I'll hold your hand while you walk through hell-part 2

I'll hold your hand while you walk through hell-part 2

Disclaimer-I don't own CSI, anything related to it or the songs in this story. I'm a poor college senior in the mid-west. CBS will get nothing if they sue me for copyright infringement other than my ten year old cat and she's very hateful…so they can have her I suppose.

Summary-What happens when a past you don't know about comes back to haunt you? When Jenna is attacked and Katie is kidnapped it's up to Greg and the other CSI's to figure out why. When they uncover something that Jenna's family has hidden for years it leads to huge shock for Greg and another CSI.


May 2008

Greg flipped through his cell phone and found the picture of Katie and Jenna that he had taken earlier that night. That could be the last photo you'll ever have of them, spoke up a little voice in the back of his mind. Shut up.

"This is the most recent picture I have of Katie. I have a safe kit for her at home, I could…." Brass took the phone from him and looked at it.

"We'll get this out to press and on an Amber Alert ASAP. I'll send a uniform to get the Safe Kit. We're gonna find her Greg." Brass patted the younger man on the shoulder and left the hospital. Greg sat down in the chair and put his head in his hands. I just saw them both less than five hours ago. We were talking about what we wanted to do for Katie's 1st birthday. I watched them getting ready to go with Catherine and Lindsey to the opening of the Eclipse. I told Jenna I loved her and I watched Katie while she was holding on to the coffee table and she was trying to wobble walk. God what happened…whoever did this…I'll kill them, hurting Jenna was one thing, but Katie… she's just a baby. Please let her be ok.

Greg sighed and wished the doctor would hurry up and tell him what was going on with Jenna, no one was telling him anything definite yet about her condition. All he knew was that she was in critical condition, that she was in surgery and that she had lost a lot of blood due to being stabbed.

God how am I going to tell Jenna that Katie's missing? God I gotta call her mom and her family. He wondered if Jenna had gone through this overwhelming sense of panic when he had been attacked. Catherine came and sat next to him, she was wearing a pair of hospital scrubs, her hair was pulled back and she seemed to have aged ten years since he saw her a few hours ago when she met Jenna at the house.

"Greg…I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, you couldn't have seen this happening," Before Greg could continue Catherine wiped her eyes and tried not to cry.

"Lindsey and I were only gone ten minutes. We went to go get some coffee from Starbucks, I lied to her Greg I told her that her baby was ok and that everything was ok.


"Oh come here Katie-monster," said Jenna. Catherine watched the baby lighting crawl to her mother and start to babble at her.

"Ah mama mama mama!" Katie used Jenna's skirt to pull herself up and she held on to the skirt so she could stand up and she gave her mother a huge grin. Catherine could see Greg Sanders in her and she couldn't help but laugh at her. Jenna picked her up and hugged the little girl.

"Did Katie have fun tonight with Lindsey?" Lindsey got up from the sofa and started to pick up a pizza boxes and assorted baby toys.

"She's such a good baby."

"Well thank you for watching her, normally her grandma would but she wasn't feeling good tonight. So how did you like playing nanny in one of the hottest hotels in the biggest suite in Las Vegas?" asked Jenna.

"It was sweet; I can't wait to tell people that I was hanging out in the Eclipse in one of coolest suites in the world." Katie started to mutter at Jenna again and Jenna rubbed her back.

"Bah bah! Mamama!"

"Oh is it sleepy time baby? I wish it was sleepy time for me," said Jenna yawning.

"I think a coffee run is in order. There's a Starbucks downstairs, open twenty four hours," said Catherine helping Lindsey pick up the junk food cartons. Jenna picked up a diaper bag and went to go to the bathroom.

"Could you get me a Mocha Frappuccino thing?" asked Jenna getting a pair of pj's out.

"Sure. Lindsey you want to help me carry the order up?"

"Why not." Lindsey tossed a pizza box in the trash and followed her mother to the elevator and downstairs.

"So you think babysitting is a career you want to get into?" asked Catherine.

"Only if they are as well behaved as Katie, which I doubt," said Lindsey. They went over to Starbucks and placed coffee orders and Catherine got some slices of cheesecake to go.

"Didn't you eat at the party?" asked Lindsey.

"Not with every Tom, Dick and Harry in Vegas wanting to talk to me about your grandfather and the casino. I'm starving; you have any of that pizza left?"


"And you wonder why I can't afford to buy you a car; you're going to eat me out of house and home." The two took the elevator back up and headed back to the suite. "I would kill to have your metabolism again if I could…" Catherine stopped herself and she stopped Lindsey. "Go back downstairs, get security, and have them call PD."

"Mom what's wrong!"

"Just do it!" snapped Catherine. Lindsey dropped the coffee and ran back to elevator. Catherine wished she had her gun right now; she looked at the suite door that was ajar and noticed the blood on the floor. She dropped the cake and headed carefully into the suite. It looked like a bomb had gone off in here, the coffee table was smashed, chairs were overturned, there was broken glass and flowers on the floor and blood was on the table and counter. Oh god!

"Jenna…Jenna." She headed into the main area and almost screamed. Jenna was lying on the floor, covered in cuts and bruises and was bleeding from her abdomen. Catherine ran over to her and grabbed a towel from the counter to help stop the bleeding.

"Katie," she croaked.

"Katie's fine, it's going to be alright," said Catherine. She spotted the play pen was overturned and there was no sign of the baby in the room.

"She was crying…I…" Jenna's eyes started to roll up and Catherine shook her.

"Come on, stay with me. Tell me what happened?"

"Door…someone was at the door…I put Katie…where is she?" The towel was soaked and Catherine took off her jacket and used to try to stop the bleeding.

"Ok, Jen just stay with me! Everything is going to be just fine."

"It hurts..." Jenna started to black out and Catherine shook her awake.

"You got to stay with me. Did you see who did this? Tell me what he looked like." Jenna shook her head.

"Flowers…in…couldn't see anything." Security came in and called for an ambulance. They quickly locked the hotel and casino down and calls were made to the police and Catherine started barking orders at security to not touch anything and to get records of who made deliveries and that she wanted video of the last hour inside and outside the hotel. The EMT's carefully pushed Catherine to the side and treated Jenna so she could be moved. She was having trouble breathing and they got an oxygen mask on her. Catherine followed them down to the ambulance and Jenna started trying to say something. Catherine ordered the EMT to take the mask off so she could talk. Please honey give us a clue something to work with.

"Tell my mom to take care of Greg and Katie…please." Catherine squeezed the young woman's hand.

"You're going to be fine…" Jenna started to wheeze again and the mask went back on and she was in the ambulance and gone before Catherine could do anything.


After spending nearly ten years as a crime scene investigator you think the sight of human blood wouldn't get to him, Nick sighed and studied the room around him that was in shambles. It's different when the person it belongs to lives across the street, when you work with the victim's family; you've been in their home and are pretty much family for all intents and purposes.

He looked over to the over turned playpen and clicked some photos of it. The sheets on it were green and he remembered giving them to Jenna and Greg at a baby shower. Who ever did is going to suffer when I get my hands on them.

"They got the search dogs here, do we have something of Katie's here for them to use for scent?" asked Warrick. Nick nodded and he turned the crib over and he found Katie's white bear, he remembered her playing with it when he and the other team members were eating at Greg and Jenna's house a few weeks ago.

"Here, try the plushie."

"Yeah she probably has it with her all the time." Warrick took the bear and looked around the room and shook his head. "You gonna be ok?"

"I'll be alright when we find Katie and who did this to Jenna."

"Me too." Warrick left the room and Nick turned the crib back over to the position he found it in and clicked some pictures of it. Yeah I'll be ok when we get this bastard.


"I want you to know that the lab and PD has no other case tonight than this one Gil," said Ecklie and has they walked to Grissom's office.

"Sure the Under sheriff is alright with that. He hates Greg." Grissom's mind was trying to stay focused on the task at hand and that was finding the missing eleven month old who was also his goddaughter.

"He doesn't hate Greg, but Gil we have to play this careful in the press. A lot of people are still pissed about Demetrius James and they'll think we're handling this differently than other missing person case because she's the daughter of an officer."

"Right now Conrad I don't care what the press thinks, my concern is for a mother who was nearly killed tonight and her missing daughter. I'm going through Greg's cases and his jacket and if I feel the need to talk to the James family about this I will, but I don't think they have anything to do with this." Conrad sighed.

"Can you and your team handle this? She's not just a missing kid, she's your god daughter and she's the daughter of one of your team members."

"I want this case." Grissom walked into his office and slammed the door in Ecklie's face. Ecklie sighed and went to talk to McKeen and the sheriff about how to handle the media circus that was going to happen.


"Greg," said Ronnie. He looked up and saw her standing there holding brown paper evidence bags and she looked really nervous. "Tate is going to come out later and ask you some more questions but before I take the evidence back to the lab I need to ask if you and Jenna have been intimate recently? So DNA reads the rape kit right?"

"You did a rape kit on her?" asked Greg horrified at the thought that someone could have done that to her.

"It's standard, you know that," she said softly, he nodded and sighed.

"Yeah, this morning."

"Ok, we have your DNA on file so I won't need a sample from you. I'm going to take this back to the lab. She's going to be ok, a doctor should be out to see you in minute," Ronnie took the bags and left the hospital. Greg fell back into his chair and shook his head.

"Greg I didn't see anything there to suggest that happened to her," said Catherine. A small condolence considering she was almost killed and our daughter is missing. He let out a bitter laugh.

"You know it's silly really Jenna didn't like Ronnie when she first met her, she was jealous of her. Thought Ronnie was flirting me; I told her she was silly…I can't believe I'm even thinking about that right now." God let her be ok.