One Piece:
Theme: #16 – Questioning
Rating: M (Lemon!)
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Nami
Timeline: Post-Time Skip
Zoro was cocooned in the Crow's Nest just as he usually preferred to be, the only peculiarity being the fearsome storm that raged outside forced him indoors for what was most likely the rest of the evening. Rain splattered against the windows with the impact that hail would make, while the thunder that roared above him gave the first mate the distinct impression that the Sunny would be struck down any second – one decisive bolt of lightning, and the entire Mugiwara nakama would be lost to the sea forever. Still, each burst of lightning, every powerful rumble of thunder managed to excite him just as much as it startled him, his heart jumping whenever he was caught off guard.
That seemed to happen to him a lot, as of late.
Click… click…
Training seemed pointless while the ship road such violent waters, forcing the swordsman to simply secure his equipment with its own heftiness rather than utilize it for its original purpose. The dumbbells and weight plates needed to be returned to the storage unit Franky had built him, and the stand for his iron bars had to be laid down so that it wouldn't topple and scare him while he tried to sleep through the night. No one had called for him to leave the Crow's Nest so he hadn't even attempted to escape it before the wind became fierce and the rain sounded vicious as it collided with the roof above him.
A nagging voice in the back of his mind – one that was definitely not hers – couldn't help but wonder if a certain Syvant navigator had left him up in his gymnasium to suffer alone.
He wanted the strain of his muscles as they maneuvered his weights to be enough to distract him from his woes— No, the first mate wasn't sure he had woes. He was merely reeling from the aftermath of an argument with his lover.
Because she said something that Nami his friend would never say, but something that Nami his girlfriend did.
Click… click…
Once everything was put in place, Zoro laid himself on the floor and stared blankly at the ceiling. The weather outside, in all honestly, suited him just fine. If he was meant to withstand the elements up in his own little clubhouse, then so be it. Survival was not a new concept to the ex-bounty hunter, Supernova swordsman and he was one of the lucky crew members who could withstand a nighttime swim if things became treacherous.
What a morbid concept, his rational mind couldn't help but point out.
Ever resilient, he did his damnedest to ignore the irritation of his wounded pride and the disappointment he held for his childish sulking; Roronoa Zoro's stare was firm while watching the drops of water fall along the windows of the Crow's' Nest, seeing them become immediately replaced by the next to follow along the watery trails they left behind.
Click… click…
A pain-stricken groan summarized the theme of his thoughts: if she had to explain 'dating' to him in the first place, he should have known that it wasn't meant to be.
Zoro tried to make himself comfortable by resting his hands behind his head. Usually, the very sort of weather that plagued the Sunny had the power to put him to sleep, and he was a man who could pass out anywhere – he should have been unconscious the moment the storm began! If not for the sickening, gnawing feeling in his gut, he most likely would have. However, it bothered him to think that his romance with Nami might have ended before it really even started. They had known one another for so long, and it had felt like such an easy shift from peers to a couple. But if that had been true, the swordsman knew his feelings of disappointment and premature grief for something that was not currently over wouldn't have made him feel as though her cruelty had shanked him.
Her feline-like tongue and her wicked intentions were sharper than some of the blades of pirates they had faced over the years, from the Grand Line to the New World.
Click… click…
The sound of the sails as they fought against the gusts that tried to tear them apart could be heard through the horizontal entryway; every single element involved in this jarring downpour was restless with its assault on the ship. Why, even the metal rings that secured the rope to the mast were noisier than—
Zoro blinked stupidly at the light fixture above his head. Were the rope ladders on the mast not tied down?
Click… click… click…
Something light smacked itself against the metal floor he rested on and an unsuspecting Zoro jumped at the shock of such a foreign noise, on such a blistery night. The sight of a feminine hand with well-manicured nails kept him still, as he momentarily wondered if some poor soul had been swept up into the monsoon outside and was holding onto the entrance to the Crow's Nest for dear life! He rose to the occasion, approached the person in need…
And he was flabbergasted while also enraged to see that familiar orange jacket's collar beginning to poke its way into the room.
"N-…Nami!?" Despite his anger, the navigator was genuinely the last person he expected to see tonight, let alone to host her while she was soaked to the bone. Zoro pulled her into the Crow's Nest safe space with all of his might, noticing immediately her shivering state.
But of course, he was in the wrong once more. "O-Ow! Don't p-pull on me s-so hard!" Demanded the woman who was worse for wear. Her oversized jacket – one without a hood, which would have been very helpful, given the elements she had to endure to reach him – felt as if it had fallen into the sea, it needed to be wrung out before she even thought about wearing it again. Her perfectly styled hair was now a wet, chaotic mess, with her bangs and odd strands matted onto her face before she had the chance to groom herself. And yet, there she sat, Nami, the most headstrong woman he knew, refusing to tend to her sopping wet state until she had scolded him first.
Rising to the challenge, Zoro barked back, "I was trying to get you out of the rain."
"I climbed t-two ladder-rs to get up-p here – I didn't n-need you trying t-to pull my arm o-off!" She was oddly offensive for someone who made the trek to visit him. Tone firm, eyes fiery despite her drowned cat-like appearance, Nami gave the distinct impression that she was on a mission with the way she sat defiantly before him.
Considering how the Sunny was being rocked about the New World's waters, Zoro dropped into a seat before her too. That did not mean that he would concede to her unwarranted, argumentative nature, "I was trying to get you out of the rain!" The fact that she sounded so ungrateful to him held the potential to stir up the residual feelings he held onto from their clash from earlier. The one that had been stuck in his craw ever since.
Huffing quite dramatically due to her shuddering, smaller form, Nami disregarded his kindness in a way that almost felt unnatural to her typical behaviour. "I d-didn't say you sh-shouldn't help me. Y-You just don't need to b-be so…rough."
Unintentionally, most likely, she had spoken a phrase that rubbed him the wrong way a little too easily.
Quite intentionally, he shot back at once.
"Anything else I should do differently?" The question was mocking, blunt and purposefully cruel. His plan to help her out of her wet coat and offer her his dry robe was swept away, confirmed with how his arms crossed themselves over his inflated chest. The conversation halted immediately so that a sudden crackle of thunder could echo behind a brilliant blast of light; it dramatized his remark more than necessary, however, it felt right. The weather that she studied so dearly seemed to be siding with him.
Nami seemed to interpret the timely bolt of lightning the same way. Those brown eyes he once admitted to her to be beautiful in the a moment of euphoria now appeared to have lost some of that fire behind them – diminishing into a mere spark – before igniting once again with a more withdrawn, more defensive heat behind them. Water droplets fell through her lashes and traced the shape of her cheeks, her jaw, down along her neck the way his kisses once had, and sadly, he felt no desire to replace them while he faced off against her now.
Her chest swelled similarly to his before she could find the strength within to answer, "I c-came up here f-for a reason-n." So she said, even though her words were clearly a safety blanket for her own sense of pride. While sounding motivated, Nami was also reserved, which was so bizarre for one of her oldest and supposedly dearest nakama to see.
Zoro said nothing in response to her empty statement, and neither did the weather.
The silence seemed to bait her into speaking. In order to keep a normalized pace for their conversation, Nami hurried herself along, even though she gave the distinct impression that the words she wanted to say were not yet formed. "I came up h-here" – she emphasized her bravery, mostly likely banking on the idea that he'd form some admiration for her – "t-to talk to you ab-bout what happen-ned today, a-and to ap-pologize."
Oh, how she sounded entitled when she stated her purpose.
Zoro wondered if she expected him to bow down to her for choosing to be the bigger person; was he supposed to make up with her for simply saying the world 'apologize' and now actively help them to move past their trouble? It was this genuine belief that if somehow, everyone's pride was weaponized, hers would outdo his beyond compare, and the mere thought of such a thing really turned him off to her in a way he had never been before. Her heartless words that morning were not meant to magically disappear because she made some meager attempt to dispose of them, no.
He would make sure she comprehended that.
"Okay." Was all he said, no emotion on his face, no infliction in his tone.
Nami was unsurprisingly irked by his reply. Her cheeks flushed and it highlighted just how white her complexion was while she sat there, wet. "You c-could at least sound a-as though you want t-to hear what I have t-to say." Gritting her teeth, she already appeared as though he had offended her. Some buried, hidden part of him tried to think of what it would be like if their positions were swapped around – how would he want her to respond if he were the one that insulted her? Regardless, he was so apathetic at that point that Zoro couldn't muster the strength to truly ponder switching stances.
"I'd need to hear it before I know how I'm supposed to feel about it."
"The fact that I-I'm trying t-to apologize isn't enough f-for you?"
Ignoring the way she spat her words, Zoro reminded his so-called lover, "I didn't ask you to come up here – if you have something to say, then say it. If you don't like the way I'm behaving, then you should have left me alone." Now, he expected her to blow the roof off of the Crow's Nest, if only to have him drown as it flooded from the rain.
To his surprise, she didn't snap at him. Even while she shook and shivered before him, she continued to sit with strength that seemed to well up from deep within her; Nami stared him down while nearly whispering her reply, "We aren't s-supposed to push each other away l-like this."
Instead, it was Zoro who lost control. "We aren't supposed to? You haven't done anything to make me want to pull you in since you compared me to that dumbass cook!"
"I-I didn't compare you—"
"You told me that you'd rather date him!"
The most frightening vibration of thunder was channeled through the metal floor they sat upon. In an odd occurrence, the lightning fell to Earth after the rumbling that usually preceded it, but another roar of the same tenacity followed shortly after. Zoro watched as Nami visibly rattled – whether it was from the unsteady motion of the Sunny or the impact of his words finally striking a chord inside, he could not say. The lamp above their heads flickered as well, though that didn't seem to give either of them a reason to move. Everything inside the Crow's Nest felt heavy, like the cabinet that housed his stored weights, as if he tried to somehow endure its load on his chest for much longer than any sane person would.
Nami no longer to spell out the reason why she needed to rectify their relationship, with the way she weaseled his anger out of him.
Breathing ragged, Zoro watched as one of the weaker members of the Mugiwara nakama summoned all of her might in order to answer his accusation. "I was mad at you. I-I know being romantic a-and sweet and affectionate i-isn't normal for you, so I let it s-slide when we don't t-talk about our anniversary o-or try to go on d-dates whenever we d-dock somewhere new. I talked you i-into doing something new with me a-and I can't just expect you t-to wine and dine me like other men w-would."
"I couldn't, anyway, when you hold all of my money—"
"Can you just let me talk!?" Nami shouted at him over the shifting winds that brought down an even heavier measure of rain. Her shiver-induced stutter suddenly dissipated when the heat of her aggression fueled her words, "I don't even know if you're going to accept what I have to say, because you are acting like you have the emotional depth of a stone wall, so can you just let me say what I have to say? So I know that I at least tried!?"
Her passion, though tempered by her nerves and chilled body, managed to drill a crack into that walled persona of his. Zoro didn't know why she managed to break through his defences when she screamed at him like that, but somehow, it felt as though that was what he wanted: to see her fight for them instead of against him. There was an awareness during their entire conversation that she was trying to atone – now, she had clarified that that was indeed her goal. She wasn't coaxing him to speak, rather, her own words suddenly took precedent over his.
To hear her say what he had thought about a premature conclusion to their romance made Roronoa Zoro realize that he did not want that, not at all.
Still, Nami fortified herself for the potential termination, evident in the way she spoke. "I'm trying to tell you that I didn't want that from you! I didn't want you to try to woo me, or flatter me for dumb reasons! I was the one who went after you – I wanted you, but I was running out of patience! It didn't seem to matter that we were dating to you at all; besides having sex, what else did you do with me that wasn't something anyone else would do!?
"That's all I wanted to talk about this morning, but it blew up into an argument so quickly! All I wanted to do was reference how Sanji-kun spoils me as an example but it came out wrong and everything just…spiraled out of control after that. I said I'd rather be with him…but how could you not tell that that was a total lie!? I've never wanted someone to wait on me hand-and-foot – I just want to know that you're actually enjoying being with me! Lovers show each other how much they love each other outside of sex, too!"
Overhead, the natural sounds of the stormy weather had not ceased, crackling throughout her entire rant. Zoro's acute senses picked up every single word she said though… Suddenly, he understood what their problem was: they both had completely different ideas on how to handle not only this situation, but a relationship too. He was the sort of man who believed that there was right and wrong, and as individuals, there was sole responsibility to be addressed when conflict arose. From Nami's point of view, they were now a unit – how the blade of a sword connected to its hilt, and if one part was faulty, it was no longer a functioning weapon. She wanted to mend their bond together, whereas he was only focused on the ownership of the reason why it needed to be mended in the first place.
Proving that he had a very good reason to be irritated with himself earlier when he was sulking like a child, given that he was behaving like one.
Zoro didn't completely agree with how Nami was processing their spat – regardless of how they fixed it, there needed to be recognition for why it was injured so that the same problem wouldn't create conflict again. They had been lovers for a while and that did mean that they were meant to unify in so many ways, which was very true, but that did not alleviate the burden of her offense when she alone committed it. Ultimately, the only thing he had truly learned was that their relationship was a great deal more difficult to participate in than he had originally, pessimistically anticipated.
Sadistically unto himself, he still didn't want to let her go.
"S-So," coming down from her enraged, emotional high, the cold that had seeped its way into her bones had revealed itself once again. With cheeks still reddened by the sheer enthusiasm of her speech, Nami finally managed to say the very words he had been waiting for all day, "I'm sorry…all right?"
A tad irritable at the end, yet he still chose to accept it.
Then, she did the most foolish thing he could have ever expect of her and it nearly stressed him out to the point that his satisfied anger was replenished once more: she tried to leave the Crow's Nest. "What are you doing?" Having been so silent for so long, Zoro's words cracked like a whip when he spoke them.
"Good night, Z-Zoro." Was Nami's defensive reply, now that she had turned away from him and was preparing to plant her stiletto-wearing feet – was she actually insane!? Was that the click, click sound he had been hearing while he was baring down the hatches!? – onto the ladder just beyond the entryway. Her frizzy, out of control, tangled mess of hair managed to hide her face from him as she attempted to escape him after dropping such a powerful dosage of truth onto him, ready to vacate the scene.
In all honesty, he was stunned by her pride all over again, and he couldn't exactly place why he was surprised.
She barely had the chance to make contact with the first step before Zoro swiftly grabbed hold of her wrist. A startled gasp from her lips corresponded with a silent one from his own; she was absolutely freezing by the time he was willing to make contact with her. The first mate was disappointed with himself for allowing her to sit in front of him, shaking the way she was, stuttering the way she was, and not do anything in his power to help her. This seemed to be a perfect example for what she was trying to communicate to him: how he could still manage to be selfish and ignore her needs for something when she was directly before him, requiring more.
In the same instance in which he tugged her into his body, the Sunny rolled over a hardy wave and spilled Nami into his lap. The sound of copious amounts of water crashing onto the lower decks managed to cue the very instant in which the power went out in the Crow's Nest, forcing the two of them into the darkness until dawn. It barely mattered to one such as Zoro, who spent half of his life sleeping. Nami seemed to be the one who was affected by it more so.
Gently fighting his hold one second, staying still the next, all she could say to him was, "What?" Under the illumination of the lamp, she had tried to escape him. Suddenly, when there was no way for him to see her face or judge her response, she calmed considerably. The way she sounded when posing her question indicated to him that she had indeed turned shy after spilling her guts for him the way she had. After everything was said and done, Zoro was impressed by her bravery. Even though her urge to battle a storm to reach him in the Crow's Nest was just as touching as it was asinine.
His nimble fingers focused on their goal rather than the reason she was with him; undoing the buttons on her jacket, Zoro knew he needed to dispose of the drenched jacket so that she didn't drown his clothes too. He sent the soaking orange bundle across the room with one hard toss before he returned his attention to her. "Did you really think I'd let you go back down there right now?"
A pause, before Nami muttered, "I-I'm f-fine—"
"Nami, your teeth are chattering." It sounded as if he was scolding her. Zoro realized he probably sounded more domineering and chastising than he should after all she had admitted prior, but he hoped the sincerity of his concern reached her, showing her that those affectionate moments she desired were possible for them.
By the sound of her annoyed voice, his intent went right over her head, "S-So what?"
A surprise lightning bolt sided with her, this time around, and shatter throughout the sky with enough of a spark to brighten the Crow's Nest for a single moment. During the sporadic flashes of light, those raindrops that continued to fall on her face were caught in the act of sliding along her cheek bone. It resonated inside of Zoro then that he had somehow managed to fall for the only woman he had ever met who was just as stubborn, as loud, and as risky as he was; she refused to face him even when he could not scrutinize her expression.
What a force of nature, the two of them were.
It was then that he didn't embrace to satisfy some need for comfort within himself – he did it to comfort her. The outline of the miniscule nightgown she had been wearing underneath angered him as much as it influenced him, as he could not believe she came to see him, in nothing but her oversized coat without a hood, a 'baby doll' as she had once called it, and her favourite pair of heels. The convulsing way in which his girlfriend sat in his arms began to worry him, and he accept that he needed to hold her for his own sake too.
After a moment to splendor in their momentary peace, Zoro spun her slowly so that she wasn't at risk of injuring him with those shoes of hers, while also having the intention of facing her properly. He could feel that curious gaze of hers sweep over him when he moved his three swords onto the bench behind them, stretching backwards to place them there safely. But what he really wanted to do was untie the red wrap that rested at his waist so that he could try to dry her hair off. Nami's precious orange locks were a trademark of hers – they matched her precious mikan, and smelt like them as well. In the dark, in their forged tranquility, he wanted to tend to her properly, in a way he had never tended to anyone before.
It was by his hands that her hair began to dry. At first, Nami had reached up to take over the role, however, Zoro would not let her. Without so much as making a sound did he manage to ward away the possibility and gently care for her.
Summoning bravery of his own, Zoro quietly admitted, "Your hair is one of…my favourite parts about you."
"Y-Yeah?" To say she sounded bewildered was an understatement. With one compliment, he had ended her embarrassment and created a fair amount of his own.
He nodded, until he realized that she couldn't see the gesture. Nevertheless, he carried on as if she had, "Physically, anyway."
"…Y-You're not o-obsessed w-with my breasts-s, like o-other guys w-would be." A quiet remark, Nami stated a realization she had come to.
Pondering her words, Zoro confirmed, "Not obsessed, no."
A giggle came from his girlfriend's darkened silhouette. It didn't take much to realize that he had indirectly admitting to still having a firm appreciation for her breasts, all while sounding aloof. A frown formed on his lips and he appreciated the dark setting they were in, then and there.
Once satisfied with her hair's dryness, Zoro slowly brought his hands down so that he could feel the way it fell around her. In behaving patiently did he accidentally graze her the corner of her jaw with her finger, and a chill passed through into him. Couples supposedly shared their experiences; he could only imagine how hard it was to endure the temperature of her body.
A wave unlike the ones that challenged the vitality of the Thousand Sunny washed over Roronoa Zoro, one filled with compassion, desire, and quite possibly love. He was possessed with the overwhelming need to lean forward and lay kisses along the very skin he had shown no interest in touching minutes ago. Nami's shuddering body could have been reacting to his warmth or his sudden invasion – either way, she had unintentionally invited him with the way she craned her neck ever so slightly to the left.
Every single touch of his mouth onto her skin urged him to embrace her once again; he felt compelled to hold her, squeeze her, instill his warmth into her so that she could fend off the storm that had attacked her. Her throat moved about as she gulped, and the breathy sound that followed would have given her the impression that it left her and invigorated him.
His shoulders rose while he inhaled deeply, giving him the distinct impression of a predator on the rise. "Nami," he whispered to her, calling for her so that she knew that he had to ask for more.
"Z-Zo…ro…" Dazed, whether it was from his mere touches upon her neck or the tiredness setting in from her day, she answered him with a voice that sounded intrigued. Brave, even.
His large arms held her tight while he slowly guided her backwards onto the floor.
"I don't…just want to have sex with you." In light of the conversation they had just finished having, Zoro felt that it was very important for him to state that outright to her. Nami had to know – since long before he voiced it – that she meant so much more to him than someone he slept with for fun. He could see what she meant when she aired her grievances with him, and he would worry about that in the morning, when he had more to offer her outside of the Crow's Nest.
For tonight, that was all he could give her.
When her frigid hand rose to touch his cheek, Zoro hissed immediately on impact. His own hand quickly landed over hers in order to keep hers in place, in case she misunderstood. Her words, however, implied that she didn't. "I-I don't j-just want to have se-ex with you, t-too." For some reason, her voice made that sound so much more intimate.
So much more enticing.
Before he could worry about his own clothes, Zoro found her thighs and gently gripped them in his hands, pulsating his hold so as to channel some warmth into her legs. Nami whimpered ever so softly that he almost didn't hear when another splash crashed onto the lawn deck. He let her know that her voice reached his ears by leaning over her body, arching his back so that he could lay kisses all over the upper swells of her breasts. It felt territorial to him in a way he couldn't quite describe, but he continued to imprint his lips, suckle gently on her skin while working her baby doll up her body. Lightly soaked, it needed to go too.
As did her poor excuse for panties that he almost missed on his trip up her body.
She groaned when he removed her slip, but she definitely moaned when he went after her meager underwear; Zoro's hands guided her legs so that they were posed straight before him and pushed them upwards until they flew over her heels. Those shoes of hers weren't a problem for him, but the moment he released her calves and brought her back down to the ground, she planted her feet on either side of him, slipped her fingers underneath their straps, and tossed them both every which way.
One accidentally fell down the portal to the deck below, freezing them both in place until they heard it make impact.
"M-My shoe—!" Nami intended to make a fuss, the panic in her voice telling him so. Surely, she would hate to lose one of her signature pairs of heels.
When he pinned her body to the floor beneath them and stole her mouth away, all Nami could manage to do was whimper against his lips. Just as much as he wanted to make love to her on such a turbulent night, Zoro also had to focus on getting her warm. Her poor shoe was inconsequential when she was still stuttering after being with him for quite some time, now.
Plus, it aroused him somewhat to know that she was so excited to be with him, she forgot to pay attention to wear she tossed the damn thing.
He offered her no promise of saving her heeled shoe. Instead, he devoted his voice to emitting pleasurable sounds of his own. One of his hands snuck under the curve of her back and brought their bodies closer because it honestly felt like they couldn't be close enough then. Nami's lips were just as fervent as his were in expressing their need, their adoration, their love, regardless of how chilled she once was.
Zoro's desire was her desire, and together they would warm her up.
She proved to be enthusiastic about the idea when she found the strength to roll her hips, however shakily. With his pants still on, the feeling of her grinding against him through his clothes was almost too much to take; he reached down between her legs and pushed away the waist bands of his pants and boxers, exposing him to her naked flesh. For a woman so cold, her lower lips offered his cock such a warm, inviting touch. It caused him to grit his teeth, still his motions in a moment to prove his mettle, as he peeked down at the shadowy being of Nami.
Another lightning strike happened right next to where they laid, allowing for Zoro to witness that fiendish smirk of hers before he disappeared.
"Y-You think that's funny?" He growled at her. The tone of his voice was determined more by the pleasure he was battling, yet he allowed it to sound enraged.
Unafraid of him, Nami whispered back, "Y-You p-pounced on me…o-on this cold metal floor. Y-You get what's c-coming to you." He could see her wink in his mind's eye, too.
Two could play that way.
Manhood wedged against her pussy lips, Zoro slowly, carefully, purposefully began to rock his hips against her hot and wet core. "What, you're saying you want me…to stop?"
"Mmm," Nami's lips must have been curled inward so that she could avoid speaking to him, but when he managed to nudge her bud with the head of his cock, she sang her praises, "n-no! D-Don't…stop. Mmm!"
One hand wrapped around his shaft, the other planted next to her shoulder, Zoro waited for lightning to flash once again so that he could watch her suffer through the pleasure he was giving her. The anger he had felt earlier had dissipated, and yet, all he wanted to do was torture her into screaming his name. When her arms tried to reach high above her head and one of her hands wrapped around his planted hand's wrists, he felt her nails dig into him more firmly due to the flat palm he had resting on the floor. It invigorated him to try and toy with her limits more, to challenge her more, to speak up and take what he wanted more.
Sex had never been like this before.
Zoro received his wish when another bright light flickered outside the rain-covered windows and he bared witness to his enthralled lover, mouth open slightly, eyes peeking up at him, her poorly dried hair somehow resembling bedhead, and those beautiful breasts he had foolishly claimed to ignore were rising and falling with a heavy set of breaths he could be proud of.
He drew a circle around that sensitive bud of hers with his cock's head.
"O-Oh…!" The beautifully enthralled sound was torn from his soul, it sounded like. She had always loved being stimulated by his fingers or his tongue, but this was a different, somehow more intimate means during an act that was already as personal as anything could ever be. Zoro wished he could have seen the way her eyebrows drew upwards when she was slowly losing herself to his domination, or the way her lips quivered when he forced such blissful intensity onto her body.
Imagining her reactions would have to do, because he wasn't sure that he could wait anymore.
With one more swipe at her clit – resulting in a nearly painful-sounding cry – he edged his readied cock towards her entrance, then halted.
"Nami." He called to her again, asking for permission instead of behaving like a wild animal.
"Mm-hmm." She whimpered and even attempted to roll her hips forward for him. The cold that had racked her body had surely weakened her, coupled with the anxiety of having to confront him after their first blowout as a couple – Nami was giving herself over to him with complete and utter faith.
He glided into her tight body with such welcoming ease.
"A-Ah—!" she squealed.
"Hnngh!" he grunted with undetected relief.
Inside of her body, she felt as if she could have been running a fever, she was so heated. Zoro never drove himself into her pussy all in the first go, so that she could have time to adjust to his girth; she had praised him since their very first night together, the mere discussion prematurely giving him the strength to ravish her again. So he waited until she gave him the cue that she was prepared to accept him, endure him before moving forward.
Her body stretched beneath him, then her sigh sounded as blissful as he'd hoped, and Zoro allowed himself to carry on.
Drawing away from her the first time always gave him the same feeling he felt when the Thousand Sunny was about to fall after soaring into the air, the way that it could – the descent was truly the best part.
The thrill overcame him and Zoro plunged back inside of her, giving Nami the sudden will to cry out for him. "O-Oh, yes! Z-Zoro…y-yes!" While high in the sky, during a ferocious storm, no one would hear the sounds they made, the noise of what they could do. The realization alone caused his already hardened cock to throb. "Ahhh! Z-Zoro!"
"S-Sorry," he apologized for resting for a moment; he needed to cool himself momentarily, and in doing so, had strummed her quite hard. He knew what he felt splattered against the base of his cock was a miniscule climax compared to what she normally felt with him, and now she was eager for more.
He was just as eager to supply her with whatever it was she needed.
When he moved to restart his rhythm, something seemed to fall into place – it felt absolutely perfect, the second time. Knees braced, his robe curtained around her naked body, Zoro was prepared to provide her with the best orgasm he had ever given her.
It felt fulfilling to be inside Nami, to move at that exact pace. He could feel the depth of how far he could fill her body, and there was a blinding urge to make sure his cock reached the very edge of her womb. Zoro needed to be so connected with her when he came and he blamed on Nami completely, because she had to have everything she ever wanted. Now, nothing suited him better than coming inside of her.
The storm tried to jostle their bodies and toss them around the room, but the severely aroused swordsman summoned his strength to keep them planted; all it did was cause Nami's unprepared body to fall forward and sink deeper onto him before she was rocked back into place. "O-Oh, d-damn it…!"
"Let me hear you, Nami." For a woman who was usually screaming at him nonstop, he loved being the one to make her scream. All he wanted to know was the way he drove himself in and out of her body, and the way she cried out for him to fulfill her in the same way it fulfilled him. His demand only inspired her to wrap her free hand – the one that wasn't digging its nails into his wrist – to reach upwards and wrap around his neck in order to anchor herself while he powered onward.
Angrily, Zoro hand that was grounding them both, hooked it behind her neck in a similar fashion, and held her there so that he could lean forward and kiss her. Harsh and desperate, his mouth attacked hers the way the horrible weather attacked the ship, with rough and demanding motions, demanding it to bend to its will. Nami was slow to keep up due to her rattled state, but she somehow snuck her tongue into his mouth. Oh, how he growled right back.
"Let…me, mmm" – starved while controlling, Zoro would not back down from his aim – "hear you!" His thrusts were so fluid, synchronized with her otherwise shuddering body, until he threatened to stop…
"MMM, n-no no no! I-I'm here!" Her mindless state of pleasure forced her to say, making her lover smirk against her lips, "I-I just…wanna come s-so badly, Zoro. A-And you're doing s-so well, tonight, I—A-AH!"
She stopped speaking when he snuck his knees beneath her ass and forced her to angle her body in such a way, that he seemed to find a sweet spot of hers they had never reached before. Nami sounded senseless now, as every breath seemed to be tangled with a clamorous moan. Even her hips shook without control!
Unable to communicate her needs anymore, all she could give him was the sound of his name being whimpered from a lustful woman, "Z-Zo—mmm, Zo-ro…?"
He absolutely loved it.
Zoro's core muscles worked in tandem with his pelvis to guarantee that he was giving her all of his strength, all of his might put forth into bringing her towards a most ethereal orgasm. Every thrust now moved her entirety – he could feel it – and it only made him want to honour those breasts of hers while she shouted his praises to the sky. Bending forward over her wild body, he randomly chose which breast to torture first and immediately decided to clamp down on her nipple.
"AH-AHHH! Ohhh, f-fu—Mmm… Mmm…O-OH, ZO—!"
"Mmm." He released a groan of his own as he plowed his cock into her with every single breath he took, panting madly as he worked to pleasure them both. That hungry mouth of his suckled on her breast while making the noisiest sound, his saliva slipping past and coating her tender skin. Zoro could tell that the stimulating sensation of nipping at her while he urged himself to strike that sweet spot of hers harder and harder, faster and faster before she could even demand it, was quickly unraveling any semblance of self-control she had left.
While he growled into her flesh, Nami screamed at the top of her lungs, "Ohhhhh, y-yeeees! Z-Zoro, I-I'm…! Ohhh, right. there! YES, ahhh! Ah, mmm, f-fu—AHHH! A-AH, ZORO! Z-ZO-ROOO! ZOOOROOO!"
Intense enough to make him still, Nami came so powerfully that she essentially milked the rest of his control out of his body as well; Zoro did indeed ejaculate inside of her, firing his seed into the deepest depths of his lover with adulation and unadulterated ecstasy. His eyes had squeezed tight so fast as she edged him towards his peak that it nearly blindsided him how sudden it was! Every burst of his cum had been something he had worked for from the moment he wanted to be inside of her.
In the end, Nami had managed to work him over until they had both given every last ounce of themselves to give.
He was buried to the hilt inside of her while she twitched with a plentiful amount of aftershocks causing her body to shake and rattle as if she was still chilled; Nami's body was just as warmed as his was, perhaps even more so considering how he had captured her with his towering frame, encasing her between himself and the floor, with his robe surrounding them. The warmth radiating off of her was so alluring, but the strained way in which she tried to catch her breath was a sound he would never forget.
As if the way she had just hollered his name was possibly forgettable.
The mere thought of echoing back the way she had called for him moments ago struck up another wave on intensity that was too close to the one he was already riding out. Zoro leaned forward and stole Nami's lips in order to ground himself, taste the woman he had experienced such euphoria with, in the hopes that she knew how much he loved all that they could do to each other, with each other, for each other.
She had told him about make-up sex before, but since they always seemed to be arguing, it just seemed to be normal for them.
If this was what make-up sex was capable of, Zoro wanted to make up for every fight they had ever had, tonight, if possible.
Author's Notes - IMPORTANT!
Do you write ZoNa fan fiction?
Do you draw ZoNa fan art?
Do you want to celebrate ZoNami love with your ZoNa nakama!?
Then join us for our first ever ZoNami BANG! BANG!
I'm so glad you asked! It's an event where authors and artists in our community come together to create content for our event! If you aren't working on your own, an artist and author are paired up (through a system I'll explain down below), so that one person writes a fanfic and the other draws fan art based on the story.
Sign up by emailing maidenoftheworld (I've set it up so my banner and avatar are the same as the ZoNamiEvents blog on tumblr!) and providing the following information:
Name: (either a nickname or how you'd prefer to be addressed)
Contact Info: (however you'd like to be contacted to discuss your submission with your partner, one-three preferred channels)
Role: (are you an artist, an author, or both?)
Once you send in your info, we will be following this schedule down below~
• February 24th - March 12th: Sign Ups Open! Fill out the information above and email it to maidenoftheworld . I won't be accepting tumblr messages / asks / etc. as a sign up, in order to keep the event organized and simplified.
• March 13th - March 24th: Writer Registration If you're an artist, you can sit back and wait until next week for your next step. For any authors, here's where you sell your story to your potential artist! This is what you'll need to submit to me via email no later than March 24th 11:59 PM EST.
Name: (for your artist)
Estimated Word Count: (5,000 words or less! 10k is the absolute maximum!)
Rating: (G - NSFW)
Warnings: (potential triggers, such as extreme violence, heavy drug usage, etc.)
Notes / Snipit: (any extra details)
• March 25th - March 31st: Artists Pick! After compiling all of the submitted Authors' Registrations, I will send out a Google Doc to all participants. When an artists sees a story they want to draw for, email me so I can strike it off the Google Doc and connect you with your partner!
All artists should make their decisions no later than March 31st 11:59 PM EST! Otherwise, an author will be selected on your behalf.
• April 1st - April 3rd: Pair Up! Matches finalized, you will connected with your partner during this weekend! Work together to create your matching ZoNa fanfic and fan art sets! Remember that you CANNOT post anything until the official event, giving you time to pan everything out and work out any kinks (unless that's what you're working on, wink wink!)
***Note: If there are more of one group than the other - authors or artists - these concerns will be addressed during this time.***
• June 25th - July 1st: Check-In Week I will personally contact everyone during this time to see how things are going, and help in any way that I can to get all pairs ready for the big event! You are more than welcome to email me at any time with any concerns, but this will officially be when I pop my head in to guarantee that everyone is still on course. Because…
• July 9th - July 16th: ZoNami BANG! BANG! All week long, we will have submissions from our pairs. After working hard on your fanfics and fan art, now is the time to post them! You are more than welcome to share them on other sites, but just remember to post them to tumblr too and tag the blog zonamievents!
💚🍊So join us, as starting today, SIGN UPS ARE OPEN!🍊💚