Guess you guys are busy huh? Yeah I was just bored. No one seems to want to chat. Here it is guys. Enjoy.

(Amy! Amy wake up!)

(She can't hear you faker!) Shadow neighed at the blue horse.

(Well wake her up!)

(I can't) Shadow growled. Or tried to at least.

"Ohhh. Sonic? Sonic I thought you were a –gasp-!" Amy said sitting up.

(Finally! Girl you got me worried!) Sonic neighed nudging her head.

"Sonic! You idiot! What's wrong with you!" Amy yelled.

(Man Ames! Accidents happen.) The blue horse said rolling his eyes.

(Oh no, no, no. This…this is an accident.) Shadow picked up his back hoof and kicked Sonic. The blue horse went down.

(Hey! Take this!)

The horses started to fight violently. Biting and kicking each other hard.

"Stop it! Stop it right now!" Amy said rushing up to them. Sonic fell on his back with Shadow's hoof on his chest.

Shadow went up on his hind legs and neighed with anger.

"Shadow no!" Amy screamed. She turned and saw the stones.

"Oh man. I hope this is temporary!" She touched the stones and a bright light came around her. In an instant a pink horse came into view. She charged and hit Shadow.



(Yeah it's me! Now stop!) The pink horse neighed. Both males looked at the female. She looked very pretty and Shadow almost fell over in awh.

(Dang girl! You are hot!) Sonic neighed. Amy looked at him and frowned. Shadow kicked Sonic again to shut him up.

(Owww! What the freak! What did I say!) The blue horse neighed.

(Smart aleck!) Shadow neighed.

(I didn't do anything!) Sonic said in defense.

(Stop it guys! Now how do we change back?) Amy neighed.

(Well how about we find the other stones and see from there.) Sonic growled at Shadow.

(Fine. Shadow you stay near me. Sonic you go off on your own for a bit and see what you can find.) Amy said taking charge.

(Yes sir.) Sonic said putting his hoof near his head as a joke.

(Sonic!) Amy yelled or neighed.

(What! Why does everyone seem to have the need to yell at me?!) The blue horse frowned.

(Just go!) Shadow neighed. He stood on his hind legs and kicked them around to show he meant business.

(Fine! Fine I'll go! Dang! Horse or not you're still the shallow hedgehog you once were.) Sonic smirked.

(You did not just call me shallow!)

(If by shallow you mean me standing in a puddle of you and not getting me feet wet? Then yes Shadow. You are shallow.) Sonic laughed. (phrase from Danny Phantom)

(Why you! Son of a...) "Neigh!" Shadow charged at Sonic and Sonic put his head down like a bull ready to charge. He used his hoof to move some dirt back ready to charge. Shadow stopped running and did the same.

(Boys stop it!) Amy neighed.

(A-hole!) Sonic growled.

(Jack-A!) Shadow growled

(Jerk off.) Shadow puffed.

(Pack mule!) Sonic sounded in neighs.

(Your mother!) Shadow laughed.

(What!) Sonic yelled out in anger.

(You heard me mama's boy!) Shadow laughed.

(Fine if my mother is a pack mule then your mother…)

(I don't have a mother.) Shadow rolled his eyes.

(So?) Sonic said seeing he has nothing now.

(Slow poke!) Shadow laughed.

(Slow poke! Slow poke! Shut up you snail!) Sonic growled.

(Is that the best you got!?) Shadow laughed.

(I um I…ohh! Take this!) Sonic charged and Shadow did too.

(Stop!) Amy yelled at them. The boys were head to head like deer.

Shadow was pushing Sonic back and Sonic was doing the same to Shadow.

(Stop it!) Amy said going up to them.

(Stay out of it!) Sonic neighed.

(You can't talk to me like that!) Amy rammed Sonic and he lost his balance. He put his head up and Shadow charged hitting Sonic in his neck. The blue horse neighed and fell. He hit his head on a stone that was on the floor and he didn't get up.



The two horses went up to the blue male and saw blood. Amy backed away and looked at Shadow. The fully black and red horse walked around to Sonic's head and saw a nasty gash on his head. Shadow frowned and lifted Sonic up. He moved around a bit and the blue horse was now on the black one's back.

(Amy move!) Shadow yelled running fast. Amy caught up. They were headed back home. Sonic needed help. They forgot one thing though. The stones.

Short I know but the suspense was too much to pass up! Sorry. A review would let me know you want more.