Chapter 1: A troubling thought

Another date, another dress, another quiet and uncomfy afternoon of Saturday spent with the most handsome guy on the planet or more known as the Ice Prince, the number 1 hottest, most sought after guy to ever live in Shibuya. This gorgeous prince charming whom every girl is drooling for , happens to be Aya Hoshino's date. Aya, the shy and silent type, studious and is not at all the type to spend her weekends strolling around the mall, or even the park. Aya, the sweet good-natured girl who is always considerate of everyone and would never turn down a person in need would be Rei Otohata's date. Yes, she felt quite happy at the thought of being with Rei. She didn't mind exchanging her books with Rei's company but even so, she can't seem to shake away the nagging feeling that this 'too good to be true' guy would rather spend his entire afternoon dating someone not at all popular like her. Whenever she thought about it this way, somehow she felt guilty. What if Rei is just forcing himself to date her out of pity? Or maybe someone just asked him to do so in exchange for something? Besides, everyone knows Aya had confessed her feelings to Rei before and got rejected so why the sudden change of heart? Something seems to be strange here.

After being rejected by the very first person who caught her heart, she decided to forget him and move on with her life. She had even convinced herself that there are still plenty of guys out there. She need not attach herself to someone who can't even sense her existence. No, why would she force herself to someone who obviously doesn't and won't ever like her in any way?

The ringing of the doorbell cut through Aya's thoughts. She immediately grabbed her things and got out.

"Uhm, Rei, you're quite early." Aya greeted with a faint smile, then without waiting for a reply, she turned around to lock the gates. Then faced him again.

As usual, Rei seemed not to mind. His eyes stared at a distance, as if wishing himself to be anywhere than here at this very moment with her.

Aya cast her eyes to the ground, unable to endure this anymore. 'I have got to be brave..I have to tell him my feelings..I can't just stay quiet forever. I have my limits as a human being too. I can't just let him trample with my heart for as long as he wants to. I can do this, I can definitely forget my feelings for him, right?'

This time, Rei became aware of Aya's long silence and of how she was staring at him.

"Is there something you want to say? If so, then do it quick, we don't have all day." Rei's cold tone pierced her frail heart that her lips quivered. There he goes again, as if prompting her to tell him herself that all this dating stuff is just a complete waste of both of their time.

At least, if she'll be the one to say it, it wouldn't appear like Rei dumped the poor and pitiful girl. It's like he's trying to save her face from humiliation, is that it? Because if it is, it definitely feels insulting to Aya.


As she started to say what was on her mind for ages, she continued to stammer. Rei only sighed as if anticipating this to happen. But this time, he didn't just let it pass.

"What, is your tongue caught in a knot again Aya? A knot so hard to untangle that you can almost not say even a straight sentence?"

Aya froze, her body became stiff. She was driven to a corner, she then felt her vision becoming blurred, her throat dry and her nose getting stuffy that it's hard to breathe. But because of the growing anger she felt inside, she managed to blurt out. "You-that's all you know as always Otohata-kun. Insulting me, you and your sharp tongue. You don't even care about other people's feelings especially mine! I know for a fact that the only reason you're putting up with these dates if because you feel pity for me. I am not dumb! I can sense your boredom whenever you're with me. Can't you even pretend? To be nice? To be kind?Or even to be polite? Look, nobody's forcing you to go out with me. I'm too fed up with this Otohata-kun. I can't take anymore of this. So if you want, you're free to go now. Nobody's stopping you."

As soon as she let out all the pain she's been keeping in herself, she suddenly felt more relieved, and embarrassed. Why did she say that? Now Rei is sure never to talk to her again. And so, without even waiting for a reply, she ran back into her house, her heart beating loudly against her chest.


"You--WHAT?? Why did you do that? Oh Aya, you've really done it this time."

Ran bellowed as she stood up from her chair, pretty much shocked and a bit mad at what Aya told her.

"You can't imagine how much we've been through just to convince him to--"

Before Ran could say another word, she was cut short by Miyu as she kicked Ran under the table.

"Yeah right Aya-chan..M-maybe you've just misunderstood his intention, I mean, his expression? You know Otohata-kun is not that good when it comes to expressing his feelings. Sometimes, people get the wrong idea of him and his actions."

Miyu let out a nervous laugh as she stated out her guess. But when Aya's eyes didn't left her glass, Miyu tried to give a suggestion.

"Look, why don't we just ask Yuuya for help? he could try and talk to Otohata-kun. He might be able to fix this. Saa Aya-chan, cheer up now, you know Ran and I can't stand seeing you so down like that. We'd do anything to make you hapy even if it means Rei--Ouch!"

This time it was Ran's turn to kick Miyu to be reminded. "I mean, not that we still need to force him to uh- ask you out. But you know Otohata-kun, he was never the type to make the first move, ne?"

However, the two were dumbfounded as Aya rose from her seat and with a glare, she shouted. "Why don't you two just stop meddling with my life for once? I didn't ask for your help! Now my life's screwed, and you're even making it worse!"

Then realizing what she have just said, she cupped her hands on her mouth then ran out of the cafe, never turning back. Miyu and Ran were left completely shocked that no word came out of their mouths. They just stared after her, wondering since when did their silent and shy friend learned to say such cruel and rude things.