I don't own any of the characters.

Please R&R!!

"Claudia Joy Holden, it is unacceptable!" Michael was screaming at his wife, Claudia Joy.

"Michael I was just having a little fun!"

"Fun is not dancing on tables with one of your friends! If you wanted to have fun you should have just went shopping!"

Claudia Joy turned to walk away.

"Claudia Joy, do NOT walk away from me!"

"Michael, I will do whatever I damn well please! You do not own me, so you do not get to tell me what to do! I am so sick of this! I'm not on of your officers!"


"I'm done. I'm done coming second to the army. I'm done with you telling me what to do. I'm just done."

"What do you mean you are done?"

"I mean Michael, I want a divorce." and with that Claudia Joy walked out of the room.

Michael sat there for a second. He didn't know what to do. He knew if he went after her things could only get worse. So, he decided to let her cool off. I mean she wouldn't really leave him would she? Not after 18 years of marriage.

Elsewhere, Denise and Frank were having a talk in their living room.

"So, how has nursing been? I haven't seen that much of you lately."

"Good. I know it's been awhile since we have actually got to sit down and talk."

"Yes, it has."

"Frank, I have to talk to you."

"Yeah sweetheart, what is it?"

"A man kissed me the other day. Please don't start yelling yet. Let me explain. I had just got off work and I went to the Humpbar. Claudia Joy and Roxy got on the table and started dancing. Don't worry, I didn't join them., but a man did grab me by the arm and kiss me. I didn't kiss back, but I thought I should tell you."

"Well, thank you for your honesty, but I'm not sure if I believe that you didn't kiss back."

"Excuse me?"

"Well, Denise you're a beautiful woman and let's face it I'm not getting any younger."

"Frank, I swear I didn't kiss back, I love YOU! No one else but you!"

With that they went back into their bedroom.

Trevor and Roxy's

"Well I think it is cute that you and Claudia Joy went dancing on some tables."

"You do?"

"Yeah, just because you moved up here with me didn't mean I wanted you to completely change your life. I want you to have fun."

"Thank you, I just don't know if Michael feels the same way about Claudia."

"Well even if they do fight about it, I'm sure they will be okay. They've been married for a long time and I'm pretty sure it's a happy marriage."

"You know what? I think you're right, but right now I think we need to think about us."

"What do you mean. "think about us ""

"I mean I really want to kiss you right now."

"Ohh really? Well what if I said I wanted to kiss you back?"

"I would say hurry up!"

Roxy lifted her chin up to meet her husband's lips. They kissed and made love right there, on the couch.