What a small world is really all I could think. I always knew something was strange about him but I was unsure of what that trait could possibly be. I mean he seemed normal, fun, and he had a good sense of charm but once I came to think of it he seemed like he was faking it all as though just to say he wanted and emotion a feeling. I had once known how it felt to have such feelings, but once I seen Cody do all those terrible things to animals, that I had helped him capture I grew emotionless and really even heartless some would say. Yet at this moment all I had to say was that I was highly serious when I said" He's mine."

Dexter and Cody merely gave me an oxymoronic expression, I was expecting that of course. It was Cody's birthday but it toyed with me to know that the pray was right in front of my freckled covered nose. I put a lock of my red hair behind my ear surprised that none of the two had spoken yet.

"When are we going Dexter?" I asked now more apathetically anxious then ever, I mean it was truly sad how much more enthusiastic I had become after finding out it was Josiah. My hands were still on the file and I scanned through the pictures once more. "Also how about before we slice and dice I think we should make him suffer the way those girls did."

I knew at this moment that the Darkpassanger was showing in my eyes now, because Cody merely squinted as I spoke my words. He knew that I was ready maybe even more ready then himself. For him it seemed like a change in events as though for once in my life I was going to be his actual older sister and not just the person who sat and watched as her brother had a bit of fun. No, now I was going to have a little bit of fun on my own, I was going to be on his side helping instead of watching. I was going to do what I was told just to make myself feel better.

Dexter's eyes scanned me for a moment before arching his eyebrow and asking, "Astor are you all right? I mean I was merely going to help you two with your first kill but presuming you seem highly enthusiastic about tonight I might just have to watch you and Cody do as you please,"

Cody gave me a smile and it read everything that I could possibly want to hear, but then of course I looked to Dexter for guidenss I didn't want to do it alone. This was our first prey and we needed Dexter. So I made a serious expression at Cody, "We need your help, as much as this sounds enthusiastic I can't it wouldn't be right and as much as I'd hate to say it…that would be a mistake."

Cody was of course quiet, he normally was and it really wasn't much of a disguise. "Anyways I have to be home on time, I do have to go to school…learn the basics of police work." A smile grew on my face as I thought of the past, the job seemed so normal a police officer like my aunt Debbie. Ever since I saw that gun of hers I'd always wanted to do the job it was like it was screaming my name.

Dexter then nodded, "So we'll be off?"

I nodded as I picked up a picture of a girl, the poor poor girl. She didn't disserve the punishment she received but oh Josiah definitely was.

Ooc: Sorry I haven't writen..I'll put up the next chapter by next week..It won't take forever I promise.