Hi! Well this is my first fan-fic so I hope it's not too bad. Please comment with ANYTHING.
Thanks, AwayFromHere.

The Dream:

Chapter I

Edward, in his usual breathtaking grace, jumped through my window, crossed the floor in two paces and kissed me lightly, hands on my waist.

"Hello beautiful, I missed you." He said, smiling.

"Me too." I mumbled into his chest.

We stood like that for a long time, but as usual, not long enough. All too soon, Edward heard Charlie come up the stairs to make sure I was asleep. I dove into bed, Edward vanishing. I pulled the covers over myself, rolled so my back was to the door, and closed my eyes, just as Charlie opened the door. I tried to breathe evenly, concentrating hard on the darkness behind my eyelids. Eventually Charlie shut the door, and I heard him move on to his room at the end of the hall. I heard Edward laugh, as he suddenly appeared out of the darkness and climbed into bed with me.

"What?" I asked, smiling up at him.

"You really are a bad actress, you know?" He said jokingly. "No one sleeps with their eyes cemented shut."

"Humph!" I hit him lightly on the shoulder and moved closer to him.

"Sleep now my Bella, you've got finals tomorrow"

"Ugh. Even if I sleep for 1000 hours I'm still going to fail" and it doesn't matter anyways, I thought to myself. I'd be with Edward for the rest of forever; there would always be time to do these things later.

As though he could read my thoughts he said; "School is important Bella, it's quintessentially human. You'll thank me one day, and University will be a good experience for you."

"Sure, sure." I said.

I sighed: school. It just seemed so intensely trivial to me—most human things did these days—in comparison to what would happen after graduation, when my new life could finally begin. It seemed important to Edward though, so I had studied for finals like a good girl.

He laughed softly, and started singing my lullaby. As though it triggered some sort of sleep medication embedded in my brain, my eyelids immediately started to droop.

"OK, fine." I said sleepily, "I will go to sleep."

Edward laughed again, softly as to not break his humming, and stroked my hair.

I fell asleep.