Danny spent four hours interrogating a suspect. He walked out of the room, eyes watering with the effort, and wiped his sweat-speckled brow with the back of his hand.

It took Adam seven minutes to show that the suspect's coat didn't match the fiber found at the scene. He winced at the curses that spewed out of Danny's mouth.

Danny came home to Lindsay's apartment and threw his jacket onto the floor. It smacked with a weak clatter of the zipper hitting the floor. He sent the officer standing at her door on home with a grumpy nod. Running his hand through his hair, he checked her refrigerator for a beer. Finding none, he stomped into the bedroom.

Lindsay was lying in bed, holding a sharpie and humming to herself as she looked down at her exposed stomach.

"What are you doing?" Danny asked hoarsely.

She looked up, surprised, and dropped the sharpie.

"I … uh … singing?"

Danny let his eyes travel to her stomach. Her stomach stared back. Lindsay had drawn two eyes above her protruding belly button and a wide smile underneath it.

Danny gave a snort, which evolved quickly into an all out laugh.

Lindsay glared back at him. "Well, if you'd let me out of the house without an 'escort,' maybe I'd spend my time more wisely."

"You're crazy," Danny retorted through his laughter, and flopped onto the bed next to her. She'd created a sort of nest around herself with the covers. She was at the center of a hurricane of covers and sheets and pillows.

"I can't believe you haven't gotten outta bed yet," he said once he could speak clearly.

"It's only four," she sniffed, giving him a belated kiss on the cheek, "How was work, by the way?"

He groaned. "I don't wanna talk about it." He buried his head in the covers.

"I'm going to shower," she said, rubbing his hair. She rolled out of bed and headed off to the bathroom. "Oh, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow," she called over her shoulder. "And I go back to work the day after!"

Danny groaned again. He did not want Lindsay to leave the apartment. He knew she was bored out of her mind and going incredibly stir-crazy, but he couldn't help wondering if being out in the world with this Evan guy wandering around was worse. He pushed himself up and headed into the kitchen to see if he could figure out dinner.

When Lindsay got out of the shower, he handed her a dress. "Put this on," he told her.

"Danny, I don't think it'll fit."

"No, it will. Stella helped me pick it out. It was gonna be for your birthday, but I think it'll come in handy tonight."


"We're going out. To a restaurant."

She smiled and took the silky blue dress.

"That was the best salmon I've ever had in my life," Lindsay said once they got into the taxi.

Danny grinned. "Told ya."

She kissed him quickly on the lips and buckled her seatbelt around her protruding middle, deemphasized by the loose dress. "How'd you find out about that place?"


"Oh," she laughed.

About two blocks from the apartment, Lindsay asked if they could walk the rest of the way. Danny was about to say no, but Lindsay had already made the driver stop and was half-way out the door.

Danny quickly paid the driver and hopped out, thanking the man.

"This was not a good idea," Danny grumbled. He helped Lindsay button her coat against the cold and curled his hand around hers. "It's not safe."

"I have you," Lindsay reasoned, "and we're two blocks from my apartment. Now relax."

He sighed and willed himself to forget about Evan. He smiled at her and pulled her close.

Lindsay smiled back and breathed in the cold air, looking around her as she walked. She placed a hand on her stomach and rested her head on Danny's arm.

When they got back to the apartment, Lindsay threw her arms around Danny and kissed him. "Thanks," she said, "I needed that."

She headed into the kitchen and opened the freezer. She pulled out some ice cream and got some peanuts to top it with.

"Is it OK if we talk about something you don't wanna talk about?" Danny asked nervously.

Lindsay looked up at him mid-scoop. She hesitated for a moment, then spoke. "I guess so. It kind of depends."


She slowly scooped out a spoonful of ice cream and put it into her bowl. "I … yes, we can talk about him."

"Can you just tell me about him? I mean, what he's like. He skipped bail, ya know, and I wanna get a feel for him. Maybe we can find him quicker if you remember some stuff."

Lindsay ate a spoonful of double chocolate chip ice cream and thought for a moment.

"Start with basics. Does he have anybody in Montana? Family? Friends? Pets?"

"No pets. I had a dog, but Evan … Evan killed him."

"He what? Why?"

"Thor – my dog – was really loud at night. He barked all the time. One night, Evan thought I was asleep, and there was this huge commotion outside. It must've been raccoons or something, but whatever it was, it made Thor go crazy. He was barking up a storm. So Evan rolled out of bed, really carefully, and took his shotgun. I didn't register what he was doing. I thought he was going to scare off the raccoons. He went outside and … I just heard this bang and then a yelp. I knew what Evan had done. I didn't say anything to him; I was too shocked."

Danny sat with his chin in his hands, brow furrowed. "He killed your dog?"

"I couldn't find Thor the next day. Evan told me he ran off. But I knew. There was blood on the ground the next day."

"I'm sorry, Linds."

"I'm over him. I've worked hard at it, Danny. I'm still a little scared, but I've recovered from it." She smiled. "Two years in therapy will do that for you."

"So he's impulsive, violent …"

"He's stupid, too."

Danny laughed.

"No, really! He'll show up exactly where you'd expect him to –"

A knock at the door interrupted her speech. Lindsay reasoned that 'knock' was a slight bit euphemistic for the sort of clamor at her door. It was a resounding slam that echoed through her apartment. She looked at Danny and gave a small smile. She turned and headed for the front door when Danny caught her arm.

"It could be him."

"Yes, it could. But it could be someone else. And this is my apartment."

"Yeah. Let me answer it."

"Danny, don't be ridicu-"

"Please? Just humor me. Go into the bedroom and call Flack, alright? And close the door, will ya?"

She gave him a look but went anyways, shuffling her feet.

Danny opened the door to find Evan leaning on the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Evan asked.

"Same goes for you," Danny shot back. "You skipped bail. You're under arrest." He took a step forwards. Evan took one back.

Danny reached out, flipped him around, and shoved him against the wall. Evan grunted in surprise.

Danny turned his head at a sound behind him and saw Lindsay standing in the doorframe. "Linds –"

"I called Flack. He'll be here in a minute."

"You should –"

"Evan, we're not together," she said firmly. "And you need to understand that."

"You left me. But I can forgive you for that. You cheated on me. I can forgive that, too."

"I didn't cheat on you. And I don't want 'forgiveness' for leaving you. You were abusive and cruel to me. You killed …" she swallowed and set her face, "you killed my baby. And I left because you weren't going to let me go."

"Of course I wouldn't. I love you."

"Evan, that's not the point," she sighed. She took a step closer. "I wanted to leave you. I had to leave you."

Evan blinked and choked out, "We can try again. We can. I'll take you back. I'll raise a kid with you – this one will be different."

"Evan, I –"

"We'll have another baby. You don't have to have this one. Just get rid of this one and we'll start aga-"

Danny slammed Evan against the wall and twisted his arm back. "Don't talk about my kid that way," he hissed in Evan's ear.

Evan looked at her, turning his head through Danny's painful hold. "C'mon, Lindsay. Please."

"No, Evan."

Evan went limp in Danny's hold. He let out a wounded whimper.

Danny turned his head to speak to Lindsay when Evan whipped around in the relaxed hold and punched Danny in the face. Danny stepped back in surprise.

Evan launched at Lindsay. Danny moved to stop him but Lindsay was quicker. She sidestepped him and tripped him. He fell to the ground. He moved to get up and get at her but she kicked him in the stomach.

Evan groaned and clutched his mid-section. Lindsay kicked him over onto his back and kneeled down next to him. She put a knee on his chest. "Don't ever come near me or my child again."

She backed off and let Danny take over.

He heaved Evan up and socked him. "You good, Linds?" he asked.

She nodded.

"Alright then. Get inside. I'll work with this guy."

She smiled and went in the apartment.

"Shut the door," Danny called.

She locked it behind her. Danny grinned at Evan. "So tell me – whatcha think you're doin' here?"

"I missed her."

"Well you ain't gonna see her again. Ever. And if you make one more snappy little remark about my kid, I'll kill you."

When Flack came jogging out of the stairwell, Danny was already frog-marching a severely wounded Evan to the exit.

"He OK?" Flack asked, grinning as he saw the blood running from Evan's nose and the gash above his forehead.

"He's good," Danny shrugged, and handed him over.

"Long time no see, Watts," Flack said happily as he cuffed Evan. "I'll take this guy to the station. You two should get some rest."

Danny nodded and headed inside.