A/N: I got the Eclipse Special Edition! YAY! You don't know how many times I read the first chapter of BD. My sister was calling me a freak cause I was like jumping around and squealing so happily. She probly wouldn't be surprised if I was jumping off the walls. But she doesn't get the fact that ESE is like a buffet, not just a cake but a buffet to a fat kid. That is until the real buffet comes, which is BD.

Okay, okay. I'm rambling on and on but I'm just so happy that I got it! I'll tell you the story about how I got the book at the bottom.

Previously: But no matter what he said, it just didn't help. Because those were the last words I heard him tell me before the blackness took over.

Where am I this time? It seems like the same place I visited in my last dream. Again, not knowing where to go, what to do, or how to get out, I wandered aimlessly in any and every direction possible. Everywhere I went, I saw nothing. It was like an endless vortex of nothingness. That is, until I saw…A desk with a chair in front of it in the distance.I walked towards the desk and the chair as fast as I could. I could run but I'll trip and I don't want that. I managed to only stumble twice.The desk looked like it belonged in an office. The black leather chair was facing away from me. As I got closer, the chair moved a few inches and I froze, not knowing that there was a person in the chair. The person turned at an impeccably slow pace. It was killing me. As if they had a mind of their own, my legs started to move me forward just as slowly. The chair finally turned around enough to reveal that gorgeous guy I saw in that same dream this morning lounging coolly in the seat.

I felt a goofy smile crawl on my face, "You again, huh?"

"Yup," he smirked. My smile vanished. I was speechless. He was actually talking to me now? I mean, I didn't think he would answer me but I felt the need to say something.

"You-You're…actually t-talking to mm-me?" I stuttered out.

His smirk grew wider, "Hmm…so surprised, are we?" I nodded my head, unable to say a word.

Then he did something that was even more overwhelming.

He got up from his seat and walked over towards me, his hair falling beautifully in his face. He walked forward with the same slowness that he used to turn the chair.

He put his hand under my chin and gently pulled my face up to where he could see me more clearly.

"Why are you surprised at me talking to you?" he asked softly.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "You didn't talk to me last time."

And before he could answer me, before I could memorize his features, before I could do anything else, I was pulled out of the dream.

Nothing in particular woke me up; I just woke up. And even though I couldn't remember all of his features, there was one thing that I could remember.

His emerald eyes.

I know I've seen them before. I'm positive. If I saw those smoldering eyes, I would recognize them anywhere if I saw them again. I know I'm forgetful, but I can't be that forgetful. I'm sure everyone would remember those eyes too.

The atmosphere surrounding me finally caught my eye.

For the third time today, where am I?

I was in a bed in a room that was mostly white. There were chairs of different sorts at the foot of my bed. There were a few machines on my right. One of which showed the rate that my heart was beating. Farther over, I could see a table filled with flowers and balloons with cards attached most likely from my friends at school. I couldn't help but smile at the sight. It took me a while to realize that I was in a hospital bed. But I can't remember the reason I'm here for.

I turned to my left and finally noticed that there was another person in the room with me. Edward. Sweet Edward that cared about me enough to run with me. That cared enough to help me when I needed it. That cared enough to stay by my side. That cared enough to even sleep here when he didn't even need to. That cared about me enough to hold my hand. Whoa. I did a double take at that.

I looked down at our hands together. My hand was between the both of his. I just met him today, so why is he doing that? Should he be doing that? Isn't this a little too fast? It is for me.

But the weird thing is, I like it.

I looked at his heavenly face rested on the side of me on the bed. He had a smile on his face. I wonder what he's dreaming of. He really looked gorgeous. Awake or not.

Without thinking, my hand reached up to his face. I traced his finely shaped jaw line, his flawlessly rounded chin with a little stubble, his luscious lips that were in an even bigger smile now, his perfectly pointed nose, his porcelain like skin, his high cheekbones.

I was just about to trace his eyes that I thought were closed. But when I got to them, I saw that his eyes were open and he was gazing at me while I was memorizing his face.

Of course I blushed at being caught. Before I could pull my hand away, he took one of his hands and wrapped it around mine. Now he was holding both of my hands.

No, this shouldn't be happening. This is way too fast. I've got to stop this.

That's what my mind told me. But my hands wouldn't listen. They stayed there. I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't help it. And I couldn't help but like it either.

It felt so wrong and right at the same time. Does that even make sense?

"Are you okay Bella?" he snapped me out of my reverie. With you here I am.

"Mhm..I'm okay."

"That's great. You scared me a little bit when you fainted. Actually a lot," he admitted sheepishly.

"Sorry," I ducked my head, embarrassingly. "Hey, did the doctor tell you what happened?"

"Yup, but hey, let me get him." He walked out of the room to get the doctor.

"Hello, Isabella," the doctor greeted me kindly.

"Please, call me Bella," I said, just as gently. Wow. My doctor is pretty good looking. Thank God he's not an old doctor. He's quite young actually. About mid twenties, I'm guessing. He smiled back at me.

Edward turned to me then, "Bella, this is my father, Dr. Carlisle Cullen." Hmm. I see where Edward gets his looks.

"Please, call me Carlisle. Now Edward told me that you had quite a fall in gym class today."

"Um, er…I guess I did," I said, before giving Edward a glare. Both of them chuckled quietly at this. So that's what I'm here for.

"Can you tell me exactly what happened?" Carlisle asked me. That's when everything came flooding back to me.

"Well, everything was going fine. Nothing bad was happening, we were just running our 3 laps that coach made us do. And on my 3rd lap, I don't know what happened or why but my legs just gave out on me and I suddenly couldn't breathe well. And it's not the usual falls where I trip, this time, my legs just went numb or something and my heart was in pain," I said all in a rush.

They both looked at me thoughtfully, trying to figure out what happened.

Then Carlisle spoke up, "Well, now that I know the whole story from your view, I can make a better conclusion. And I'm pretty sure that there's nothing severely wrong, but I'm guessing that your heart has been beating at an erratically fast pace a lot today.

"And when you were running, that makes your heart beat fast too so I guess running just set your heart over the edge. And since it was running, your legs were included. And so your brain and heart must have numbed your legs in order to stop whatever it was that was making your heart hurt so much at the moment. Now, can you tell me what's been making your heart beat so quickly?"

I looked over at Edward to see his face expression but it was pure concern for me. I looked down, too embarrassed to say the reason why. My face was slowly turning a very red shade.

Edward came over to my side then and took my hand in his. "Come on Bella. We need to know this. You can trust us. We just want to help you." He looked me square in the eyes.

But before I could say anything, it appeared that my heart reacted before my mouth could. Because just then, the heart monitor next to me started beeping like crazy.

Edward's eyes went wide and in the corner of my eyes, I saw Carlisle shaking silently with laughter. I looked towards him and he stopped immediately. But that didn't stop him from simply wanting to laugh. He still bit his lip and clenched his fists to stop from showing it, but it was evident that he wanted to.

Then, Edward rubbed his hands up and down my arms. My heart accelerated even faster. Oh, great. Why don't you kiss me now so the heart monitor will pound psycho crazy? I mean…never mind.

Now Edward stepped back and went to stand next to Carlisle. "Now we know what's been making your heart beat so fast," Carlisle said. I looked to Edward to see his face expression. What I saw confused me. His face played a million emotions, but two of the most dominant emotions were happiness and sadness. He seemed stuck as to which emotion should be the main one.

I looked down again, unable to face them. The blush that appeared earlier stayed on my face throughout the whole scene. And it must have been a very, very red shade.

"Well, Bella. Just take it easy next time. You're ready to go," Carlisle said after he composed himself.

I jumped up to leave but I fell back on the bed from getting up too fast. Edward was there in an instant, ready to catch me if I fell. But he then realized what he was about to do and stepped away from me. Now I'm confused. Why is he being so hesitant? I stopped thinking anything of it when Carlisle spoke up again.

"Of course, you do have to leave behind the heart monitor. So I'll help you get it off. But I need to you just carefully take the wires off that are under your shirt."

I carefully pulled them off like he told me to.

"And I certainly don't think that you want to walk out of here in your hospital gown. One which doesn't close in the back," he said. I realized then that Edward was behind me. I turned around to face him, after I quickly held the backside of my gown together with my hands.

He suddenly very interested in the ceiling and when I cleared my throat (not so subtly), he looked back at me. I saw that his cheeks were flushed and he tried his best to look innocent. Oh, joy.

This day was not going so well.

Except for the fact that I made new friends and met a gorgeous, hot, sexy, handsome guy.

Those words didn't even begin to describe him that well.

But of course, he wasn't the only one to blush.

"Your clothes are on that table over there, Bella," Carlisle told me. I went to grab my clothes, but stopped when a thought came to me.

Who changed me into this gown?

"Everything okay, Bella?" Edward asked.

"Um…yeah. I'm fine." With that, I went to the bathroom that was on the other side of the room. The whole time I was changing, that same thought made its way into my mind every time I tried to push it away.

When I was finally done, I walked out to see Edward sitting on a chair staring at me.

"Ready to go?" he asked me, getting up. I nodded.

We walked out the door and into the elevator.

When we got to the lobby, we passed by Carlisle. Edward and I said bye to him. But before we left, he made sure that I was okay. I blushed at this, I don't know why but I did.

As I left the hospital, I looked around to see if I could spot his car anywhere close. But i didn't even know what it looks like.

"Bella, I came here with you in the ambulance but Alice called and told me that she brought my car here for me. She left with Jasper. But she failed to tell me where she parked it. So you just stay here and I'll look for it and come back to pick you up," Edward said. But I didn't want to wait here alone. I wanted to be with him. Even if it meant that I would have to walk all around the parking lot. If I would be with him, then I'm okay.

Wait, stop it Bella. You don't like him that way. He's just your friend. A friend and that's it. Nothing more.

"No, you don't have to look for the car by yourself. I'd be more than happy to go with you. Two is better than one," I told him. Anything to be able to be with him. I mean, I just don't want to be alone.

"No way. I'm not letting you go. It could be really far away. And I don't want you to hurt yourself again. I can do this by myself. It's okay." And he left. I couldn't help but notice how stunning he looked as he retreated. He was wearing a white button down shirt that clung to his body flawlessly. And his dark wash jeans were loose and tight in just the perfect places.

I stopped myself right there.

Bella, you really need to stop checking out your friend. You don't like him like that. And he doesn't like you like that either. Not that it matters, cause he's just your friend. But if it did matter, he's too good for you anyways. So just stop now before you get too deep.

A car honking next to me snapped me out of my thoughts. Speaking of him.

He rolled down the window, "Come on, Bella." I wonder how long he was trying to get my attention.

I got in his car and buckled myself in. So the silver Volvo this morning is his. Nice.

There was a question that I still had stuck in my head from earlier in the hospital.

"Uhm…Edward?" I hesitated.

"Mmm?" His eyes were still on the road.

"Who, um…undressed me in the hospital?" I asked him.

He was quiet for a moment, "Don't worry about that. The nurse did. I didn't do anything."

I sighed in relief to myself. But for some reason, I wasn't happy that it wasn't him. It was a very little part of me that felt that way. But I was mostly happy.

That would have been very awkward and embarrassing at the moment if he was the one that undressed me.

I let the thought go. And I relaxed in my seat in the comfortable silence. I did catch him sneaking glances at me a few times.

We arrived at an unfamiliar house. I was about to ask him where we were, but he beat me to it.

"Bella, I don't know where your house is. And I would have asked you to give me the directions, but I just remembered that Alice asked me to bring you to my house. That's okay with you, right? I would have told you earlier, but when Alice wants you there, you usually have to go," he asked. I nodded meekly and looked back at the house. It was gorgeous! The house was three stories high.

"Bella? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah I am. It's just that your house is really big and beautiful."

He chuckled at this, "Heh, thanks. We should get inside before Alice sees us and attacks."

"You're right. Let's go." We got out of the car and made our way to the front door. Before he could put his key in the lock, the door opened. And a little pixie popped her head out.

"There you two are! Where have you been? I've been waiting forever for you to come!"

"Uhm, I was at the hospital," I said.

"And I was with her," Edward said next to me.

She looked confused for a while, then it finally clicked. "Ohh! I remember now!"

"You can remember when you're supposed to have a shopping trip but not when Bella has an accident?" Edward asked.

"Well shopping's more important."

"More important than me barely able to breathe and my heart almost stopping?" I asked, incredulously.

"Well, when you put it that way…" she rubbed the back of her neck guiltily. "That reminds me! We have to have a shopping trip!"

I groaned, "No! I hate shopping! Thanks Edward." I sent him a playful glare, and he just grinned at me. I looked back at Alice. She had a twinkle in her eye but she quickly regained her features and faked horror.

"You can't hate shopping!"

"Well, I can and I do," I told her as I tried to push past her. She blocked me.

"No you can't! But luckily for you, you won't be going shopping…today," she said that last part quietly as I finally pushed past her. I wanted to argue with her but I was so tired, I decided against it. I'll just get out of it later. Hopefully.

Just as I was about to sit down on their couch, Alice pulled me by my wrist up the stairs. She pulled me into a room that I'm guessing is hers. When I got in her room, Rosalie was there. She smiled up at me and I smiled back.

"Yank my arm out of its socket why don't you? Is there a certain reason why I'm here?"

"Yup. We want to know something," Alice said. I waited. "Do you like Edward?"

"What?! No! Why would I? He's just my friend and nothing more," I exclaimed, somewhat nervously.

"Bella…" Alice said in a stern voice.

"I don't!" I tried again.

"Bella." This time it was Rosalie that said it. And she's very intimidating.

"Well…" I didn't even get to finish talking because they both squealed…right in my ears.

"We knew it!" they said simultaneously.

"What?!" I yelled. I was just joking with them.

But there was a sound that I definitely heard. That sound made us all stop. We turned to the door and realized for the first time that the door was wide open. The sound of footsteps retreating burned in my ears.

All three of us made our way to the door quickly to see if we could catch the person that was listening in on us.

It just happened to be Edward.

A/N: Okay so I was in Walmart and I went straight to the book section and I looked for the books and I didn't see them! Then my sister was like "Is that it?" And she was pointing at the bottom row. They put it on the bottom row, how stupid. It should be like at the top. And if I didn't have my sister, I wouldn't even have the book. Even though with her around, I get criticized by how obsessed I am with the book. And I also watched that little scene from the Twilight movie many times too. Pretty awesome.

You guys are great! This story went from 632 hits to 1075 hits in one chapter. That's good!

I have a feeling that I have something else to say but I totally forgot.