A/N: Charlie and Renee didn't split up. Bella has a better sense of fashion, but Alice still likes to give her makeovers and all that. Bella is still clumsy, I just couldn't take that away. (: Alice, Edward, and Emmett are siblings. Rosalie & Jasper are siblings too (twins if you want). The Cullens and Hales are all new. They're all seniors. In case anyone was wondering. All Human.


I opened my eyes to nothing. At least I think it was nothing. Everything around me was white. Plain white. I got up from the floor. There were no objects, no walls, and no one else besides me. I looked beyond where I was standing. Nothing. I turned my head around to see if there was anything behind me. Still nothing. I turned to my left. Nothing at all. I turned to my right. Noth--wait, is that someone? Yes, I'm sure it is. But he's walking away. So I started running after him. I finally caught up with him, but I had to constantly run to keep up with his fast pace.

"Hey! Can you help me?" I said, a bit too loudly, causing the place to echo in the wide space.

No answer.

"Do you know where we are?" I lowered my voice.

Still no answer.

"Can you at least tell me who you are?" I whispered, grabbing this mysterious guy's arm. He stopped walking, and slowly turned towards me, revealing a dazzling crooked smile. He was pale with beautiful, bronze, disheveled hair that looked absolutely gorgeous with his face. I looked into his stunning green eyes that I was eventually lost in. They had me at a loss of words…what was I saying again?

Before I could do gather my thoughts to say anything else, he winked at me and with that, he started walking again. He dazzled me with the combination of his wink and smile. By the time I was out of my daze, he was just a little speck in the distance.

Suddenly, there was a beeping noise. It was so loud. It sounded very familiar. I know I've heard it before, but I can't seem to place where it was coming from. It sounded like. . . an. . . alarm clock!

So it was just a dream all along.

I turned off my alarm clock and slowly got up and stretched. It was raining outside, like it usually does here in Forks. I was so used to the summer time. Sleeping in and waking up whenever I wanted. I'm not ready for the school work and annoying teachers just yet.

"Bella! You need to get up or you'll be late!" Renee said on the other side of my door.

"Okay, okay! I'm up!" I yelled back at her. I opened the door and made my way to the bathroom. Being as clumsy as I am, I almost tripped. Almost. I caught myself before I hit the floor.

I washed my face first. Then I brushed my teeth. After that, I got in the shower. While I was letting the water pressure massage my tense muscles, I thought about that dream.

I never had that dream before. I just don't understand it. Who was that handsome guy? Why didn't he say anything? Where was I? Why was there nothing else there? So many questions about the dream flooded my mind, which made me tense all over again. So I had to stay in the shower longer than I expected to be.

By the time I got out of the shower, I figured that it was just a dream, no need to worry about it or anything. I better hurry up now, before I'm late.


Senior year. I should be happy right? Well, is it weird that I'm not? I mean, it's not like I have a lot of friends. And I probably won't be missing this place once I leave. I don't even know where I want to go for college yet. Or what I want to major in. And it seems like this year won't be any different from last year.

I went to my closet to pick out some clothes. I didn't know what to wear so I just decided on jeans and a nicely fitted, long sleeve shirt that was royal blue. It was a V-neck, stopping in the right spot. I put my hair into a half ponytail and went downstairs to get breakfast. My mom already had pancakes on the table for me. I was surprised. Renee usually never woke up this early, even to see me off to school. She also usually never made me breakfast. And when she did, it would normally be one of her experiments (which weren't always edible, I might add).

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked her as I sat down.

"It's your first day of the school year. So I thought I should lighten up your load and go ahead and make you breakfast so you have one less thing to worry about. You're already later than usual, taking extra time in the shower," she said, smiling.

Well, that answers my other question, I thought before drinking my orange juice.

"And don't worry, Bella. Those pancakes are perfectly edible, if you were wondering," she said, mocking me. I laughed before I continued eating.

After I was done with my breakfast, I went back upstairs and brushed my teeth. When I finished, I went downstairs and grabbed my backpack from the chair. "Well, I'm off to school. Just go back to sleep, Mom. You don't look too good right now," I tried to hold back my laughter.

She chuckled to herself, "Alright then. Hope your first day goes well!" She was already halfway up the stairs by now.

I grabbed my black trench coat from the coat rack and went outside. I locked the door and put the key in my pocket. I stood outside on the porch for a minute, under the eave, safely out of the rain's reach. I took a deep breath and started for my car (Bella doesn't have her truck in here. It's a silver Acura TSX. It was the new car she got in my other story. Can you tell that it's the car I want? Hehe).

I started the car and reversed out of the driveway. In just minutes, I arrived at the school. I parked in my usual parking spot, next to a silver Volvo. Hmm, I never saw that car before.

Without a second thought about it, I turned off the engine, got out of the car, and headed for the school entrance.

As soon as I knew who's homeroom I was in, I headed for the classroom.

When I got there, I saw that most of the class was there already. I looked around and saw that most of the seats were occupied except one. I hastily went to go sit down and pulled out my favorite book, Wuthering Heights. I read about a page or two when I finally looked up and met two pairs of eyes staring intently at me. I jumped slightly at their intense gaze.

"Hi! I'm Alice and this is my brother, Emmett. What's your name?" the small pixie named Alice said.

"Bella. Nice to meet you," I tried to turn back to my book, but she spoke again.

"Bella, that's a nice name. So how long have you lived here? Do you know everyone? Are you popular? You should be because you're really pretty. How old are you? What's your last name?" she asked, all in one breath.

"Um, wow. I was born here but lived in Phoenix for 4 years then moved back here. I know mostly everyone, but not you…Are you new here? No, I'm not popular. Or anywhere near. Thank you, but I'm really not. 17 and my last name is Swan. What about you?"

"Yeah, we're new. We just moved here from Chicago. I think you are. I'm 17, too. But Emmett, here, is 18. Our last name is Cullen."

"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too," Alice said.

"Yeah, same here," Emmett said, his booming voice scaring me a little. It made me jump a little, again. I guess they didn't notice. I heard snickering beside me, apparently they did.

I turned back to them. My face must have been pretty menacing because they quickly composed their faces back to normal.

"Sorry," they both muttered, before turning forward. The teacher was in the room now.

"Hi class. My name is Mr. Thorne. Welcome back to school. And for those of you that weren't here last year, welcome to Forks High School. I hope you will be enjoying your stay here. I will now be handing out your schedules. Justin Aarons…Sophie Adams…Alice Cullen…Emmett Cullen…" he kept going on and on. It wasn't long before he finally called my name. "Isabella Swan." I walked up to his desk, "I prefer Bella." He just smiled and called the next student. I walked back to my desk as he finished calling everyone's names.

"Okay, now I will be handing out emergency cards and other paperwork," he started calling out names again. (That's what my school does, so I'm used to it. Sorry if this is out of the ordinary for you)

"Bella Swan," he smiled at me again as I walked up to his desk and gathered the paperwork. He finished calling out names and walked out of the classroom to talk to the other teachers.

"So, what's your schedule?" Alice piped up. I didn't even look at it yet.

"Here," I handed her my schedule. After she looked at it, she gave me back my schedule and hers. Emmett gave me his too.

-My Schedule- -Alice's Schedule- -Emmett's Schedule-

P1 - Government Trigonometry English

P2 - History History Government

P3 - Trigonometry Government Trigonometry

P4 - Spanish Spanish Spanish

P5 - English Biology P.E.


P6 - Biology P.E. History

P7 - P.E. English Biology

(I have no idea what their real schedules are because I don't have my book with me & I have no idea what subjects seniors take. But if you know, please tell me & I'll be happy to change them.)

I have two classes with Alice and two classes with Emmett.

The bell rang and we all got up from our seats. "Hey, Bella. Do you think you could sit with me and my family at lunch? We might need help," Alice asked, timidly.

"Oh, sure. I'd be happy to."

"Alright, thanks. See you then!" she yelled, as she made her way to class.


Lunch came and I went to get my food. As I scanned the lunchroom, I saw Alice waving me over. She was sitting next to Emmett, and a blonde guy and girl that looked a lot alike.

"Hey," I said, as I sat down next to Alice.

Before anyone could say another word, someone came up behind me. "Excuse me, I think you're in my seat." I turned around, only to meet with the most gorgeous green eyes I've ever seen.

A/N: like it so far? Review please! More coming! This is shorter than usual for me, but I just wanted to get it out and see if you like it first. Hope you did! I'll put up Edward's POV soon.