Hello, Everyone! (:

This is Donna / Donniie

Currently, I'm posting a series that includes PaulxOC. I've already had this written on another site, with an ac named DonnaRawrs101.
Some of you may know me, some may not.

This series already has 18 - 19 chapters written, so I hope you like them!
Beginning's kind of rusty, but this was written kind of a while ago.

I'll upload the rest of the chapters soon, but I'm currently writing a Drew one-shot for my friend from my old site.
See ya laters!

--x d 0 n n a

In Love With A Cold-Hearterd Person oo1 Pokemon; Paul

"It's always you who get us lost!"


"Yea, you!"

"You know what, Michelle - "

"Name's not Michelle!"


- FREEZE ! -

Okay, so you're the reader here, right? Well, let me explan. My name is Michelle Jordan Loele. I prefer JORDAN Loele. NOT Michelle.

Though my friend - Ash Ketchum - iloves/i to call me Michelle - just to bug me of course. I tell ya, there's millions of times when I just wanna strangle that guy to death! But, yet, I've knew him since iforever/i - ever since we were born to be exact. So, basically, I love the guy to death.

Then there's my other friend - Brock. I love that guy to death, too, even though he's older than me, but who really cares 'bout ages?

Some people might call Brock a - iunno - pervert? Well, then you are completely wrong, missy! Brock is an AMAZING guy. I'm surprised half the girls Brock chases don't like him back! So I bet you're asking yourself, "Why doesn't Jordan like him them?"

Well it's because he's like a brother to me. Nothing else.

For Ash . . . it's different. People say we look good together. We're both 15 by the way. But, I've liked him for quite a while now. The problem is . . . I don't think he feels the same. Ash acts like I'm just a friend to him around me. I can be okay with that, but sometimes, I just want to jump on him and kiss him. BUT! I don't want to ruin our friendship. So I'm staying the way we are for now.

Then there's Dawn. She's totally awesome, I'll tell ya that. Ash, Brock, and I have met her a long while ago - she's a beginner in contests - but she's catching up at an advanced pace. Dawn got a Piplup as her starter pokemon, and let me tell you this. I sat there, squeezing the life out of Piplup for what seemed like hours! I mean, look at the pokemon! It's so CUTE!

So you wanna get to know me more now? Well, I say yes! It's enough about my friends! I can't let them steal all the lemon light! Or was it limelight? OH WHATEVER!

SO! Like I said, my name is Michelle - no wait - Jordan Loele. I am 15, like I said before once again. I have a Jolteon named Alex. I absolutely LOVE Alex death. Nothing could seperate else. Just like Ash's pikachu, my Jolteon does not have a pokeball. Well, it does, but we don't use it.

Some other pokemons, you say? Hm, lets see . . .

Ah, yes. I also have an Eevee. I just think it is sooo cute! And, let me say. My Eevee, which is named Kiwi (don't ask why), has one tough Shadow Ball! So does Alex. He has a mean thunderbolt, let me tell ya.

The next one you ask?

My next pokemon is Vaporeon, named Syrus.

You see, I'm kinda an Eevee-related trainer. I used to want to be the ibest/i pokemon co-ordinator ever, but then I decided that gym battles and earning the bagdes were my most-wanted dream. So I want to be the best pokemon master out there!

But I've been training for the last four years, and I'm actually a really good trainer actually. As soon as I conquer - hopefully - I want to challenge the Elite 4.

Ok, so my last pokemon at the moment. I'm sure I will catch more in the future. I can still carry two more pokemon, can't I? So, my last pokemon is a Pachirisu. It. Is. Just. So. CUTE! I love my Pachirisu. And I also named it Patchy. What? It seemed like the only good name at the moment . . .

But, anyways. Let's get back to the main point. The story, right? Right. So here we go. I left at someone yelling to shut up, right? Right.


Ash and I froze and stopped yelling at each other. We both turned our heads to see Brock fuming at us as Dawn shook her head.

"What'd we do?" Ash and I stated dumbly in unison.

Brock slapped a hand to his forehead.

"If you're planning to get out of here in one place, I suggest we don't yell at each other!" He exclaimed.

"He did it!" I shouted childishly.

But, right at the same time, Ash said, "She did it!"

Dawn suddenly let out an annoyed yell, throwing her hands in the air in frustration.

"I wanna get out!" She cried, looking on the verge of tears.

"Well, maybe we should tr - AH!" I suddenly shrieked as I tripped over something and fell down on my butt.

"Ow, that hurt . . ." I moaned.

"Knowing you, that's common," retorted Ash as he rolled his eyes at me. Oi, I don't care if I somehow have feelings for him, but he was such a brat sometimes!

"Why you - !" I growled, stomping up.

"Hey, hey! You two, let's not start another fight," exclaimed Brock suddenly standing in between the two of us.

"What's that?" Dawn asked curiously as she pointed at something on the floor.

I looked down to where she was pointing at to see a piece of paper. I leaned down and picked it up. The ripped-up paper had a few torns on it, but I could still see the contents of it. It looked like some pictures . . .

"Ooh! It looks like a map!" I exclaimed in excitement. Maybe this "map" could be our key to getting out here!"

Brock grabbed it from my hand and examined it.

"You're right, Jordan. It does seem like a map," said Brock, holding it up in the air to see if he could get any light in the thick fog.

"If we go right . . . and then left, and then take a few more turns . . ." mumbled Brock. "Here, follow me guys."

. . .
. . .

I groaned, slumping my shoulders as I took the rest of the steps to the outside of the dark forest.

"We're free! Free at last!" I shouted in glee, falling over and onto someone.

I felt the person's chest rumble in a soft chuckle,"You okay, Michelle?"

I blushed, suddenly realizing I had fell onto Ash. I quickly stood up and got out of his arms.

"Yea - yea, yea . . ." I quickly said, blushing even harder.

Ash looked at me weirdly. Well, first of all, I didn't kick him in the leg like usual. And second, I also didn't yell at him for calling me Michelle.

"Well, I'm hungry," Ash suddenly said, throing his arms in the air as he strectched.

"I have some food left. I can cook it right now since the pokemon center is not another six miles," explained Brock.

"Food!" I shouted, practically drooling. ". . . WAIT! Where are we?"

Brock looked at the map again,"According to this, we're suppose to be only miles away from Jubelife City."

My eyes widened,"Isn't that where your first contest is, Dawn? And, Ash, our first gym battle!"

"Oh, yeah!" shouted Ash.

Dawn's eye lit up in excitement,"I totally forgot! Now that I have Buneary and Piplup, I just have to train!"

"Wow, you seemed pumped up," complimented Ash.

"I wanna win!" Dawn shouted, pumping a fist into the air.

A moment later . . .

"Though first we have to overcome bedhair."

"I agree with you there, Jordan."

"Girls . . ."