Italicized Lyrics: Plan On Forever by Sue Ann Carwell

Bold Lyrics: She Don't Want A Man by Asher Roth featuring Keri Hilson.

Me: And I'd like to thank Plan On Forever by Sue Ann Carwell for inspiring this story (hence the title and first and last chapter) and She Don't Want A Man by Asher Roth featuring Keri Hilson for inspiring this chapter. Thanks everyone who reviewed this story and stuck with it until the very end. Please review and tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I only own Himiko.

Lyrics aren't in order.

Recap of Last Chapter

He wasn't ready to talk to him yet.

Itachi felt a shiver run down his spine. Someone was watching him. He turned around, glaring but it turned into surprise when he saw Deidara. His lips parted slightly. Was that really the blonde standing there? It wasn't time for the dance- that wasn't for another few days... well of course they'd be back early to get their things settled in...

But Itachi wasn't ready to talk. Not yet.

They both turned around slowly but then Itachi spun on his heel rather quickly and ran to Deidara. He grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, trapping him against the brick wall as he kissed him.

End Recap

And then he ran.

"What the hell?" Deidara said, sliding down the brick wall.

How could I plan on forever?
When I never planned on you
Someone to fall for
To love for all eternity

"What did I just do?" Itachi asked himself, grabbing a pole for support when he noticed that he wasn't carrying a carton of eggs. "Aw crap..."

"What are you doing and why are you out of breath?" Konan asked him.

"I ran from Deidara because I kissed him and I forgot eggs,"




"Because I kissed Deidara!"


"Because I couldn't talk to him!"


"Because I wasn't ready to talk to him!"


"I love him, alright?!" Itachi said and then he realized what he said. "Oh..."

"Maybe you should go home," Konan suggested.

"Home, right..."

"And Itachi?"


"Congratulations," Itachi nodded and began running home.

"Welcome back, Itachi! Did you get the- oh!" Mikoto cut herself off in surprise when Itachi hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Did something good happen?"

"I'm in love with Deidara!" he said, spinning her around before going into the living room to ruffle Sasuke's hair.

"Itachi, that's great but where are the eggs?"

"The store!"

Baby let's plan on forever
And watch all our dreams come true
You're what I live for
Who I can give for ever to
My destiny is you

"Dei? You look like you've seen Itachi," Sasori said when the blonde came into the kitchen.

"Uh, yeah..." Deidara said. "Maybe..."

"Everything all right?"

"Yeah," Deidara said, a small smile touching his lips. "I think I love him..."

"What did you say?" Sasori asked, turning down the volume on the television.

"I love him," Deidara said, louder this time. "Danna, I think I love him."

"You realized that with a trip to the supermarket?"

"He kissed me,"

"Okay... I'm going back to watching television. It makes me not like a parent,"



"You could at least say something!"

"We arranged for you to go to the supermarket to talk, not to fall in love,"

"Who's 'we'?"

"Mikoto and I,"

"You did what?!"

"I said I'm going back to watching television!"


"Because there is nothing in these stupid teen drama about what to do when something like this happens to the parent!"

"Something like what?!"

"When his son falls in love after a trip to the stupid supermarket after being gone for months and all the other crap that has happened!"

"I love you too, danna," Deidara said. "Hey danna?"

"What, brat?"

"Why are you watching teen dramas?"

"Shut up and get out!"

"I just got in!"

"I don't care!"

"Boys, why are you shouting?" Granny Chiyo asked, walking into the room calmly.

"Danna loves me," Deidara grinned.

"I do not,"

"Yes you do,"

"We all know you do, Sasori. There's no use in denying it," Granny Chiyo said.

"I have never said-"

"I was twelve," Deidara said.

"I am held to nothing I said at that age," Sasori sneered.

"Then why have you been watching teenage dramas if you do not love him enough to understand what he is going through?"

"That's it! I'm leaving!" Sasori snapped, a red blush marring his cheeks. He grabbed his coat and slammed the door.

"Pleasure doing business with you Granny Chiyo," Deidara grinned.

"There is no greater pleasure then making Sasori flush with embarrassment... it does help that I get paid in the process," Granny Chiyo said. Deidara sighed and gave her a ten dollar bill.

"You drive a hard bargain, old lady,"

Baby let's plan on forever
And watch all our dreams come true
You're what I live for
Who I can give for ever to

"Is this for real, yeah?" Deidara asked.

"Is what for real?" Sasori asked, straightening Deidara's tie.

"Are we actually going to a dance without crazy maniacs and all that other crap that was going on, yeah?"


"Are you sure he's going to show up?"

"If he doesn't, you'll kill him,"

"Me? Why me?"

"He's your date,"

"Yeah, but why me?"

"What? Did you want me to do it?"

"I thought you'd at least offer,"

"Fine. If he does not show up, I will hunt him down kicking and screaming and if he still doesn't arrive before the dance is over, I will kill him. Happy?"


"For some reason, I have a feeling that my mom is going to do this even though you've already done and redone my tie at least five times," Itachi commented dryly to Kisame.

"It is not my fault these stupid things do not turn out right," Kisame grumbled. Itachi rolled his eyes.


"What is it, Itachi?" she asked, opening the door as if she had been waiting there.

"Kisame doesn't know how to tie a tie,"

"I do to!" Kisame snapped. His mother's soft laughter brought a small smile to his face as she walked calmly to them, tying Kisame's tie before moving to Itachi.

"Are you guys ready yet?" Sasuke asked impatiently. Itachi raised a calm eyebrow, moving his hair out of the way as his mom fixed his tie.

"You were the one who insisted to go with us," Itachi reminded him.

"Don't worry, I'm seriously regretting it now," Sasuke said. Itachi rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"There," Mikoto said. "Now I want pictures!" The boys groaned but obligingly followed Mikoto out. "And Itachi, take a picture with Deidara. I don't know why he isn't coming here. Have you seen him since you went to the supermarket?"

"Supermarket?" Kisame asked. "What happened at the supermarket?"

"Nothing you won't hear about later," Itachi said smoothly.

"He realized he is madly in love with Deidara,"

Color rushed to Itachi's face as he glared at Sasuke.

"Run," he said. Sasuke grinned and took off, running for his life.

"He turned red," Kisame said. "I don't think I have ever seen him turn red."

"And I got it on camera," Mikoto said brightly when the door bell rang. "I wonder who that could be?" She opened the door to reveal a very uncomfortable Gaara pulling at his collar.

"Hi..." he said uncertainly.

"Hello Gaara, come on in," Mikoto said. "Are you here for Sasuke?" Gaara avoided her gaze but nodded.

"Mom, he's going to kill me!" Sasuke shouted, jumping over the couch, his foot barely avoiding being caught by Itachi's hand.

"Damn straight I'm going to kill you!"

"Boys!" Itachi and Sasuke froze, Sasuke running into the wall he was about to turn to get into the kitchen and Itachi getting hit by the height of the couch and knocking it over.

"Gaara's here," Mikoto said. "And I want pictures."

"Hi Gaara," Sasuke said.

"Hi," Gaara said. "Uh, corsage..."

"Oh, right! I'll be right back," Sasuke said.

"But I-" Gaara took out a corsage but Sasuke didn't see and ran to his room instead, jumping over his brother.

"Are you as weirded out as I am?" Kisame whispered to Gaara who ducked his head. Kisame and Itachi could tell that the teen was trying to remain stoic.

"Sasuke, what are you doing?" Mikoto asked.

"Got it! Coming," he shouted, coming into view with a clear box.

"Well isn't that sweet," Itachi teased with a smirk.

"Don't make me tell Deidara..." Sasuke threatened as he and Gaara exchanged the flowers.

"You wouldn't," Itachi said.

"I would,"


"Sasuke, Gaara. Door, pictures," Mikoto said with a smile. "You can argue in the car boys, as you still look presentable."

"The only good thing about our last name is that it means we always look presentable," Sasuke and Itachi said together as Mikoto took pictures of Gaara and Sasuke.

Sometimes the one you're right
for is standing too close to see
But you saw the light and never gave up on me

"And who did you get your good looks from?"

"Mom, you don't even need to ask," Itachi said, getting up to take the camera from her and handing it to Kisame. "Family picture." Mikoto stood in the middle of her two boys, smiling as if she couldn't be any prouder. When she looked at her two boys, she didn't know how she could be any prouder.

"Maybe I should have dressed up too," Mikoto said. "You two look so ravishing, all dressed up and I'm in every day clothes.

"Ms. Uchiha, anyone would beg to take you to dance," Kisame said.

"Why thank you Kisame. Don't keep Deidara waiting and don't forget the corsage, Itachi," Mikoto reminded him.

"I've got it. Love you mom," Itachi said, kissing her cheek as he walked by her.

"Love you," Sasuke said, kissing her other cheek the same time as Itachi.

"Love you too boys,"

"Bye, Ms. Uchiha," Kisame said, kissing her cheek after the Uchiha boys.

"Bye, Kisame,"

"Um... nice seeing you again, Ms. Uchiha," Gaara said, slightly rushing to get out of the apartment.

"Bye Gaara,"

"You don't have to be nervous. It's just my mom," Sasuke teased Gaara. Itachi snorted.

"'Just mom'?" he asked. "I'll have you know that every boy in school who wasn't gay was begging to be her boyfriend. The one's who were gay, would have turned straight if she wanted them too."

"Was she really that popular?" Gaara asked.

"Fugaku almost didn't get her," Itachi said. "He got lucky and they got paired together for an assignment. He requested an arranged marriage and at the time, she was charmed by him and she said yes,"

"Enough talk about the past," Kisame said after a moment of silence. "Let's get our asses to the dance!"

"He will be here," Sasori said, closing his eyes in annoyance.

"What if he doesn't come? What if he decided he didn't want me and backs out?" Deidara asked, pacing.

"Deidara, I have already told you; if he does not show up, I will hunt him down kicking and screaming and if he still doesn't arrive before the dance is over, I will kill him. Now stop pacing and sit down," Sasori snapped.

"But danna, I'm restless!"

"Then at least put that energy somewhere else!"

"Like where?"

"Go dance with someone!"

"But what if he sees me dancing with someone else and thinks that I want to be with them?"

"Where do you get these ridiculous thoughts?"

"It always happens in the drama. You should know,"


"Come on, danna! Let's dance!"

"What happened to if you dance with someone else, he'll think that you want to be with them?" Sasori asked sourly as Deidara pulled him out of his chair and onto the dance floor.

"He won't think that if its you, danna,"

"Don't call me that,"

"But why not danna?"

"One, we're in school and two, just don't call me that,"

"No need to be such a sourpuss, danna,"

"I will step on your foot,"

"You will not,"

"The shut up,"

"Yes, danna,"

"And don't call me that,"

"Yes, danna,"


"Sorry danna,"

"Itachi?" Kisame asked, looking at his friend as Itachi paused at the door after Sasuke and Gaara went in.

"What if he's not in there?" Itachi asked.

"If he's not in there now, he will be soon," Kisame asked. "I'll even be your wing man."

"My what?"

I see Boyder and ask him,
Yo can you take her fat friend?
He laughs and then digs in
Hell yeah I'll be your wing man

"You know, your wing man," Kisame said.

"Thanks?" Itachi said, raising an eyebrow.

"I'll help you,"

"Thanks," Itachi said, straightening out his tie. "For everything, you know-"

"No getting sappy on me," Kisame ordered, "Go in there and get your man." Itachi smirked and pulled at his jacket once to make sure it was flawless and walked into the room.

Quiet and confident,
Not a bit I'm the shit,
Screaming OW! out loud,
Right now I'm the shit,
Let em know let it go

"Do you think we should have seen why Itachi didn't go in?" Gaara asked.

"No," Sasuke said. "Kisame knows how to handle him. See? There he is, star of the show as always..."

"Sasuke, look in a mirror,"


"Because you're the only star I see," there was a pause. "That was horrendously corny, wasn't it?"

"Horrendoudly," Sasuke agreed with a chuckle. He licked his lower lip before he kissed Gaara, not knowing how else to thank him.

"Do you see him?" Itachi asked quietly.

"Yeah, he's with Sasori," Kisame said. "They're not all that hard to spot."

"Shut up. I just got out of eye surgery,"

"That was months ago,"

"I'm a slow recoverer,"

"Shut up and get your ass over there before some girl spots you,"

"Thanks for jinxing me," Itachi said, trying to catch eye contact with Deidara, smirking when he finally did and they slowly began to make their way over to each other.

Feeling sexy feeling grown,
I be sipping on patron mixed with pineapple,
As she looks up, spots me only for a sec
But in that moment our eyes lock,
I swear that we had sex

"Oh, there you are, Itachi!" Itachi almost groaned out loud as Himiko grabbed onto his arm.

"Let go of me," he said, having little patience. He tried to tug his arm free from her and then he realized that he had lost sight of Deidara and cursed.

"Let's dance, Itachi!" Himiko said.

"Let's not," Itachi suggested, looking for Deidara.

"How about we dance, Itachi?" he heard the familiar voice from behind and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's," Itachi agreed. Deidara pulled his arm out of Himiko's grasp and pulled him almost behind himself.

"Let me make this clear to you, Himiko, since you don't seem to realize it," Deidara said. "He's gay and he wants me." Himiko gaped at them as Deidara walked away calmly with Itachi before she started crying. Her sister joined her with an equally pathetic expression.

"You saved me," Itachi said as he put one hand on Deidara's waist and took Deidara's right hand in his own. "What's wrong?"

"Do you want me?" Deidara asked quietly.

"Actions speak louder then words," Itachi told him quietly. Deidara looked confused for a moment and then Itachi kissed him. They stopped dancing and Deidara circled Itachi's neck with his hands, enjoying the kiss as Itacih's hands tightened around his waist. Deidara sighed into the kiss with a content smile.

"All right you two love birds, stop making out and let's go outside," Pein interrupted them, holding a camera. "The fireworks will be on soon."

"What fireworks?" Sasori asked. "Pein, what fireworks?"

"The ones that will be on soon," Pein said.

"Deidara, did you have something to do with this?" Sasori asked.

"Of course, yeah," Deidara grinned. He held Itachi's hand as they went outside to take the picture, both equally red and one grinning and the other unable to wipe the smile off his face.

Baby, let's plan on forever
And watch all our dreams come true
You're what I live for

Eight months later...

"Is there anything you want danna?" Deidara asked.

"A normal picture?" Sasori suggested while looking at the result of the photo he had finally found a frame for from the night of the dance. It had been normal... until Pein held the camera up. Naruto jumped into the picture at the last minute. Sasuke, whose shoulders he had jumped on, was still recovering from the surgery- despite the fact it had been a few months ago, had fallen on Gaara who grabbed onto Sasori who then grabbed out an caught Zetsu whose double personalities kicked in and he knocked over Kisame in the battle for control who fell into Hidan who was caught by Kakuzu who grabbed onto Itachi to steady himself who couldn't hold Hidan and Kakuzu's weight combined or seperately and fell sideways onto Deidara who barely missed hitting Konan...

And they almost all fell down when Pein decided to take the picture.

"Danna, what does a picture have to do with what you want at the store?"

"I don't want anything at the store, brat," Sasori scowled.

"Geez, no need to be a grumpy scorpion," Deidara teased, dancing out of reach as Sasori tried to take a swipe at him.

"Shut up and go meet that stupid boyfriend of yours," Sasori snapped.

Deidara grinned and took off, running to meet Itachi. He was to active to take his motercycle.

He slowed to a stop when Itachi came into view. Itachi turned slowly and saw him, giving him a small smile. Deidara grinned and resumed running, throwing himself into Itachi's arms and found himself being held tightly.

"Move in with me," Itachi said.

"What?" Deidara asked.

"Move in with me," Itachi repeated.

"Are you serious, yeah?" Deidara said.

"Would I ask if I wasn't?"

"Yes!" Deidara said.

"Yes you'll move in or yes-"

"Yes, I'll move in with you!"

Now I see
My destiny
Is you

Sasori sighed as he helped move boxes into Deidara and Itachi's new apartment. He held onto the box, wondering if he had remembered to pack all of Deidara's things or if Deidara and Itachi had enough kitchen utensils or if the land line was going to work properly or-

"How you holding up?" Kisame asked.

"It seems like yesterday he showed up," Sasori said.

"I know what you mean," Kisame said. "It seems like only yesterday that Itachi and I were kids on the playground, with Itachi holding Sasuke."

"And when they entered their first races,"

"I wasn't there for Deidara's,"

"Scared the hell out of me," Sasori admitted. "I didn't even know he had signed up until I saw his hair. I was so mad..."

"Well, maybe Deidara will get pregnant and they'll have to move back in with us,"

"Deidara's a guy,"

"Fine, Itachi will get pregnant,"

"I don't think they'll enjoy the fact that you wished children upon them. Babies coming out of a woman is bad enough but men?" Sasori shuddered.

"We having a party or something out here?" Konan asked.

"Reminiscing," Sasori informed her.

"Everybody's favorite past time." she responded easily. "But what about wishing children upon who?"

"Kisame wishes children to come out of Itachi or Deidara," Sasori said.

"Where would it come out of?" Konana made a face.

Two weeks later...

"Would you do yourself, yeah?"

"Excuse me?" Itachi said, not certain he had heard the blonde correctly.

"Would you do yourself?" Deidara repeated.

"Where is this coming from?"

"It's a simple question,"

"Coming from where?"

"Would you? Because I would," Deidara said, looking out the window. Itachi raised an eyebrow, careful about how he projected his voice.

"Where are you going with this, Dei?"

"I dunno," he shrugged. "Just curious I guess."

"So you'd do me?" Itachi whispered with a smirk into Deidara's ear. "Or you'd do yourself? Because I know I'd certainly do you." Deidara jumped a little and then moaned when Itachi's hand rubbed along the front of his jeans. He arched into Itachi's hand, trying to get more friction but Itachi lazily continued his pattern.

"Itachi," he groaned. Itachi took it as a sign to continue pulled Deidara into him so the blonde could feel his erection pressed against his back and undid the button and Deidara's zipper and slipped his hand under the boxers. Deidara bucked and let out another moan that Itachi was beginning to enjoy hearing.

"Do you want more?" Itachi asked, grabbing the blonde's balls and moving his hard on against Deidara's back.

"God- yes, Itachi!" Itachi smirked and stood up, forcing Deidara to come up with him, and he withdrew his hand from Deidara's pants. Deidara let out a noise of protest with the loss but Itachi pulled down his jeans and boxers together and Deidara stepped out of them. Itachi pushed Deidara gently onto the bed and brought the blonde's knees over his shoulder and licked tentatively at the head of Deidara's dick. Deidara tried to buck but Itachi grabbed onto his hips and help him down, using his tongue to lick up and down the length.

"Itachi!" Deidara moaned as Itachi took his cock inside his mouth. He lifted his hips, wanting to have Itachi take more of him into his mouth but Itachi held him firmly down. He let out a strangled yell as Itachi deep throated him, and then pulled away to come up for air when his gag reflex kicked in. He leaned in for another taste but Deidara stopped him and went to work on Itachi's shirt and jeans. He eagerly helped Itachi out of them and his boxers and afterwards, had Itachi sitting on the floor after Itachi had removed his shirt. He sucked on Itachi's dick, grabbing his balls and making Itachi moan with pleasure. Itachi bucked and Deidara let him before pinning his hips down and deep throating him.

"Deidara!" Itachi moaned. Deidara pulled back but licked up and down Itachi's length before sukcing on his balls and using his hand to grasp Itahi's dick.

"Suck," Dediara said, giving him his fingers.


"I believe I started this, yeah," Deidara said with a smirk. Itachi looked a little lost but he took Deidara's fingers into his mouth, covering them with saliva. Deidara pulled his fingers out of Itachi's mouth and helped him to lay down, afterwards, prodding at his entrance until he had Itachi moving his hips, trying to get the finger in him.

"Are you ready?" Deidara asked.

"Yes, Deidara!" Itachi said through gritted teeth. Deidara nodded and pushed one finger into Itachi's hole. Itachi groaned, and moved his hips as Deidara fingered him, matching the rythm Deidara provided. Deidara prodded Itachi's hole again with another finger and pushed another one to join the previous one in. Itachi sucked in a breath and Deidara leaned forward and kissed him.

"Relax," he said. Itachi took a breath and nodded. Deidara moved his fingers in and out slowly, letting Itachi get used to the feeling. He began searching inside for the spot he knew would make Itachi gasp-

"Deidara!" Itachi moaned, bucking his hips.

"Found it," Deidara smirked. "Keep that spot in mind." He thrusted his fingers again and Itachi moaned again, his breath coming out in a ragged pattern before Deidara stopped.

"It will be uncomfortable at first," Deidara warned. "But it will get better." Slowly, he pushed a third finger in. Itachi tensed up and Deidara stopped, leaning forward to engage in another kiss. When he felt Itachi relax, he pushed the finger in all the way. He waited as Itachi squirmed, trying to get used to the feeling. Deidara felt his own dick throbbing and he knew that he wanted Itachi.

"I want you," he whispered to him.

"I want you too," Itachi said back, bringing Deidara's head down so he could kiss him and then he moaned. Deidara pulled his fingers out and Itachi groaned at the loss. He wasn't quite sure what Deidara was doing although he suspected lube when he opened his eyes to see the bottle and he felt something prod at his entrance after awhile.

"Are you ready?" Deidara asked.

"Yes," Itachi nodded. Dediara pulled Itachi's legs over his shoulder and pushed slowly into Itachi, allowing the Uchiha to adjust to his size. He kissed Itachi as if his life depend on it, inching in slowly until he was a'l the way in.

"Move!" Itachi ordered, trying to move his hips to get Deidara to accomodate his wishes. Deidara moved slowly at first, hitting his prostate and making him moan.

"Faster!" Itachi groaned. "Dammit Deidara, faster!"

"So demanding," Dediara smirked but he obliged, allowing himself to be lost inside of Itachi, hitting his prostate every time. Itachi moaned and moved his hips to meet Deidara's thrusts.

"D-Deidara!" Itachi shouted when he came.

"Itachi!" Deidara shouted, Itachi calling his name in bliss sending him over the edge. He collapsed on top of Itachi, both breathing heavily.

"Deidara..." Itachi panted.

"Y...yeah?" Deidara asked.

"I love you," Itachi said.

"I love you too, yeah," Deidara smiled, kissing Itachi like there was no tomorrow.

Me: I knew I rated this M for a reason. What do you guys think of a sequel to Planning On Forever? Thanks everyone for sticking with this story even though the updates were up and down and yadda yadda. What does everyone think about the lemon? It was my first!

Sasori: And no, said sequal won't be about a Deidara or Itachi getting pregnant!

Deidara: Review, yeah!