growled viciously, so Sirius tapped him on the nose. "Stop it…" he said, warningly. "Even If you aren't going to sleep, I am anyway. And I know you will not be far behind." Remus snorted, and rubbed his cold nose across Sirius' face. "Remus," moaned Sirius, complaining, but he laughed softly.
Eventually, Remus snuggled down and went still.
Above them, Severus opened the door to his bedroom, and he knew that something was wrong. Harry had rolled into the spot where Severus slept, which he only did when he was searching for comfort. The covers were thrown back, and he was tossing and turning.
Quickly, Severus trotted to the bed, knowing exactly what was going on. He sat down on the edge of the bed, and paused for a moment.
"No, no, please, you can't," Harry mumbled, and Severus' heart sank. He had already known what it was hurting his husband, but he had dared to hope.
"Harry, wake up, you're dreaming." When Harry didn't respond, Severus raised his voice, "Harry!"
The younger wizard jerked up, wild eyed and gasped, "Get away!" His fist came out of nowhere, and thudded into Severus' chin, but the older wizard caught it before it came back again. Internally, he sighed. Another bruise.
"Stop, it's me," Severus calmly instructed, infallible. Realisation flooded back into Harry's face, and he gasped.
"Oh, Severus, I'm sorry!" He pushed himself back against the head board, and hugged his knees tightly.
Severus watched him rest his forehead on his knees, his hair flopping over his emerald eyes. The nightmares came at least once every week, of those who had died in the Final Battle, and nothing Severus could ever say would stop the guilt Harry felt. The younger wizard had never said it, but Severus knew from Harry's mutterings that he dreamt of Severus' near death regularly.
"Who was it?" Severus asked, joining Harry against the headboard. He knew what Harry would do as soon as he sat down. True enough, within ten seconds of silence, Harry had almost flung himself onto Severus' lap and was hugging him fiercely around his neck. Smiling sadly, Severus wrapped his arms around the younger, trembling wizard, and repeated the question, "Who?"
"Fred," Harry whispered.
Of course. Mostly, Harry had just seen the bodies of the dead, and that was enough to give him dreams, but Fred was one of the few he had witnessed up close, and watched repeatedly in his dreams. "You know there was nothing else you could do," Severus angrily said. "Nothing else. They've been gone for three years, we can't bring them back." He said the same thing every time his husband had the nightmares, but every time he knew they were empty words. It never helped, just distracted him.
"I know," said Harry, hoarsely, pressing himself tighter against Severus. The older wizard could feel his heart beating faster, furiously, and his breath was still hurried.
Rubbing Harry's back with long, slow strokes, Severus spoke in a voice made harsh to snap Harry out of his funk. "Stop it. There's no point dwelling on the memories of the dead. You have to live!"
"Maybe you can forget, but the dead you saw were your enemies, not people you loved."
That was a new one, and also uncalled for. After a pause, Severus coolly said, "You are very wrong about that, Harry." With a stony glare at his young husband, Severus shifted him off his lap and continued, "Go to sleep Harry. Don't dwell on the dreams anymore." He rolled on his side, facing away from Harry.
"Severus, I'm sorry," Harry's small voice floated over his side, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." A warm arm snaked over Severus' shoulder, and Harry curled up against him. "Severus, please don't ignore me. I'm sorry."
"Ok Potter," Severus sighed, "I get it."
"I am sorry," Harry protested. "I was tired, and sick of the dreams, and…"
Turning over onto his back, Severus rolled his eyes, "Calm down, and come here. It's late and I want to sleep."
With his childish, innocent smile in place, Harry lay down, his head on Severus' chest. Severus compliantly held him close, as Harry said, "Your feet are cold. Where have you been?"
"You distracted me earlier, I forgot about Remus' Wolfsbane," Severus said, before the hand he was using to run through Harry's hair was knocked away by the younger wizard, sitting bolt upright.
"What? Are they OK? Oh god, you let Sirius stay with an unsafe werewolf? There'll be murder in the morning, either you being killed by Sirius, or Sirius… actually…" He covered his mouth with his hand.
Severus clipped the younger man around the head. "I got there in time, stop making such a fuss."
"Don't worry me like that!" Harry exclaimed, furiously.
"You need to trust me. I'm not allowed to kill your godfather, no matter how tempting it is," said Severus calmingly. "They're both fine, now would you please fall asleep."
"No, I'm awake now," shrugged Harry, "And so are you." He dragged the words out temptingly.
"Don't you realise what time it is?" asked Severus, incredulous. "And I know what you are thinking about. You're still thinking about the dead, and I'm not going to just mask those thoughts with sex Harry."
"I don't want to think of them anymore," said Harry, his overly cheerful face falling, "They're always going to be in my heart and head, why can't you let me forget for a time?"
"Not when they are so close to the surface," Severus proclaimed, opening his arms, 2Now are you going to stop talking and sleep?"
Sulkily, Harry lay back down and said, "You're only resisting me because you're too old to go again." His hand, as if by accident, slipped towards Severus' trousers.
"Old? Old?!" exclaimed Severus, flipping Harry onto his back and trapping him onto the bed with his weight.
"You're old enough to be my father," Harry was grinning as he saw Severus' mouth twist, and darted up to press a kiss to the lips. "Though you are quite flexible for your age."
Severus went on to prove just how flexible he was.
A/N: I'm not sure if I'm ending here, I'm trying to summon up some other inspiration, but am seriously failing. But I'll say it's complete for now. I've tried my hand at Severus/Harry and am clearly not very good, but I tried Lauren! Sorry... My fluffy plotless story is over. And next up on my agenda? Breaking Spirits. Ahh the angst of that fic.