Disclaimer : All characters and places belong to Nintendo, Sega, and Sony ©1999-2008.
In the Beginning there was Nothing.
In the Beginning there was Nothing save a single Seed.
This Seed was a tiny mote of dust, aimlessly drifting in Darkness. It gave off a sphere of light, and it would repeat its course unto eternity.
But suddenly, a miracle occurred. The Seed split in two, and that Seed likewise split in two. They performed this act until there many Seeds; so many they bathed the Darkness in colorful radiance.
They glowed brighter . . . and brighter . . . and brighter.
And as they did there elicited a cacophonic hum of galactic harmony.
Then, with a note of finality, the brilliance from the shells of their bodies exploded.
Lo! for in its place was an infinite ocean cloaked in starry diamonds suspended in a cloak of blazing sunlight. Lands there were none but a clear blue, glimmering sea. Bubbles round of shape and various size containing all manner of peoples and creatures and objects and lands gently broke the surface and floated on winds new and pure toward the horizon.
Across Space and Time, a Voice declared: -- Life! --
Amidst the surf's lulling melody and a bird's caw, there stood a boy on the shore. A boy who touched his chest with his right hand and gasped in awe:
-- I Have A Heart. --
And There Was Life.