Tales of the Mother Chapter 6

So Luke met the Gungans, the lost people of Naboo. They had been run out of their underwater homes by the empire, who sought to destroy them. Now they wandered the forest, nomads, forced to wander and hide for the rest of their lives. Jar Jar Binks, who had once played the fool was now a hardened warrior and boss of their people after their last Boss had been brutally murdered by the Empire. His voice was deep and stinging now, his days of merriment over.

Jar Jar didn't know quite what to make of Luke. Then again, Luke didn't know what to make of Jar Jar either. Jar Jar knew who he was, and certainly could have handed Luke over, but for some reason, the Gungan didn't think that way. He still maintained a live and let live philosophy. So Luke decided going with them was ten hundred times better than going back to his Imperial captors.

The Gungans gave Luke an old data pad that had a talk function. Luke used that to speak to the Gungans, who found it endlessly amusing that he couldn't talk. Luke, however, was not amused. He found it very frustrating since he had to type everything out and have it speak in it's creepy digital voice. It was damnably annoying, but if that was what he had to do to talk, he might as well get used to it.

Luke was there, and celebrated with the Gungans when news of the Death Stars destruction came to them through the grapevine. He knew that no one but Leia could have pulled such a thing off, and he was very pleased. He wished he could have been there; could have told her what he knew. Then again, that would change things for them. Maybe it was best if she never know that Darth Vader was father to both of them. It might break her heart if she knew, so he promised himself that he would never tell her, regardless of whether or not he got his voice back.

Luke spent two years trying to track down any information about the Rebel faction here in Naboo, but there was no word from any of the Gungan networks. Jar Jar could tell that Luke was becoming increasingly stressed. Then again, the boy had spent the last two years living out in a forest with little comforts. Jar Jar couldn't blame him for his frustration. One day he decided to have a talk with Luke about what came next. He sat down on a log next to where the boy was watching something on his data pad.

"Son of Anakin, what worries yousa?"

Luke looked up at him and then typed something in. The voice spoke for him, "I want to get off this damn planet. Before I thought it was a terrible misfortune to be stuck on Tattoine, but now I guess I know better."

"Worry not, Anakin son. Yousa will make it. Yousa gonna see. I knowsa yousa will find a way to escape, just as yousa Father did."

"He's not my Father!"

"Isa sorry. Luke, yousa must have de faith. We Gungan have faith. If not, wesa dead. And wesa not dead yet."

"I guess you're right Jar Jar. I just have to have faith that I am going to find my way out of here. Thank you."

Luke smiled at Jar Jar, who put his hand on Luke's shoulder. "Yousa gonna see."

Suddenly a blaster bolt came out of nowhere and hit an inch away from where Luke was sitting. Luke jumped up and Jar Jar said, "a fight between Rebel and Empire!"

Luke then saw that it was clearly Imperial troops fighting with green robed Rebels. Luke said, "This is my chance Jar Jar. If I can make my way through the fighting and find their leader, maybe he will help me!"

Jar Jar said, "Or you could be caught in de cross fire."

Men were rushing back and forth then, nearer to where Luke and Jar Jar were. "Go Jar Jar. I'll be okay." Luke smiled at him, patting him on the shoulder. Then he ran off in the direction of the fighting. Jar Jar went then to gather his people to move them again.

Luke didn't have to go far to encounter the Rebel leader. He was stationed in a cave at the bottom of the hill just at the edge of the forest. Luke had actually been captured, but he wasn't worried about the technicalities. He wanted out of there. So when they took him in to see the leader he said, "I am Luke Skywalker, son of Anakin, and I want off this planet! Where can I find Princess Leia?"

The rebels just looked at each other for a moment, unsure as to what to do.

"I'm on your side. Please, please help me!"

The Rebels decided to help sneak Luke off the planet. Soon he was on a ship bound for Hoth.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long to get back to this story, but I'm so busy these days. Anyway I'll try and get new stuff out more often. Let me know what you think!